Книга: Без дна. Зависимости и как их победить
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Сильнодействующее снотворное. Популярный тогда «клубный» наркотик. (Здесь и далее, если не указано иное, – примеч. ред.)


4 июля – День независимости США.


Надир – противоположность зенита. Фармакопеи – рецептурные справочники, стандарты качества препаратов и т. п.; параллельно, очевидно, разумеется личная «эпопея» со всей намешанной в организме «фармой», провоцировавшей упомянутые упадочные «надиры».


Dalton Trumbo, “Johnny Got His Gun” (New York: J. B. Lippincott, 1939). На русском языке: Трамбо Далтон, Джонни получил винтовку. М.: Художественная литература, 1989.


James Olds and Peter Milner, “Positive Reinforcement Produced by Electrical Stimulation of Septal Area and Other Regions of Rat Brain”, Jornal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 47, 1954.)


Nan Li et al., “Nucleus Accumbens Surgery for Addiction,” World Neurosurgery 80, no. 3–4 (2013), doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2012.10.007.


Хэдшоп (от англ. pothead, «курильщик марихуаны» + shop) – магазин, где продаются приборы для курения конопли (бонги, кальяны, электроингаляторы, бумага для джойнтов), одежда и сувениры с «конопляной» символикой и т. д.


Claude Bernard, Lectures on the Phenomena of Life Common to Animals and Plants, trans. Hebbel E. Hoff, Roger Guillemin, and Lucienne Guillemin (Springfield, III.: Thomas, 1974). На русском языке: Бернар Клод, Курс общей физиологии. Жизненные явления, общие животным и растениям / пер. М. Антоновича, СПб., 1878.


Walter B. Cannon, “The Wisdom of the Body” (New York: W. W. Norton, 1932)


Richard L. Solomon and John D. Corbit, “An Opponent-Process Theory of Motivation: I. Temporal Dynamics of Afef ct,” Psychological Review 81, no. 2 (1974).


Функциональная магнитно-резонансная томография измеряет изменение в токе крови, вызванное нейронной активностью головного и спинного мозга.


B. P. Acevedo et al., “Neural Correlates of Long-Term Intense Romantic Love,” Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 7, no. 2 (2012): 145– 59, doi.org/10.1093/scan/nsq092.


Пластичностью нейрофизиологи называют способность мозга к структурному и функциональному изменению. Хотя изменения возможны всегда (то есть мозг сохраняет некоторую пластичность до самой смерти), они особенно ярко проявляются в периоды бурного развития, до возраста около 25 лет. – Примеч. авт.


Работа Макниша была впервые опубликована в 1827 году и сразу же стала настоящим бестселлером; так что спустя десяток переизданий, в 1859 году, Макниш даже выпустил переработанную и дополненную версию (включающую и процитированный отрывок). Robert Macnish, The Anatomy of Drunkenness (Glasgow: W. R. McPhun, 1859).


Джерри скончался от сердечного приступа в клинике, где проходил лечение от наркозависимости. – Примеч. авт.


Перевод Бориса Пастернака.


Никель – монета в пять центов и, соответственно, «пять баксов» (ср. по-русски «три рубля» в смысле «три тысячи»). Дальнейший перенос значения окончательно (в узких кругах) закрепил за «никелем» конкретный покупаемый на пятерку вес (чаще всего травки).


Miles Herkenham et al., “Cannabinoid Receptor Localization in Brain,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 87, no. 5 (1990).


Downregulation of CB1 receptors following chronic exposure to drugs that activate THC binding sites has been well established by many studies including, for example, those by Christopher S. Breivogel et al., “Chronic Delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Treatment Produces a TimeDependent Loss of Cannabinoid Receptors and Cannabinoid Receptor Activated G Proteins in Rat Brain,” Journal of Neurochemistry 73, no. 6 (1999); Laura J. Sim-Selley and Billy R. Martin, “Efef ct of Chronic Administration of R-(+)-[2,3-Dihydro-5-methyl-3-[(morpholinyl) methyl]pyrrolo[1,2,3-de]-1,4-benzoxazinyl]-(1-naphthalenyl) methanone Mesylate (WIN55,212–2) or Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol on Cannabinoid Receptor Adaptation in Mice,” Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 303, no. 1 (2002); João Villares, “Chronic Use of Marijuana Decreases Cannabinoid Receptor Binding and mRNA Expression in the Human Brain,” Neuroscience 145, no. 1 (2007); Victoria Dalton and Katerina Zavitsanou, “Cannabinoid Efef cts on CB1 Receptor Density in the Adolescent Brain: An Autoradiographic Study Using the Synthetic Cannabinoid HU210,” Synapse 64, no. 11 (2010); Jussi Hirvonen et al., “Reversible and Regionally Selective Downregulation of Brain Cannabinoid CB1 Receptors in Chronic Daily Cannabis Smokers,” Molecular Psychiatry 17, no. 6 (2012).


