Книга: Метрополис. Город как величайшее достижение цивилизации
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Scott R. Loss, Tom Will, Sara S. Loss and peter M. Marra, ‘Bird-Building Collisions in the United States: estimates of annual mortality and species vulnerability’, The Condor, 116:1 (February 2014), 8–23; Kyle G Horton et al., ‘Bright Lights in the Big Cities: migra-tory birds’ exposure to artificial light’, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 17:4 (May 2019), 209–14; Laurel E. K. Serieys, Amanda Lea, John P. Pollinger, Seth P. D. Riley and Robert K. Wayne, ‘Disease and Freeways Drive Genetic Change in Urban Bobcat Populations’, Evolutionary Applications, 8:1 (January 2015), 75–92.
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