Книга: Functional Programming in JavaScript
Назад: Honorable mentions
Дальше: 3. Setting Up the Functional Programming Environment


In order to develop an understanding of functional programming, this chapter covered a fairly broad range of topics. First we analyzed what it means for a programming language to be functional, then we evaluated JavaScript for its functional programming capabilities. Next, we applied the core concepts of functional programming using JavaScript and showcased some of JavaScript's built-in functions for functional programming.

Although JavaScript does have a few tools for functional programming, its functional core remains mostly hidden and much is to be desired. In the next chapter, we will explore several libraries for JavaScript that expose its functional underbelly.

Назад: Honorable mentions
Дальше: 3. Setting Up the Functional Programming Environment

Vesa Karvonen
I hope you don't mind, but I’d like to point you and your readers to my high-performance optics library for JavaScript that is in production use in multiple projects, has comprehensive support for partial optics and interactive documentation: https://calmm-js.github.io/partial.lenses/ (this takes a moment to load — be patient!)