Книга: История смерти. Как мы боремся и принимаем
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Ленинградцы. Блокадные дневники: из фондов Государственного мемориального музея обороны и блокады. Лениздат, 2014.


Tomarken, A. et al. Factors of complicated grief pre-death in caregivers of cancer patients // Psychooncology. 2008. № 17(2). С. 105–111.
Doorn, C. van et al. The influence of marital quality and attachment styles on traumatic grief and depressive symptoms // The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 1998. № 186(9). С. 566–573.
Stroebe, W., Schut, H. Risk factors in bereavement outcome: a methodological and empirical review // Handbook of Bereavement Research: Consequences, Coping, and Care / ed. by M.S. Stroebe et al. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2001. С. 349–371.
Neimeyer, R.A. Lessons of Loss: A Guide to Coping. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998.
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