Книга: Functional Programming in JavaScript
Назад: Function composition
Дальше: Compositions versus chains


Composing functions allows us to build complex functions from many simple, generic functions. By treating functions as building blocks for other functions, we can build truly modular applications with excellent readability and maintainability.

Before we define the polyfill, you can see how it all works with these following examples:

var roundedSqrt = Math.round.compose(Math.sqrt) console.log( roundedSqrt(5) ); // Returns: 2  var squaredDate =  roundedSqrt.compose(Date.parse) console.log( squaredDate("January 1, 2014") ); // Returns: 1178370 

In math, the composition of the and variables is defined as . In JavaScript, this can be written as:

var compose = function(f, g) {   return function(x) {     return f(g(x));   }; };

But if we left it at that, we would lose track of the keyword, among other problems. The solution is to use the and utilities. Compared to curry, the polyfill is quite simple.

Function.prototype.compose = function(prevFunc) {   var nextFunc = this;   return function() {     return nextFunc.call(this,prevFunc.apply(this,arguments));   } }

To show how it's used, let's build a completely contrived example, as follows:

function function1(a){return a + ' 1';} function function2(b){return b + ' 2';} function function3(c){return c + ' 3';} var composition = function3.compose(function2).compose(function1); console.log( composition('count') ); // returns 'count 1 2 3'

Did you notice that the parameter was applied first? This is very important. Functions are applied from right to left.

Sequence – compose in reverse

Because many people like to read things from the left to the right, it might make sense to apply the functions in that order too. We'll call this a sequence instead of a composition.

To reverse the order, all we need to do is swap the and parameters.

Function.prototype.sequence  = function(prevFunc) {   var nextFunc = this;   return function() {     return prevFunc.call(this,nextFunc.apply(this,arguments));   } }

This allows us to now call the functions in a more natural order.

var sequences = function1.sequence(function2).sequence(function3); console.log( sequences('count') ); // returns 'count 1 2 3'
Назад: Function composition
Дальше: Compositions versus chains

Vesa Karvonen
I hope you don't mind, but I’d like to point you and your readers to my high-performance optics library for JavaScript that is in production use in multiple projects, has comprehensive support for partial optics and interactive documentation: https://calmm-js.github.io/partial.lenses/ (this takes a moment to load — be patient!)