Книга: Третий рейх. Зарождение империи. 1920-1933
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См.: Nitschke et al. (eds.) Jahrhundertwende; о «моральной панике» в вильгельмовский период см.: Richard J. Evans, Tales from the German Underworld: Crime and Punishment in the Nineteenth Century (London, 1998), 166–212; Gary Stark, ‘Pornography, Society and the Law in Imperial Germany’, Central European History, 14 (1981), 200-20; Bram Dijkstra, Idols of Perversity: Fantasies of Female Evil in Fin — de — Siecle Culture (New York, 1986); Robin Lenman, ‘Art, Society and the Law in Wilhelmine Germany: The Lex Heinze’, Oxford German Studies, 8 (1973), 86-113; Matthew Jefferies, Imperial Culture in Germany, 1871–1918 (London, 2003); о веймарской культуре см.: Peukert, The Weimar Republic, 164-77.
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