Книга: FOMO sapiens: Как избавиться от страха упущенных возможностей и начать принимать правильные решения
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Глава 1

Kerry Miller, “Today’s Students: Living Large,” Bloomberg Businessweek, April 8, 2007, .

Philip Delves Broughton, Ahead of the Curve: Two Years at Harvard Business School (New York: Penguin Press, 2008), 64.

Blanca Garcia Gardelegui, “Generacion ‘fomo,’” El Païs, June 24, 2018, .

Shikha Shaa, “Is FOMO Making You Paranoid?” The Times of India, January 11, 2013, .

Valerie de Saint-Pierre,“Le fomo, nouvelle maladie du siecle?” Madame, Le Figaro, January 26, 2015, .

Sağlık Haberleri, “Hastalığın adı ‘FOMO’! Siz de yakalanmış olabilirsiniz…” Sabah, January 10, 2019, .

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Nick Bilton, “Exclusive: The Leaked Fyre Festival Pitch Deck Is Beyond Parody,” Vanity Fair, May 1, 2017, .

Jaimie Seaton, “Millennials Are Attending Events in Droves Because of Fear of Missing Out,” , July 12, 2017, .

Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened, directed by Chris Smith, Library Films, Vice Studios/Jerry Media, 2019, Netflix, .

“Walmart Unveils Plans for Best Black Friday Yet,” Walmart, November 8, 2018, .

Phil Wahba, “Black Friday Fatigue? 174 Million Americans Disagree,” Fortune, November 28, 2017, .

Daphne T. Hsu et al., “Response of the μ-opioid System to Social Rejection and Acceptance,” Molecular Psychiatry 18 (August 2013): 1211-1217, .

Harley Tamplin, “40 Kids Eat World’s Hottest Pepper and End Up Needing Medical Treatment,” Metro, September 5, 2016, .

Ann Arens et al., “Esophageal Rupture After Ghost Pepper Ingestion,” The Journal of Emergency Medicine 51, no. 6 (December 2016): e141-e143, .

Jacqueline Howard, “Americans Devote More Than 10 Hours a Day to Screen Time, and Growing,” , July 29, 2016, .

Mary Meeker, Internet Trends Report 2018, Kleiner Perkins, May 30, 2018, .

Andrew Perrin and Jingjing Jiang, “About a Quarter of U.S. Adults Say They Are ‘Almost Constantly’ Online,” Pew Research Center, March 14, 2018, .

Asurion, “Americans Equate Smartphone Access to Food and Water in Terms of Life Priorities,” August 6, 2018, .

Samantha Murphy, “Report: 56% of Social Media Users Suffer from FOMO,” , July 9, 2013, .

Worldwide Social Network Users: eMarketer’s Estimates and Forecast for 2016-2021, .

Evan Asano, “How Much Time Do People Spend on Social Media?” , January 4, 2017, .

Derek Thompson, “How Airline Ticket Prices Fell 50% in 30 Years (and Why Nobody Noticed),” The Atlantic, February 28, 2013, .

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The FOMO Factory, “Austin’s First Selfie Experience Extends Run with New Installations and Overnight Camp,” press release, October 10, 2018, .

“Fomo,” , submitted by Johnny FOMO on September 3, 2013, .

Katie Heaney, “‘Frumbled’ and Other Good Reasons to Make Up Words,” The Cut, New York Magazine, January 15, 2019, .

Romeo Vitelli, “The FoMo Health Factor: Can Fear of Missing Out Cause Mental and Physical Health Problems?” Psychology Today, November 30, 2016, .

Vitelli, “The FoMo Health Factor.”

Marina Milyavskaya et al., “Fear of Missing Out: Prevalence, Dynamics, and Consequences of Experiencing FOMO,” Motivation and Emotion 42, no. 5 (October 2018): 725-737, .

Maša Popovac and Lee Hadlington, “Exploring the Role of Egocentrism and Fear of Missing Out on Online Risk Behaviours among Adolescents in South Africa,” International Journal of Adolescence and Youth (May 2019), .

Milyavskaya et al., “Fear of Missing Out: Prevalence…”, 736

“Study: Millennials Want Experiences More Than Anything,” Eventbrite (blog), December 8, 2014, .

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Tim Herrera, “How to Make Tough Decisions Easier,” The New York Times, June 4, 2018, .

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Плат С. Под стеклянным колпаком. — М.: Амфора, 2000.

Шварц Б. Парадокс выбора. — М.: Добрая книга, 2005. — С. 99.

Там же, с. 100.

H. R. Markus and Barry Schwartz, “Does Choice Mean Freedom and Well-Being?” Journal of Consumer Research 37, no. 2 (2010): 344-355, .

David Brooks, “The Golden Age of Bailing,” opinion, The New York Times, July 7, 2017, .

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Jennifer Pak, “FOMO in China Is a $7 Billion Industry,” Marketplace, September 13, 2018, .

