Книга: История Сицилии
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Al-Edrisi, Abu Abdullah Mohammed, Géographie d’Edrisi, trans. A. Jaubert, 2 vols, Paris, 1836
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Enciclopedia Italiana
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–, Books 23-30, trans. Frank Gardner Moore, London and New York, 1940–1950
Macchiavelli, N., The Prince, trans. G. Bull, London, 1963
Mack Smith, D., A History of Sicily, 2 vols, London, 1968
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Mori, C., The Last Struggle with the Mafia, London, 1933
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Plutarch, Lives, trans. B. Perrin, London, 1926
Polybius, The Histories, trans. W. R. Paton, Cambridge, MA, and London, 2010–2012
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–, Garibaldi: Invention of a Hero, Yale, 2007
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Runciman, S., The Sicilian Vespers, Cambridge, 1958
Scirocco, A., Garibaldi, Citizen of the World, trans. A. Cameron, Princeton, 2007
Servadio, G., Mafioso: A History of the Ma a from Its Origins to the Present Day, New York, 1976
Stefano, A. de, Federico III d’Aragona, Re di Sicilia, 1296–1337, Palermo, 1937
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War, trans. Rex Warner, London, 1962
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Trevelyan, Raleigh, Princes Under the Volcano, London, 1972
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Wheatcroft, A., The Habsburgs: Embodying Empire, London, 1996
Whitehouse, H. R., The Collapse of the Kingdom of Naples, New York, 1899
Woodhead, A. G., The Greeks in the West, London, 1962


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