David Livingstone, “A Popular Account of Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa” (London: John Murray, 1861).


Eric Wiertelak, Steven Maier, and Linda Watkins, “Cholecystokinin Antianalgesia: Safety Cues Abolish Morphine Analgesia,” Science 256, no. 5058 (1992). Глава 5


Степень «доктора философии» (Philosophiæ Doctor); присуждается во всех областях наук.


Frederick Marryat, Second Series of a Diary in America, with Remarks on Its Institutions (Philadelphia: T.K. & P.G. Collins, 1840).


Carol Prescott and Kenneth Kendler, “Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Alcohol Abuse and Dependence in a Population-Based Sample of Male Twins,” American Journal of Psychiatry 156, no. 1 (1999).


Marc A. Schuckit, Donald A. Goodwin, and George Winokur, “A Study of Alcoholism in Half Siblings,” American Journal of Psychiatry 128, no. 9 (1972).


Marc A. Schuckit, Donald A. Goodwin, and George Winokur, “A Study of Alcoholism in Half Siblings,” American Journal of Psychiatry 128, no. 9 (1972).


C. Gianoulakis, D. Béliveau, D. Angelogianni, M. Meaney, J. Thavundayil, V. Tawar, M. Dumas, “Difef rent Pituitary Beta-Endorphin and Adrenal Cortisol Response to Ethanol in Individuals With High and Low Risk for Future Development of Alcoholism,” Life Sentences 45 (1989): 1097–1109.


Janice C. Froehlich et al., “Analysis of Heritability of Hormonal Responses to Alcohol in Twins: Beta-endorphin as a Potential Biomarker of Genetic Risk for Alcoholism,” Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 24, no. 3 (2000).


Старинная английская баллада, на мотив которой Роберт Бёрнс написал стихотворение, известное в переводе Маршака. Джон – метафора пива и виски.


A. M. Wood et al., “Risk Thresholds for Alcohol Consumption: Combined Analysis of Individual-Participant Data for 599,912 Current Drinkers in 83 Prospective Studies,” Lancet 391 (2018: 1513–1523.


Bridget F. Grant, “Age at Smoking Onset and Its Association with Alcohol Consumption and DSM-IV Alcohol Abuse and Dependence: Results from the National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiological Survey,” Journal of Substance Abuse 10, no. 1 (1998); Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, “Reports and Detailed Tables from the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH),” Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Rockville, Md.


World Health Organization, Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health, 2014, accessed Aug. 6, 2018, www.who.int.


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Ofifce of the Surgeon General, Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2016), accessed March 5, 2018, www. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Глава 6


Eve Bargmann, Sidney M. Wolfe, and Joan Levin, Stopping Valium, and Ativan, Centrax, Dalmane, Librium, Paxipam, Restoril, Serax, Tranxene, Xanax (New York: Warner Books, 1983).


Francisco López-Muñoz, Ronaldo Ucha-Udabe, and Cecilio Alamo, “The History of Barbiturates a Century After Their Clinical Introduction,” Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 1, no. 4 (2005).


Han Chow Chua and Mary Chebib, “GABAA Receptors and the Diversity in Their Structure and Pharmacology,” Advances in Pharmacology 79 (May 2017), doi:10.1016/bs.apha.2017.03.003.


David N. Stephens et al., “GABAA Receptor Subtype Involvement in Addictive Behaviour,” Genes, Brain, and Behavior 16, no. 1 (2017), doi:10.1111/gbb.12321.


Amanda J. Baxter et al., “The Global Burden of Anxiety Disorders in 2010,” Psychological Medicine 44, no. 11 (2014), doi:10.1017/ S0033291713003243.


Debra A. Bangasser et al., “Sex Difef rences in Stress Regulation of Arousal and Cognition,” Physiology and Behavior 187 (2018), doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.09.025.


Richard W. Olsen and Jing Liang, “Role of GABAA Receptors in Alcohol Use Disorders Suggested by Chronic Intermittent Ethanol (CIE) Rodent Model,” Molecular Brain 10 (2017), doi:10.1186/ s13041-017-0325-8.


