Книга: Метрополис. Город как величайшее достижение цивилизации
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Ibid., pp. 35ff, 50, 54.


Thomas. W. Killion, ‘Nonagricultural cultivation and social complexity: the Olmec, their ancestors, and Mexico’s Southern Gulf Coast lowlands’, Current Anthropology, 54:5 (October 2013), 569–606; Andrew Lawler, ‘Beyond the Family Feud’, Archaeology, 60:2 (March/April 2007), 20–5; Charles Higham, ‘East Asian agriculture and its impact’, in Christopher Scarre (ed.), The Human Past: world prehistory and the development of human societies (London, 2005), pp. 234–63; Roderick J. McIntosh, ‘Urban clusters in China and Africa: the arbitration of social ambiguity’, Journal of Field Archaeology, 18:2 (Summer 1991), 199–212.
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