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К следующим материалам я обращался, когда писал «Создай пространство». Кроме того, я включил сюда материалы для читателей, которые хотят больше узнать о некоторых проблемах, поднятых в книге. Почти все перечисленные статьи доступны онлайн.


Книги и статьи
Thomas Ogden, ‘The Analytic Third: Working with Intersubjective Clinical Facts’. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, vol. 75, 1994, pp. 3–19.
Henri Lefebvre, The Production of Space, Oxford, Blackwell, 1992.
Gurnek Bains, Cultural DNA: The Psychology of Globalization, Hoboken, Wiley, 2015.
Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey, An Everyone Culture: Becoming A Deliberately Developmental Organization, Boston, Harvard Business Review Press, 2016.
Исследования и источники
Alison Coleman, ‘Over half of UK workers have experienced burnout in their job’, Virgin.com, 15 April 2015.
Alex Matthews-King, ‘GPs left to burn,’ Pulse, 4 June 2015. pulsetoday.co.uk/your-practice/battling-burnout/gps-left-to-burn/20010166.article
‘Research into UK workers stress levels’, Skillsoft, 2015. nypolfed.org.uk/assets/uploads/PDFs/100331.pdf


Stephen Grosz, The Examined Life: How We Lose and Find Ourselves, London, Vintage, 2014.
Ian Leslie, Curious: The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends on It, New York, Basic Books, 2014.
Nancy Kline, Time to Think: Listening to Ignite the Human Mind, London, Cassell, 2002.
Jeremy Holmes, Exploring in Security: Towards an Attachment-Informed Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Hove, Routledge, 2010.
Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow, London, Penguin, 2012.
David A. Kolb, Experiential Learning: Experience as The Source of Learning and Development, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 1983.
Giada Di Stefano, Gary P. Pisano, Francesca Gino & Bradley R. Staats, ‘Making Experience Count: The Role of Reflection in Individual Learning’, Harvard Business School Working Paper 14–093, 2014.
Jon M. Jachimowicz, Bradley R. Staats, Francesca Gino, Julia J. Lee & Jochen I. Menges, ‘Commuting as Role Transitions: How Trait Self-Control and Work-related Prospection Offset Negative Effects of Lengthy Commutes’, Harvard Business School Working Paper 16–077, 2016.
Oriana Bandiera, Luigi Guiso, Andrea Prat & Raffaella Sadun, ‘What Do CEOs Do?’, Harvard Business School Working Paper 11–081, 2011.
Linda Lawrence-Wilkes and Lyn Ashmore, ‘Art of Reflection Quiz’ in The Reflective Practitioner in Professional Education, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
Also available at businessballs.com/freepdfmaterials/reflective-practice-self-assessment.pdf
Selma Fraiberg, Edna Adelson & Vivian Shapiro, ‘Ghosts in the Nursery: A Psychoanalytic Approach to the Problems of Impaired Infant-Mother Relationships’, Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, vol. 14 (3), 1975, pp. 387–421.
Исследования и источники
‘Talking Partners: The first circle of safety’, NextJump, 22 September 2016. nextjump.com/longpost/talking-partners/
Martin Reeves, Roselinde Torres & Fabien Hassan, ‘How to Regain the Lost Art of Reflection’, Harvard Business Review, 25 September 2017. hbr.org/2017/09/how-to-regain-the-lost-art-of-reflection
U. S. Workplace Survey Key Findings, Gensler, 2013. gensler.com/uploads/documents/2013_US_Workplace_Survey_07_15_2013.pdf