Marcus A. Bachhuber et al., “Increasing Benzodiazepine Prescriptions and Overdose Mortality in the United States, 1996–2013,” American Journal of Public Health 106, no. 4 (2016), doi:10.2105/ AJPH.2016.303061.


“Is It Bedtime for Benzos?” Van Winkle’s (blog), The Hufnif gton Post, www.hufifngtonpost.com/van-winkles/is-it-bedtime-forbenzos_b_7663456.html.


Charles A. Czeisler, “Perspective: Casting Light on Sleep Deficiency,” Nature, May 23, 2013; Megumi Hatori et al., “Global Rise of Potential Health Hazards Caused by Blue Light – Induced Circadian Disruption in Modern Aging Societies,” NPJ: Aging and Mechanisms of Disease, June 16, 2017, doi:10.1038/s41514-017-0010-2.


Samuel H. Zuvekas and Benedetto Vitiello, “Stimulant Medication Use Among U.S. Children: A Twelve-Year Perspective,” American Journal of Psychiatry 169, no. 2 (2012), doi:10.1176/appi. ajp.2011.11030387.


Nora D. Volkow, “Long-Term Safety of Stimulant Use for ADHD: Findings from Nonhuman Primates,” Neuropsychopharmacology 37, no. 12 (2012).


Daniel Morales Guzmán and Aaron Ettenberg, “Runway SelfAdministration of Intracerebroventricular Cocaine: Evidence of Mixed Positive and Negative Drug Actions,” Behavioral Pharmacology 18, no. 1 (2007).


Таблетированный энергетический ненаркотический стимулятор.


World No Tobacco Day 2017, “Tobacco Threatens Us All: Protect Health, Reduce Poverty, and Promote Development” (Geneva: World Health Organization, 2017).


L. Cinnamon Bidwell et al., “Genome-Wide SNP Heritability of Nicotine Dependence as a Multidimensional Phenotype,” Psychological Medicine 46, no. 10 (2016), doi:10.1017/S0033291716000453.


Mariella De Biasi and John A. Dani, “Reward, Addiction, Withdrawal to Nicotine,” Annual Review of Neuroscience 34 (2011), doi:10.1146/ annurevneuro-061010–113734.


Aaron Ettenberg, “Opponent Process Properties of Self-Administered Cocaine,” Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 27, no. 8 (2004).


Juan Sanchez-Ramos, “Neurologic Complications of Psychomotor Stimulant Abuse,” in International Review of Neurobiology: The Neuropsychiatric Complications of Stimulant Abuse, ed. Pille Taba, Andrew Lees, and Katrin Sikk (Amsterdam: Academic Press, 2015).


G. Hatzidimitriou, U. D. McCann, G. A. Ricaurte, “Altered Serotonin Innervation Patterns in the Forebrain of Monkeys Treated with (±)3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Seven Years Previously: Factors Influencing Abnormal Recovery,” Journal of Neuroscience 19 (1989): 5096–5107.


Lynn Taurah, Chris Chandler, Geoff Sanders, “Depression, Impulsiveness, Sleep, and Memory in Past and Present Polydrug Users of 3,4-Methylene dioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy),” Psychopharmacology 231 (2014), doi:10.1007/s00213-013-3288-1.


Albert Hofmann, “Notes and Documents Concerning the Discovery of LSD,” Agents and Actions 1, no. 3 (1970), doi.org/10.1007/ BFO1986673.


“Stanislav Grof Interviews Dr. Albert Hofmann, Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California, 1984,” accessed April 14, 2018, www.maps.org.


“LSD: The Geek’s Wonder Drug?” www.wired.com, Jan. 16, 2006.


Diana Kwon, “Trippy Treatments,” Scientist, Sept. 2017.


Michael P. Bogenschutz et al., “Psilocybin-Assisted Treatment for Alcohol Dependence: A Proof-of-Concept Study,” Journal of Psychopharmacology 29, no. 3 (2015), doi:10.1177/0269881114565144.


Peter S. Hendricks et al., “The Relationships of Classic Psychedelic Use with Criminal Behavior in the United States Adult Population,” Journal of Psychopharmacology 32, no. 1 (2018), doi:10.1177/0269881117735685.


R. R. Grififths et al., “Psilocybin-Occasioned Mystical-Type Experience in Combination With Meditation and Other Spiritual Practices Produces Enduring Positive Changes in Psychological Functioning and in Trait Measures of Prosocial Attitudes and Behaviors,” Journal of Psychopharmacology 32 (2018): 49–69.


