Книга: Третий рейх. Дни войны. 1939-1945
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Dear (ed.), The Oxford Companion to World War II, 148-149; Smith, Mussolini, 308.


Clark, Modern Italy, 286.


Smith, Mussolini, 310-311; Dear (ed.), The Oxford Companion to World War II, 245-247.


Bernd Stegemann, ‘The Italo-German Conduct of War in the Mediterranean and North Africa’, in GSWW III. 643-754, at 673-680.


Halder, Kriegstagebuch, II. 377 (23 April 1941), III. 48 (6 July 1941).


Tooze, The Wages of Destruction, 381-382.


Dear (ed.), The Oxford Companion to World War II, 744-745; Schreiber, ‘Germany’, 305-448, Wfeinberg, A World at Arms, 195-196; Jürgen Förster, ‘Germany’s Acquisition of Allies in South-east Europe’, in GSWW IV. 386-428, at 386; Friedlander, The Years of Extermination, 166-169; Randolph L. Braham (ed.), The Tragedy of Romanian Jewry (New York, 1994); Mihail Sebastian, * Voller Entsetzen, aber nicht verzweifelt’: Tagebücher 1935—1944 (Edward Kanterian, Berlin, 2005). О румынском фашизме и антисемитизме, см. Leon Vblovici, Nationalist Ideology and Antisemitism: The Case of Romanian Intellectuals in the 1930s (Oxford, 1991) (esp. Stephen Fischer-Galati, ‘The Legacy of AntiSemitism’, 1-28); Stanley G. Päyne, A History of Fascism 1914—1945 (London, 1995), 134-138, 391-397; серьезное исследование в Keith Hitchins, Rumania 1866—1945/ (Oxford, 1994), 376-471 (esp. 451-471). Самый авторитетный на сегодняшний день труд об Антонеску: Dennis Deletant, Hitler’s Forgotten Ally: Ion Antonescu and His Regime, Romania 1940—1944 (London, 2006).
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