Книга: Промывка мозга. Программа для ясного мышления, укрепления отношений с людьми и развития полезных привычек
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S. Charron and E. Koechlin. “Divided Representation of Concurrent Goals in the Human Frontal Lobes,” Science 328, № 5976 (April 2010): 360–363.


“Use of Yoga and Meditation Becoming More Popular in U.S.,” press release, November 8, 2018. .


P. H. Ponte Márquez et al. “Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation in Reducing Blood Pressure and Stress in Patients with Arterial Hypertension,” J. Hum. Hypertens. 33, № 3 (March 2019): 237–247.
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