Книга: Воды мира. Как были разгаданы тайны океанов, атмосферы, ледников и климата нашей планеты
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Spencer Weart, «The Rise of Interdisciplinary Climate Science,» PNAS 110 (2013): 3658.


Wallace Broecker, «Absolute Dating and the Astronomical Theory of Glaciation,» Science 151 (1966): 299–304.


Wallace Broecker, «The Carbon Cycle and Climate Change: Memoirs of My 60 Years in Science,» Geochemical Perspectives 1 (2012): 276–277; Wallace Broecker, «When Climate Change Predictions Are Right for the Wrong Reasons,» Climatic Change 142 (2017): 1–6; Wallace Broecker, The Great Ocean Conveyor: Discovering the Trigger for Abrupt Climate Change (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010), 19–25.
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