I’m writing this book (and the tutorials) in the hope that people can learn the things I have about Laravel 4. It’s not meant as a replacement for any of the great Laravel books, but instead as a complement to the resources, documentation and framework.
This book teaches various aspects of Laravel 4 implementation, configuration and usage; as part of separate projects. The idea is not to demonstrate the only or best way to create any of these projects. It’s not to show the only or best way to use Laravel 4. It’s simply a different (and subjective) kind of documentation to the modularised version found at: http://laravel.com/docs
While this book touches on in the installation and hosting of Laravel applications; it’s not an exhaustive reference for how to do these things. There are some instructions; which should be enough to get you up and running, but it assumes you are familiar with how things like LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) work and are capable of installing and maintaining them.