José Carlos Bouso et al., “Personality, Psychopathology, Life Attitudes, and Neuropsychological Performance Among Ritual Users of Ayahuasca: A Longitudinal Study,” PLoS ONE 7, no. 8 (2012), doi. org/10.1371/journal.pone.0042421.


Evan J. Kyzar et al., “Psychedelic Drugs in Biomedicine,” Trends in Pharmacological Science 38, no. 11 (2017).


David E. Nichols, Matthew W. Johnson, and Charles D. Nichols, “Psychedelics as Medicines: An Emerging New Paradigm,” Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 101, no. 2 (2017), doi:10.1002/cpt.557


Cody J. Wenthur, Bin Zhou, and Kim D. Janda, “Vaccine-Driven Pharmacodynamic Dissection and Mitigation of Fenethylline Psychoactivity,” Nature 548 (2017), doi:10.1038/nature23464.


Xin Wang, Zheng Xu, and Chang-Hong Miao, “Current Clinical Evidence on the Efef ct of General Anesthesia on Neurodevelopment in Children: An Updated Systematic Review with Meta-regression,” PLoS ONE 9, no. 1 (2014), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0085760.


Matthew Baggott, E. Erowid, and F. Erowid, “A Survey of Salvia divinorum Users,” Erowid Extracts 6 (June 2004), accessed March 2, 2018.


Rachel I. Anderson and Howard C. Becker, “Role of the Dynorphin/ Kappa Opioid Receptor System in the Motivational Efef cts of Ethanol,” Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 41, no. 8 (2017); George F. Koob, “The Dark Side of Emotion: The Addiction Perspective,” European Journal of Pharmacology 15 (2015).


André Cruz et al., “A Unique Natural Selective Kappa-opioid Receptor Agonist, Salvinorin A, and Its Roles in Human Therapeutics,” Phytochemistry 137 (2017), doi:10.1016/j.phytochem.2017.02.001.


Yong Zhang et al., “Efef cts of the Plant-Derived Hallucinogen Salvinorin A on Basal Dopamine Levels in the Caudate Putamen and in a Conditioned Place Aversion Assay in Mice: Agonist Actions at Kappa Opioid Receptors,” Psychopharmacology 179, no. 3 (2005); William A. Carlezon Jr. et al., “Depressive-Like Effects of the Kappa-opioid Receptor Agonist Salvinorin A on Behavior and Neurochemistry in Rats,” Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 316, no. 1 (2006).


Daniela Braida et al., “Involvement of K-opioid and Endocannabinoid System on Salvinorin A – Induced Reward,” Biological Psychiatry 63, no. 3 (2008).


Paul Prather et al., “Synthetic Pot: Not Your Grandfather’s Marijuana,” Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 38, no. 3 (2017), doi:10.1016/j. tips.2016.12.003.


David M. Wood, Alan D. Brailsford, and Paul I. Dargan, “Acute Toxicity and Withdrawal Syndromes Related to Ȗ-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and Its Analogues Ȗ-butyrolactone (GBL) and 1,4-Butanediol (1,4-BD),” Drug Testing and Analysis 3, nos. 7–8 (2011), doi:10.1002/dta.292.


Matthew O. Howard et al., “Inhalant Use and Inhalant Use Disorders in the United States,” Addiction Science and Clinical Practice 6, no. 1 (2011).


Попперс – сленговое название группы химических веществ – алкилнитритов в случае употребления их ингаляционным путем (во время вдыхания).


Там же.


Stephen H. Dinwiddie, Theodore Reich, and C. Robert Cloninger, “The Relationship of Solvent Use to Other Substance Use,” American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 17, no. 2 (1991)


Carl Sagan, “The Burden of Skepticism,” Skeptical Inquirer 12 (1987).


Rachel Yehuda et al., “Holocaust Exposure Induced Intergenerational Efef cts on FKBP5 Methylation,” Biological Psychiatry 80, no. 5 (2016), doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.08.005.


Elmar W. Tobi et al., “DNA Methylation Signatures Link Prenatal Famine Exposure to Growth and Metabolism,” Nature Communications 5 (2014) (erratum in Nature Communications 6 [2015]), doi:10.1038/ ncomms6592.


