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1 Reminiscences of H. A. Wallace, kept in the Office of Oral History of Columbia University, p. 1677.

2 Charles Bohlen. Witness to History, 1929–1969. New York: Norton, 1973, 20.

3 George F. Kennan. Introduction to: Orwille H. Bullitt. For the President. Personal and Secret. Correspondence between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt. Ed. by Orville H. Bullitt. New York: Houghton, 1972 (далее цитируется как FTP), XV.

4 Through the History of the Cold War. The Correspondence between George F. Kennan and John Lucacs. Philadelphia: University of Pennsilvania Press, 2010, 71.

5 Ibid.

6 Orwille H. Bullitt. For the President. Personal and Secret. With an Introduction by George F. Kennan. Correspondence between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt. Ed. by Orville H. Bullitt. New York, Boston: Houghton, 1972 (далее цитируется как FTP), XI.

7 Документы Буллита в Библиотеке Стерлинга Йейльского университета (BC) здесь и далее цитируются по номеру фонда, серии, ящика, папки: 112/III/141/103.

8 Steven Watts. The People’s Tycoon: Henry Ford and the American Century. London: Vintage, 2007, 228–240.

9 Michael CasellaBlackburn. The Donkey, the Carrot, and the Club. William C. Bulllitt and SovietAmerican Relations, 1917–1948. Praeger: Westport, Conn.: 2004, 13.

10 Ernesta Drinker Bullitt. An Uncensored Diary from the Central Empires. New York, 1917, 161, 189, 163, 26, 92.

11 William C. Bullitt. It’s not Done. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1926, 253–254.

12 George F. Kennan. SovietAmerican Relations, 1917–1920. Princeton, 1956, v. 1, 14–16;

CasellaBlackburn. The Donkey, 16–17.

13 Sigmund Freud, William C. Bullitt. Thomas Woodrow Wilson. A Psychological Study. London: Weidenfeld, 1967, 151 (далее цитируется как FBWW).

14 Ibid, 132.

15 John Lewis Gaddis, George F. Kennan. An American Life. New York: Penguin, 2012, 111–114.

16 Запись Буллитом его беседы с Лансингом после отставки, 19 мая 1919, BC 112/II/110/376.

17 James Srodes. On Dupont Circle. Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt and the Progressives who Shaped our World. Berkeley: Counterpont, 2012, 54

18 Walter Lippmann, Charles Merz. A Test of the News. A Supplement to The New Republic, 4 August 1920, p. 3.

19 Walter Lippmann. Public Opinion. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1922.

20 Ann Douglas. Terrible Honesty: Mongrel Manhattan in the 1920's. New York: Farrar, 1995.

21 William C. Bullitt. How We Won the War and Lost the Peace. Life, № 25 (30 August 1948).

22 Beatrice Farnsworth. William C. Bullitt and the Soviet Union. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1967, 13.

23 Lippmann. Public Opinion, 134.

24 FTP, 3.

25 Ibid, xi.

26 Ibid, 3.

27 Justin Kaplan. Lincoln Steffens. New York: Simon, Schuster, 2004.

28 Memorandum from 25 November 1918, 112/II/107/321.

29 John Maynard Keynes. The Economic Consequences of the Peace. New York: Skyhorse, 2007, 12, 130.

30 BC 112/II/107/320.

31 Буллит позднее зачитывал записи с этого заседания на сенатском Комитете по внешним сношениям: The Bullitt’s Mission in Russia. New York: Huebsch, 1919 (далее BMR).

32 BC 112/II/110/381.

33 BC 112/II/107/329.

34 FBWW, 220.

35 Kennan. SovietAmerican Relations, 80.

36 Lincoln Steffens. Autobiography. New York: Heyday, 2005, 799.

37 FBWW, 213.

38 BC 112/II/107/334.

39 BMR, 11.

40 FBWW, 227.

41 FTP, 9.

42 FBWW, 224.

43 BMR, 74–75.

44 Keynes. The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 153.

45 Ibid, 29.


47 Keynes, 21.

48 BMR, 79.

49 Ibid, 92.

50 Ibid, 83.

51 BC 112/II/107/327.

52 George F. Kennan. Introduction, in: FTP, XV–XVI.

53 Далее цитируется по изданию: William C. Bullitt. It's Not Done. New York: Harcourt, 1926.

