Книга: Learn Scala for Java Developers
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Syntax Cheat Sheet


  val x: Int = 42   var y: String = "mutable"   val z = "Scala FTW!"                        // using type inference 


  def add(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y        // single expression   def add(x: Int, y: Int) {                   // without =, Unit is returned     x + y   }   def min(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {            // last line = return value     if (x < y)       x     else       y   def min(x: Int, y: Int): Int = if (x < y) x else y   def min(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {            // but don't forget the else     if (x < y)       x     y                                         // bug!   def add(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y             // return types can be inferred   def add(x: Int, y: Int = 2) = x + y         // default y to 2 if omitted   val add = (x: Int, y: Int) => x + y         // anonymous function   add(4, 2)                                   // call as usual      // convert an anonymous class (Ordering in this case) to a lambda    implicit def functionToOrdering[A](f: (A, A) => Int): Ordering[A] = {      new Ordering[A] {       def compare(a: A, b: A) = f.apply(a, b)      }   }   


  def runInThread(task: => Int) {     new Thread() {       override def run(): Unit = task     }.start()   } 

Operator Overloading and Infix

  5 * 10                                           // same as 5.*(10)   "Scala" replace("a", "*") 


  class Customer                                   // create a public class   class Customer(name: String)                     // with primary ctor   class Customer private(name: String)             // private constructor   private class Customer                           // a private class   private class Customer private(name: String)     // with private ctor      val c = new Customer("Bob")                      // create an instance      // class with primary constructor and auxiliary constructor   class Customer(forename: String, surname: String) {          def this(surname: String) {        this("Unknown", surname)     }    } 

Case Classes

  case class Customer(name: String)               // a case class   case class Customer(val name: String)           // val is redundant here      // no need to use "new" to create a new instance with case classes   Customer("Bob")                                       // equality and hash code are free with case classes:   new Customer("Bob") == new Customer("Bob")      // returns true           \                          

Singleton Object

  // a singleton instance   // when paired with a class, the object becomes a "companion" object   object Customer            


  class B extends A                     // subtype inheritance   class C(x: Int)   class D(value: Int) extends A(value)  // calling the super constructor    // overriding methods ("override" needed overriding non-abstract methods)   class E {     def position: Int = 5   }   class F extends E {     override position: Int = super.position + 1   }      // you can mixin in multiple traits but only one class (A)   trait SelfDescribing   trait Writable   class B extends A with SelfDescribing with Writable    class B extends SelfDescribing with A with Writable    // compiler failure  


  // name is not a field, it's available to the primary constructor only   class Customer(name: String)                        // name is a public field (getter, no setter created)   class Customer(val name: String)                        // name is a public field (getter and setter created)   class Customer(var name: String)                        // name is a private field (a private getter is generated but no setter)      class Customer(private val name: String)                        // name is private (a private getter and setter is generated)   class Customer(private var name: String)                             customer.name_=("Bob")      // you can call the setter method directly   customer.name = "Bob"       // or use infix notation 


  val list = List(1, 4, 234, 12)                    // create a list   val map = Map(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b")                 // create a map   list.foreach(value => println(value))   list.foreach(println)   for (value <- list) println(value) 

String Formatting

  // String interpolation replaces '$' tokens with values   s"Customer name: $name USD"                   // Customer name: Bob   // Expression require additional parentheses   s"Customer basket value is $(customer.basket.value) USD"   // The 'f' prefix is like String.format   f"Square of 42 is ${math.sqrt(42)}%1.2f"      // Square of 42 is 6.48   "Escaping \"quotes\" is the same as in Java"   // triple quotes let you span rows and include quotes unescaped   """"vCard": {          "id" : "007",          "name" : "bond",          "address" : "MI5"       }"""   // The 'raw' string interpolator doesn't escape the usual escape chars    raw"a\nb"                                     // a\nb 

Apply Method

  val bob = Customer.apply("Bob")           // use as factory methods   val bob = Customer("Bob")                 // no need to call explicitly    val array = Array(1, 54, 23, 545, 23)   array.apply(0)                            // apply on array is a "getter"   array(0)                                  // result is "1" 

Update Method

  val array = Array(1, 54, 23, 545, 23)   array(0)                                  // result is "1"   array.update(0, 34)   array(0)                                  // result is "34"   array(0) = 55                             // = is a shortcut to update   array(0)                                  // result is "55" 

Pattern Matching

  value match {     case 'R' => ...               // literal match     case Customer(name) => ...    // constructor match (case classes)     case x: Int => ...            // type query match (ie instance of)     case x: Int if x > 5 => ...   // with guard condition     case (x, y) => ...            // deconstruction using unapply     case _ => ...                 // default case   }      // same syntax is used with try/catch and exceptions   try {     // ...   } catch {     case e: MalformedURLException => println("Bad URL")     case e: IOException => println(e.getMessage)   } 
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