Книга: Третий рейх. Зарождение империи. 1920-1933
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Peukert, Jugend, 251-84; Eve Rosenhaft, 'The Unemployed in the Neighbourhood: Social Dislocation and Political Mobilisation in Germany 1929-33' in Evans and Geary (eds.), The German Unemployed, 194–217, at 209-11; ‘Organising the “Lumpenproletariat”: Cliques and Communists in Berlin during the Weimar Republic’ in Richard J. Evans (ed.), The German Working Class 1888–1933: The Politics of Everyday Life (London, 1982), 174–219; ‘Links gleich rechts? Militante Strassengewalt um 1930’ in Thomas Lindenberger and Alf Lüdtke (eds.), Physische Gewalt: Studien zur Geschichte der Neuzeit (Frankfurt am Main, 1995), 239-75; Hellmut Lessing and Manfred Liebel, Wilde Cliquen: Szenen einer anderen Arbeiterbewegung (Bensheim, 1981).
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