Книга: Третий Рейх. Дни Триумфа. 1933-1939
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Hohne, The Order, 124-8.


Там же, 121-32.


Там же, 131-6; Josef Ackermann, Heinrich Himmler als Ideologe (Gottingen, 1970) 253-4.


Hans Peter Bleuel, Strength Through Joy: Sex and Society in Nazi Germany (London, 1973 [1972]), 199.


Gunnar С. Bohnert, «An Analysis of the Age and Education of the SS Fuhrerkorps 1925 — 1939», Historical Social Research, 12 (1979), 4-17; Friedrich Zipfel, «Gestapo and SD: A Sociographic Profile of the Organisers of the Terror», in Stein U. Larsen et al. (eds.), Who Were the Fascists? Social Roots of European Fascism (Bergen, 1980), 301-11.
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