54 FTP, 13.

55 Ralph G. Martin. Cissy: The Extraordinary Life of Eleanor Medill Patterson. Simon and Schuster, 1979, 283.

56 Ibid, 279.

57 FTP, XI.

58 FTP, XV.


60 Mary V. Dearborn. Queen of Bohemia: The Life of Louise Bryant. Boston: Houghton, 1996, 227.

61 Dennis Dunn. Caught Between Roosevelt and Stalin. America’s Ambassadors in Moscow. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1998, 22.

62 Howard Reed. Turkey and Her Nationalist Leaders as Seen in the 1923 Reports by Louise Bryant, in: Studies in Ataturk's Turkey: The American Dimension, edited by George Sellers Harris, Bilge Criss. Leiden, 2009: Brill, 83–96.

63 Dearborn. Queen of Bohemia, 241.

64 BC 112/I/11/237.


66 Ibid, XIII.

67 Mark Solms. Freud and Bullitt: An Unknown Manuscipt. Journal of American Psychoanalytic Association, 54, 2006, 1263–1298.

68 Ibid.

69 Ibid.

70 Erik Erikson. The Strange Case of Freud, Bullitt, and Woodrow Wilson. The New York Review of Books, 9 February 1967.

71 FBWW. 224.

72 Ibid, IX.

73 Ibid, 57–60.

74 Ibid, 5, 36–37.

75 Ibid, 167–170.

76 Ibid, 83.

77 Keynes, 23.

78 John Lewis Gaddis, George F. Kennan. An American Life. New York: Penguin, 2011, 59.

79 Ibid, 59, 113.

80 Ibid, 90, 227.

81 Ibid, 100.

82 BC 112/1/2/41.

83 Look, October 10, 1950.

84 Йордан Баев и Костадин Грозев. Българинъ Джордж: Одисея в два свята. София: Труд, 2008.

85 FTP, 19–20.

86 Ibid, 59.

87 Reminiscences of J. P. Warburg. Office of Oral History, p. 893 and 429.

88 Tim Tzouliadis. The Forsaken. An American Tragedy in Stalin’s Russia. New York: Penguin, 2008.

89 FTP, 76.

90 Isabella Ginor, Gideon Remez, Her Son, The Atomic Scientist: Mirra Birens, Yuli Khariton, And Max Eitingon's Services For The Soviets, Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 11/1, 2012; Изабелла Гинор, Гидеон Ремез. Гипотезы становятся выводами: новое о Максе Эйтингоне и его связях с Советским Союзом // Неприкосновенный запас, 2013, 5/91.

91 FTP, 38.

92 FTP, 58.

93 Reminiscences of H. A. Wallace, p. 2057.

94 Allen Weinstein, Alexander Vassiliev. The Haunted Wood. Soviet Espionage in America – the Stalin Era. New York: Random House, 1999, 37.

95 Peter Rand. Conspiracy of One: Tyler Kent's Secret Plot against FDR, Churchill, and the Allied War Effort. Globe Pequot, 2013, 19.

96 FTP, XV.

97 Ibid, 64.

98 Ibid, 67–71.

99 Costglilola. Roosevelt’s Lost Alliances, 268.

100 FTP, 66–69.

101 Ibid, 63.

102 Ibid, 81.

103 Lawrence J. Spinetta. White vs. LeMay: The Battle Over Ballistic Missiles. Air Force Magazine, 2013, № 1.

104 George Kennan. Memoirs 1925–1950. New York: Pantheon, 1983, 79–81.

105 Ibid, 59.

106 BC 122/I/44/1060.

107 Kennan. Memoirs, 67–70.

108 Gaddis. George F. Kennan, 201, 211.

109 Ibid, 214.

110 Will Brownell, Richard Billings. So Close to Greatness: The Biography of William C. Bullitt. New York: Macmillan, 1988, 183.

111 FTP, 75.

112 Charles W. Thayer. Bears in the Caviar. New York: Lippincott, 1950.

113 FTP, 148.

114 Ibid, 83.

115 Doris Kearns Goodwin. No Ordinary Time. Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II, 155.

116 Costigliola. Roosevelt’s Lost Alliances, 75.

117 Ibid, 273.

118 Ch. W. Thayer. Diplomat. New York: Harper, 1959, p. 230.

119 Reminiscences of H. A. Wallace, p. 1677.

12 °Costigliola. Roosevelt’s Lost Alliances, 268–269.