Книги и статьи
Martin Covington, ‘Self-Worth Theory: Retrospection and Prospects’, in Kathryn R. Wentzel and David B. Miele (eds), Handbook of Motivation at School, New York, Routledge, 2016.
Carol S. Dweck, Mindset: Changing the Way You Think to Fulfil Your Potential, London, Little Brown, 2012.
Gurnek Bains, Meaning Inc: The Blueprint for Business Success in the 21st Century, London, Profile, 2007.
Shelley J. Correll, ‘Constraints into Preferences: Gender, Status, and Emerging Career Aspirations’, American Sociological Review, vol. 69, 2004, pp. 93–113.
Исследования и источники
‘Research Reveals Fear of Failure Has Us All Shaking in Our Boots This Halloween: 1 in 3 Admit They Are Terrified of Failure’, Marketwired report of Linkagoal study, 14 October 2015. marketwired.com/press-release/research-reveals-fear-of-failure-has-us-all-shaking-in-our-boots-this-halloween-2063788.htm
Donna J. Kelley, Benjamin S. Baumer, Candida Brush, Patrica G. Greene, Mahnaz Mahdavi, Mahdi Majbouri Marcia Cole, Monica Dean & René Heavlow, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2016/2017 Report on Women’s Entrepreneurship, Babson College, Smith College and the Global Entrepreneurship Research Association (GERA), 2017.
University Of Toronto, ‘Old Brains Can Learn New Tricks: Study Shows Older People Use Different Areas Of The Brain To Perform Same “Thinking Task” As Young,’ Science Daily, 25 October 1999.
Lee Mwiti, ‘Back to School with Africa’s Oldest Learners,’ The Guardian, 5 February 2015. theguardian.com/world/2015/feb/05/back-to-school-with-africas-oldest-learners
Jeanine Prime & Elizabeth Salib, ‘The Best Leaders Are Humble Leaders,’ Harvard Business Review, 12 May 2014. hbr.org/2014/05/the-best-leaders-are-humble-leaders
Dr Brené Brown, The Power of Vulnerability, Houston, TED Talk, 2010. ted.com/talks/brene_brown_on_vulnerability


Книги и статьи
Michael Maccoby, Strategic Intelligence: Conceptual Tools for Leading Change, Oxford, OUP, 2017.
Malcolm Gladwell, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, London, Penguin, 2006.
Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organisation, London, Random House, 2006.
Исследования и источники
Susan S. Lang, ‘“Mindless autopilot” drives people to dramatically underestimate how many daily food decisions they make, Cornell study finds’, Cornell Chronicle, 22 December 2006. news.cornell.edu/stories/2006/12/mindless-autopilot-drives-people-underestimate-food-decisions
Archy O. de Berker, Robb B. Rutledge, Christoph Mathys, Louise Marshall, Gemma F. Cross, Raymond J. Dolan & Sven Bestmann, ‘Computations of uncertainty mediate acute stress responses in humans’, Nature Communications, 29 March 2016. nature.com/articles/ncomms10996
Kathleen D. Vohs, Roy F. Baumeister, Jean M. Twenge, Brandon J. Schmeichel & Dianee M. Tice, ‘Decision Fatigue Exhausts Self-Regulatory Resources’, Psychology Today, 2006. psychologytoday.com/files/attachments/584/decision200602–15vohs.pdf
Shai Danziger, Jonathan Levav & Liora Avnaim-Pesso, ‘Extraneous factors in judicial decisions’, National Academy of Sciences, 2011. pnas.org/content/108/17/6889.full.pdf
Charlie Munger, ‘The Psychology of Human Misjudgement’, lecture at Harvard Law School, 1995. youtube.com/watch?time_continue=15&v=pqzcCfUglws


Paul Brown, Joan Kingsley and Sue Paterson, The Fear-Free Organization: Vital Insights from Neuroscience to Transform Your Business Culture, London, Kogan, 2015.
Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, London, Bloomsbury, 1996.
Melanie Klein, Love, Guilt and Reparation and Other Works 1921–1945, New York, Free Press, 1975.
Tara Mohr, Playing Big: Find Your Voice, Your Mission and Make Things Happen, London, Arrow Books, 2014.
Исследования и источники
John Cooper, ‘How EI can improve your bottom line – dealing with the cost of defensive behaviours’, JCA Global, 12 June 2017. jcaglobal.com/blog/ei-and-your-bottom-line/
Dr Kristen Neff, Self-Compassion Test, 2017. self-compassion.org/test-how-self-compassionate-you-are/


