Книга: Третий Рейх. Дни Триумфа. 1933-1939
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Yehuda Bauer, My Brother’s Keeper: A History of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee 1929 — 1939 (Philadelphia, Pa., 1974); Louise London, «Jewish Refugees, Anglo-Jewry and British Government Policy», in David Cesarani (ed.), The Making of Modem Anglo-Jewry (Oxford, 1990), 163-90; Bernard Wasserstein, «Patterns of Jewish Leadership in Great Britain during the Nazi Era», in Randolph L. Braham (ed.), Jewish Leadership during the Nazi Era: Patterns of Behavior in the Free Wbrld (New York, 1985), 29-43. Richard Bolchover, British Jewry and the Holocaust (Cambridge, 1993), страстное, но одностороннее обвинение.
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