Книга: Река, выходящая из Эдема. Жизнь с точки зрения дарвиниста
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Cairns-Smith A. G. (1985) Seven Clues to the Origin of Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cherfas J. & Gribbin J. (1984) The Redundant Male: Is Sex Irrelevant in the Modern World? New York: Pantheon.
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Cronin H. (1991) The Ant and the Peacock: Altruism and Sexual Selection from Darwin to Today. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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Gould S. J. (1989) Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History. New York: W. W. Norton.
Gribbin J. & Cherfas J. (1982) The Monkey Puzzle: Reshaping the Evolutionary Tree. New York: Pantheon.
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Humphrey N. K. (1983) Consciousness Regained. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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Kingdon J. (1993) Self-made Man: Human Evolution from Eden to Extinction? New York: Wiley.
Leakey R. (1994) The Origin of Humankind. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
Macdonald K. C. & Luyendyk B. P. (1981) The Crest of the East Pacific Rise. Scientific American, May.
Manning A. & Dawkins M. S. (1992) An Introduction to Animal Behaviour, 4th ed. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Margulis L. & Sagan D. (1986) Microcosmos: Four Billion Years of Microbial Evolution. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Maynard Smith J. (1993) The Theory of Evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Meeuse B. & Morris S. (1984) The Sex Life of Plants. London: Faber & Faber.
Monod J. (1971) Chance and Necessity: An Essay on the Natural Philosophy of Modern Biology, A. Wainhouse, trans. New York: Knopf.
Nesse R. & Williams G. C. (1995) Why We Get Sick: The New Theory of Darwinian Medicine. New York: Random House.
Nilsson D. E. & Pelger S. (1994) A Pessimistic Estimate of the Time Required for an Eye to Evolve. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B, April.
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Wilson E. O. (1992) The Diversity of Life. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Wolpert L. (1992) The Triumph of the Embryo. New York: Oxford University Press.
Книжные проекты Дмитрия Зимина
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