Книги и статьи
Bruce Tuckman, ‘Developmental sequence in small groups’, Psychological Bulletin, vol. 63 (6), 1965, pp. 384–399.
William Halton, ‘Some Unconscious Aspects of Organizational Life: Contributions from Psychoanalysis’, in Anton Obholzer & Vega Zagier Roberts (eds), The Unconscious at Work: Individual and Organizational Stress in The Human Services, Hove, Routledge, 1994.
Patrick Lencioni, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 2002.
Simon Sinek, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, London, Penguin, 2011.
Simon Sinek, Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together And Others Don’t, Penguin, London, 2017.
Amy Edmonson, ‘Psychological Safety and Learning Behavior in Work Teams’, Administrative Science Quarterly, vol. 44 (2), 1999, pp. 350–383.
Исследования и источники
Charles Duhigg, ‘What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team’, New York Times, 25 February 2016. nytimes.com/2016/02/28/magazine/what-google-learned-from-its-quest-to-build-the-perfect-team.html
Rob Cross, Reb Rebele and Adam Grant, ‘Collaborative Overload’, Harvard Business Review, Jan/Feb 2016. hbr.org/2016/01/collaborative-overload.


Duane and Catherine O’Kane, Real: The Power of Authentic Relationships, USA, 2016
Bronnie Ware, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing, London, Hay House UK, 2012.
Исследования и источники
Mental Health Foundation’s mental health statistics
Ray Dalio, ‘How to Build a Company Where The Best Ideas Win’, TED Talk, Vancouver, 2017. ted.com/talks/ray_dalio_how_to_build_a_company_where_the_best_ideas_win
Gallup, State of the Global Workplace report, 2017. gallup.com/services/178517/state-global-workplace.aspx


Книги и статьи
Verne Harnish, Mastering the Rockefeller Habits: What You Must Do To Increase the Value of Your Growing Firm, London, Select Books, 2002.
James Collins and Jerry Porra, Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies, London, Random House, 2005.
Michael Porter, The Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, New York, Free Press, 2004.
George A. Miller, ‘The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information’, The Psychological Review, vol. 63, 1956, pp. 81–97.
Исследования и источники
Michael Mankins & Richard Steele, ‘Stop Making Plans; Start Making Decisions’, Harvard Business Review, January 2006. https://hbr.org/2006/01/stop-making-plans-start-making-decisions
E. J. Masicampo & Roy F. Baumeister, ‘Consider It Done! Plan Making Can Eliminate the Cognitive Effects of Unfulfilled Goals’, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Online First Publication, June 20, 2011. users.wfu.edu/masicaej/MasicampoBaumeister2011JPSP.pdf


Книги и статьи
Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan, Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done, London, Random House, 2002.
Roberta M. Gilbert, Extraordinary Relationships: A New Way of Thinking About Human Interactions, New York, Wiley, 1992.
Steven Kotler, The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance, London, Quercus, 2014.
Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be And Embrace Who You Are, Minnesota, Hazleden, 2010.
Greg McKeown, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, Virgin Books, 2014.
Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, Flow: The Psychology of Happiness: The Classic Work on How to Achieve Happiness, London, Rider, 2002.
Brigid Schulte, Overwhelmed: Work, Love and Play When No One Has the Time, London, Bloomsbury, 2014.
Simon Parkin, Death by Video Game: Tales of Obsession From The Virtual Frontline, London, Profile Books, 2015.
Dan W. Kennedy, No B. S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneur Media 2004.
Erik M. Altmann, J. Gregory Traftan and David Z. Hambrick, ‘Momentary Interruptions Can Derail the Train of Thought’, Journal of Experimental Psychology, Vol. 143 (1), 2013, pp. 215–226, 2014.
Исследования и источники
David J. Linden, ‘The Neuroscience of Pleasure’, Huffington Post, 6 September 2011. huffingtonpost.com/david-j-linden/compass-pleasure_b_890342.html
Daniel J. Levitin, ‘Why the modern world is bad for your brain’, The Observer, 18 January 2015. theguardian.com/science/2015/jan/18/modern-world-bad-for-brain-daniel-j-levitin-organized-mind-information-overload
Ian Barker, ‘Millennials prefer to deal with companies by text’, Beta News, 2017. betanews.com/2016/09/15/millennials-companies-text
Susan Weinschenk, ‘Why We’re All Addicted to Texts, Twitter and Google’, Psychology Today, 11 September 2012. psychologytoday.com/blog/brain-wise/201209/why-were-all-addicted-texts-twitter-and-google
Martha C. White, ‘Your Cell Phone Is Killing Your Productivity, but Not for the Reason You Think’, Money, 20 July 2015. time.com/money/3956968/cell-phone-alert-productivity
Daniel McGinn, ‘Being More Productive’, Harvard Business Review, May 2011. hbr.org/2011/05/being-more-productive