Pak, “FOMO in China is a $7 Billion Industry.”

Li Xiaolai, “From now on, Li Xiaolai will not do any project investment (whether it is a blockchain or not),” trans. by Google Translate, Weibo, September 30, 2018, .

“Market Capitalization: The Total USD Value of Bitcoin Supply in Circulation, as Calculated by the Daily Average Market Price Across Major Exchanges,” , accessed July 12, 2019, .

Alisa Wolfson, “How to Turn Your Pet into a Five-FigureInstagram Influencer,” New York Post, July 10, 2018, .

Matthew Herper, “From $4.5 Billion to Nothing: Forbes Revises Estimated Net Worth of Theranos Founder Elizabeth Holmes,” Forbes, June 21, 2016, .

Andrew Bary, “What’s Wrong, Warren?” Barron’s, December 27, 1999, .

Bessemer Venture Partners, “Google,” The Anti-Portfolio, accessed May 20, 2019, .

Bessemer Venture Partners, “Facebook,” The Anti-Portfolio, accessed May 20, 2019, .

Глава 7

Blair Decembrele, “Your Guide to Winning @Work: FOBO — The Fear of Better Options,” LinkedIn (blog), October 5, 2018, .

Matt Singer, “2018 Recruiter Nation Survey: The Tipping Point and the Next Chapter in Recruiting,” Jobvite, November 8, 2018, .

Patrick Gillespie, “Intuit: Gig Economy Is 34% of US Workforce,” , May 24, 2017, .

Audi AG, Annual Reports: 2018, March 14, 2019, p. 84, .

Audi AG, Annual Reports: 2018, p. 106.

Brad Berman, “Analysis Paralysis: Audi Offers Yet Another Electric Car Study,” , November 22, 2011, .

Gil Press, “6 Predictions for the $203 Billion Big Data Analytics Market,” Forbes, January 20, 2017, .

Bernard Marr, “Big Data: 20 Mind-Boggling Facts Everyone Must Read,” Forbes, September 30, 2015, .

Quentin Hardy, “Gearing Up for the Cloud, AT&T Tells Its Workers: Adapt, or Else,” The New York Times, February 13, 2016, .

Capgemini Invent (@CapgeminiInvent), “Since 2000, 52% of companies in the Fortune 500 have either gone bankrupt, been acquired, or ceased to exist,” Twitter, May 10, 2015, 6:25 p.m., .

Lori Ioannou, “A Decade to Mass Extinction Event in S&P 500,” , June 5, 2014, .

Ellen Barry and Benjamin Mueller, “‘We’re in the Last Hour’: Democracy Itself Is on Trial in Brexit, Britons Say,” The New York Times, March 30, 2019, .

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Alfred Duning, “The Return of the Resolute,American Heritage 10, no. 5 (August 1959), .

Office of the Curator, The White House, “Treasures of the White House: Resolute Desk,” The White House Historical Association, accessed May 20, 2019, .

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“Message of Pope Francis for the Twenty-Ninth World Youth Day 2014,” January 21, 2014, .

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Evan Andrews, “7 Unusual Ancient Medical Techniques,” , August 22, 2018, .

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Jeffrey Hughes and Abigail A. Scholer, “When Wanting the Best Goes Right or Wrong: Distinguishing Between Adaptive and Maladaptive Maximization,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 43, no. 4 (February 2017): 570-583, .

Dan Silvestre, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo: Lessons,” review of The Life-ChangingMagic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, , September 7, 2018, .

Глава 12

Luca Ventura, “World’s Largest Companies 2018,” Global Finance, November 30, 2018, .

Sundar Pichai, “Keynote (Google I/O ’18)” speech, Google Developers, video, streamed live on May 8, 2018, .

Nellie Bowles, “Silicon Valley Nannies Are Phone Police for Kids,” The New York Times, October 26, 2018, .

Jared Gilmour, “‘Addictive’ Social Media Should Be Regulated Like Cigarettes, Tech CEO Says,” Ledger-Enquirer, January 24, 2018, .

Bartie Scott, “Why Meditation and Mindfulness Training Is One of the Best Industries for Starting a Business in 2017,” Inc., March 1, 2017, .

University of Pennsylvania, “Social Media Use Increases Depression and Loneliness, Study Finds,” , November 8, 2018, .

“Americans Equate Smartphone Access to Food and Water in Terms of Life Priorities,” Asurion, August 6, 2018, .

Arnie Kozak, PhD, The Everything Buddhism Book, 2nd ed. (Avon, MA: Adams Media, 2011): 30.

Sundar Pichai, “Keynote (Google I/O ’18)” speech, Google Developers, video, streamed live on May 8, 2018, .

Anil Dash, “JOMO!” Anile Dash (blog), July 19, 2012, .

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Katherine Robinson, “Robert Frost: ‘The Road Not Taken,’” Poetry Foundation, May 27, 2016, .

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