121 Charles Bouhlen. Witness to History, 1929–1969. New York: Norton, 1973, 20.

122 Costigliola. Roosevelt’s Lost Alliances, 267.

123 Bouhlen. Witness to History, 23.

124 Ibid, 20.

125 Costigliola. Roosevelt’s Lost Alliances, 267.

126 Ibid, 271.

127 William C. Bullitt. The Great Globe Itself. New York: Scribner, 1946, 76.

128 BC 112/I/58/1431.

129 FTP, 215.

130 Thayer. Bears in the Caviar, 165.

131 George F. Kennan. The Kennan Diaries. Edited by Frank Costigliola. New York, 2014, 93.

132 FTP, 116–117.

133 Письмо Джорджа Кеннана Л. Паршину от 7 сентября 1982 г. // Леонид Паршин. Чертовщина в американском посольстве в Москве, или 13 загадок Михаила Булгакова. М.: Книжная палата, 1991, с. 116.

134 Thayer. Bears in the Caviar, 156.

135 Дневник Елены Булгаковой. М.: Книжная палата, 1990, с. 95 (далее ДЕБ).

136 Thayer. Bears in the Caviar, 158.

137 ДЕБ, с. 48–49.

138 Thayer. Bears in ihe Caviar.

139 ДЕБ, с. 68.

140 Там же, с. 113, 114, 118.

141 FBWW, 71.

142 ДЕБ, с. 92 – 103.

143 Bouhlen. Witness to History, 21.

144 ДЕБ, с. 92, 107, 113–114.

145 Там же, с. 117–118, 165.

146 Цит. по: М. Чудакова. Жизнеописание Михаила Булгакова. М.: Книга, 1988. с. 164.

147 Farnsworth. William C. Bullitt and the Soviet Union, p. 153.

148 Brownell, Billings. So Close to the Greatness, 186.

149 Thayer. Bears in the Caviar, 56.

150 FTP, 108.

151 Ibid, 123.

152 Ibid, 151.

153 Ibid, 116, 150.

154 BC 112/2/1/41.

155 BC 112/2/135/918.

156 Life, 30 August 1948.

157 FTP, 202.

158 FTP, 282.

159 Charles Glass. Americans in Paris. Life and Death under American Occupation. New York: Harper, 2009, 168.

160 FTP, 267.

161 Ibid, 200.

162 Ibid, 180.

163 Ibid, 237.

164 Ibid, 196.

165 Ibid, 93.

166 Francois Duchene, Jean Monnet. The First Statesman of Interdependence. New York: Norton, 1994, 55.

167 FTP, 188.

168 Ibid, 263.

169 Ibid, 287.

170 Roland Perry. Last of the Cold War Spies: The Life of Michael Straight: The Only American. New York: De Capo, 2008, 105; Gary Kern. A Death in Washington: Walter G. Krivitsky and the Stalin Terror. New York: Enigma, 2013.

171 FTP, 299.

172 Ibid, 321.

173 James M. Burnes. Roosevelt: The Lion and Fox. New York: Mariner, 2002, 392.

174 FTP, 369, 390.

175 Ibid, 441, 466.

176 Glass. Americans in Paris, 16.

177 Through the History of the Cold War: The Correspondence between George F. Kennan and John Lucacs. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010, 70.

178 FTP, 481–490.

179 Glass. Americans in Paris, 100.

180 William C. Bullitt. Report to the American People. Boston: Houghton, 1940, 18, 23.

181 FTP, 554

182 Ibid, 522, 578

183 Ibid, 593

184 BC 112/II/135/920

185 FTP, 607

186 The Forrestal Diaries. New York, 1951, 121.

187 Robert Dean. Imperial Brotherhood. Gender and the Making of Cold War Foreign Policy. Amherst, 2001, 72–73; Costigliola, Roosevelt’s Lost Alliances, 187–189.

188 Thomas Fleming. The New Dealers War, 2001.

189 FTP, 602.

190 Dean. Imperial Brotherhood, 78–80.

191 Ibid, 136.

192 Ibid, 141–142.

193 William C. Bullitt. The Great Globe Itself. A Preface to World Affairs. New York: Scribner, 1946, 11.

194 Ibid, 149.

195 Through the History of the Cold War. The Correspondence between George F. Kennan and John Lucacs, 70.

196 Brownell, Billings. So Close to the Greatness, 309.

197 Robert L. Beisner, Dean Acheson. A Life in the Cold War.

198 BC 112/III/163/513

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