Книги и статьи
Thomas Ogden, Psyche Matters, Northern California Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology, 1999.
Marshall Goldsmith, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful, London, Profile Books, 2008.
Ram Charan, Stephen Drotter & James Noel, The Leadership Pipeline: How to Build The Leadership Powered Company (2nd ed.), San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 2011.
Michael Bungay Stanier, The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More, and Change the Way You Lead Forever, Toronto, Box of Crayons Press, 2016.
William Oncken Jr & Donald L. Wass, ‘Management Time: Who’s Got The Monkey?’, Harvard Business Review, December 1999.


Книги и статьи
Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning: The Classic Tribute to Hope from the Holocaust, Reading, Ebury Publishing, 2004.
Bronnie Ware, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, ibid.
Simon Sinek, Start With Why, ibid.
Danielle LaPorte, The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul, Colorado, Sounds True, 2014.
Natan P. F. Kellerman, ‘Epigenetic transmission of Holocaust trauma: can nightmares be inherited?’, The Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, vol. 50 (1) 2013, pp. 33–39.
Исследования и источники
BBC Radio 4’s Loneliness and Solitude archives. bbc.co.uk/programmes/p020xzbx Campaign to End Loneliness campaigntoendloneliness.org/threat-to-health/


Tim Laurence, The Hoffman Process: The World-Famous Technique That Empowers You to Forgive Your Past, Heal Your Present, and Transform Your Future, Bantam Books, 2004.
Matthew Walker, Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams, London, Penguin, 2017.
Jonathan Fields, How to Live A Good Life, London, Hay House, 2016.
Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way: A Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self, London, Pan Books, 1994.
Pia Mellody & Lawrence S. Freundlich, The Intimacy Factor: The Ground Rules for Overcoming the Obstacles to Truth, Respect, and Lasting Love, San Francisco, HarperSanFrancisco, 2004.
Brené Brown, Braving the Wilderness, London, Vermilion, 2017.
The Mountaineers. Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills, Shrewsbury, Swan Hill Press, 2003.
Исследования и источники
Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz, ‘The Making of A Corporate Athlete’, Harvard Business Review, January 2001. hbr.org/2001/01/the-making-of-a-corporate-athlete
Rachel Judith Bretland & Einar Baldvin Thorsteinsson, ‘Reducing workplace burnout: the relative benefits of cardiovascular and resistance exercise’, PeerJ, vol. 3, 2015. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4393815
Lizzie Dearden, ‘UK named most overweight nation in Western Europe as obesity rate rises faster than US’, The Independent, 11 November 2017. independent.co.uk/news/health/uk-obesity-rate-rising-overweight-worst-country-western-europe-world-us-ranking-oecd-research-a8049451.html
Sarah Marsh, ‘Unhealthy Britain: half of adults walk less than a mile a day – survey’, The Guardian, 26 May 2017. theguardian.com/society/2017/may/26/unhealthy-britain-half-of-adults-walk-less-than-a-mile-a-day-survey https://www.gimletmedia.com/every-little-thing/your-bedtime-is-killing-you


Книги и статьи
Matthew McKay & Patrick Fanning, Self Esteem: A Proven Program of Cognitive Techniques for Assessing, Improving and Maintaining Your Self-Esteem, Oakland, New Harbinger Publications, 3rd edition, 2000.
Derek Draper & Cecilia d’Felice, Break Free From Your Past, 2017. derekdraper.net
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