H. Szutorisz et al., “Parental THC Exposure Leads to Compulsive HeroinSeeking and Altered Striatal Synaptic Plasticity in the Subsequent Generation,” Neuropsychopharmacology 39 (2014): 1315–1323.


Moshe Szyf, “Nongenetic Inheritance and Transgenerational Epigenetics,” Trends in Molecular Medicine 21, no. 2 (2015).


David M. Fergusson and Joseph M. Boden, “Cannabis Use and Later Life Outcomes,” Addiction 103, no. 6 (2008); Henrietta Szutorisz et al., “Parental THC Exposure Leads to Compulsive Heroin-Seeking and Altered Striatal Synaptic Plasticity in the Subsequent Generati on,”Neuropsychopharmacology 39, no. 6 (2014), doi.org/10.1038 / npp.2013.352; Eric R. Kandel and Denise B. Kandel, “A Molecular Basis for Nicotine as a Gateway Drug,” New England Journal of Medicine 371, no. 21 (2014), doi:10.1056/NEJMsa1405092.


Chloe J. Jordan and Susan L. Andersen, “Sensitive Periods of Substance Abuse: Early Risk for the Transition to Dependence,” Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 25 (2017), doi:10.1016/j.dcn.2016.10.004.


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Ofifce of the Surgeon General, Facing Addiction in America.


Rebecca D. Crean, Natania A. Crane, and Barbara J. Mason, “An Evidence Based Review of Acute and Long-Term Efef cts of Cannabis Use on Executive Cognitive Functions,” Journal of Addictive Medicine 5, no. 1 (2011), doi:10.1097/ADM.0b013e31820c23fa; F. Markus Leweke and Dagmar Koethe, “Cannabis and Psychiatric Disorders: It Is Not Only Addiction,” Addiction Biology 13, no. 2 (2008), doi:10.1111/j.1369–1600.2008.00106.x; Daniel T. Malone, Matthew N. Hill, and Tiziana Rubino, “Adolescent Cannabis Use and Psychosis: Epidemiology and Neurodevelopmental Models,” British Journal of Pharmacology 160, no. 3 (2010), doi:10.1111/j.1476–5381.2010.00721.x; Claudia V. Morris et al., “Molecular Mechanisms of Maternal Cannabis and Cigarette Use on Human Neurodevelopment,” European Journal of Neuroscience 34, no. 10 (2011), doi:10.1111/j.1460–9568.2011.07884.x.


Joshua B. Garfield et al., “Attention to Pleasant Stimuli in Early Adolescence Predicts Alcohol-Related Problems in Midadolescence,” Biological Psychology 108 (May 2015), doi:10.1016/j. biopsycho.2015.03.014.


Tali Sharot et al., “Dopamine Enhances Expectation of Pleasure in Humans,” Current Biology 19, no. 24 (2009), doi.org/10.1016/j. cub.2009.10.025.


Dorothy E. Grice et al., “Sexual and Physical Assault History and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Substance Dependent Individuals,”American Journal of Addictions 4, no. 4 (1995); Lisa M. Najavits, Roger D. Weiss, and Sarah R. Shaw, “The Link Between Substance Abuse and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Women: A Research Review,” American Journal of Addictions 6, no. 4 (1997), doi.org/10.1111/j.1521–0391.1997.tb00408.x.


C. L. Ehlers and I. R. Gizer, “Evidence for a Genetic Component for Substance Dependence in Native Americans,” The American Journal of Psychiatry 170 (2013): 154–164.


John C. Eccles, “The Future of the Brain Sciences,” in The Future of the Brain Sciences, ed. Samuel Bogoch (New York: Plenum Press, 1969).


Lewis Carroll, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland» (London: Macmillan, 1865). На русском языке: Кэрролл Льюис. Приключения Алисы в Стране чудес / пер. Н. М. Демуровой (С. Я. Маршака, Д. Г. Орловской и О. И. Седаковой). М.: Наука, 1991.


Human Rights Watch, World Report, 2017. На русском языке: https://www.hrw.org/ru/world-report/2017


Richard Karban, Louie H. Yang, and Kyle F. Edwards, “Volatile Communication Between Plants That Affects Herbivory: A Metaanalysis,” Ecology Letters 17, no. 1 (2013); Kat McGowan, “The Secret Language of Plants,” Quanta Magazine, Dec. 16, 2013, www.quantamagazine.org.


В Центре в Альбукерке (Albuquerque, N.M., https://cac.org/).


Из «Школы жизни» (Living School) – одной из программ Центра в Альбукерке.

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