Книга: Ragdoll
Назад: Chapter Thirty-Seven
Дальше: Author Q & A with Daniel Cole

I’m bound to forget someone and offend them, but here goes …

RAGDOLL wouldn’t exist without a long list of very nice and talented people working incredibly hard to get it out into the world.

From Orion, I’d like to thank Ben Willis, Alex Young, Katie Espiner, David Shelley, Jo Carpenter, Rachael Hum, Ruth Sharvell, Sidonie Beresford-Browne, Kati Nicholl, Jenny Page and Clare Sivell. (I haven’t forgotten you, Sam – you get a special mention at the end.)

From Conville & Walsh, I’d like to thank my friends Emma, Alexandra, Alexander and Jake as well as Dorcas and Tracy, who go above and beyond to look after me.

My family – Ma, Ossie, Melo, Bob, B, and KP for all of their help and support.

A very special thank you to the ‘curiously omnipresent’ force of nature that is my incredible editor Sam Eades, for her relentless enthusiasm and for having such belief in something I wrote.

And an equally special thank you to my friend and confidante Sue Armstrong (she’s also my agent), who picked RAGDOLL up off the slush pile, and without whom this book would probably still be collecting dust under my bed with everything else I’d ever written until I was fortunate enough to meet her. A very special lady.

Finally, thanks to everyone else who has worked on the book in the UK and publishing teams all over the world, and everyone who has taken the time to read it when there are so many incredible books out there you could have been reading instead.

OK, I’m done.

Daniel Cole

Назад: Chapter Thirty-Seven
Дальше: Author Q & A with Daniel Cole