Книга: Третий рейх. Зарождение империи. 1920-1933
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Alfred Rosenberg, Selected Writings (ed. Robert Pois, London, 1970); Fest, The Face, 247-58; Walter Laqueur, Russia and Germany: A Century of Conflict (London, 1965), 55–61, 116-17, 148-53; Adolf Hitler, Hitler's Table Talk 1941–1944: His Private Conversations (London, 1973 [1953]), 422-6; Norman Cohn, Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World — Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (London, 1967), c. 187–237; Reinhard Bollmus, ‘Alfred Rosenberg: National Socialism's “Chief Ideologue”’ в Smelser and Zitelman (eds.), The Nazi Elite, 183-93; Robert Cecil, The Myth of the Master Race: Alfred Rosenberg and Nazi Ideology (London, 1972). Thomas Klepsch, Nationalsozialistische Ideologic. Eine Beschreibung ihrer Struktur vor 1933 (Mbnster, 1990). См. также прекрасную подборку фрагментов разных идеологических формулировок нацистов: Barbara Miller Lane and Leila J. Rupp (eds.), Nazi Ideology before 1933: A Documentation (Manchester, 1978).
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