Книга: Тюдоры. От Генриха VIII до Елизаветы I
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Этот список ни в коем случае не стоит воспринимать как исчерпывающий, но он представляет собой подборку книг, которые автор посчитал наиболее полезными при подготовке второго тома «Истории Англии».

Религиозная реформа

Aston Margaret. England’s Iconoclasts. Oxford, 1988.

_____. Faith and Fire. London, 1993.

Baskerville Geoffrey. English Monks and the Suppression of the Monasteries. London, 1937.

Beard Charles. The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century. London, 1883.

Bernard G. W. The King’s Reformation. London, 2005.

Betteridge Tom. Literature and Politics in the English Reformation. Manchester, 2004.

Bossy John. The English Catholic Community. London, 1975.

Brigden Susan. London and the Reformation. Oxford, 1989.

Burnet Gilbert. The History of the Reformation of the Church of England. Three volumes. Oxford, 1829.

Carlson Eric Josef (ed.). Religion and the English People. Kirksville, Miss., 1998.

Chadwick Owen. The Reformation. London, 1964.

Collinson Patrick. The Religion of Protestants. Oxford, 1982.

_____. Godly People. London, 1983.

_____. The Birthpangs of Protestant England. Basingstoke, 1988.

Constant G. The Reformation in England. London, 1934.

Davies Horton. Worship and Theology in England. Princeton, 1996.

Dickens A. G. The English Reformation. London, 1964.

Doran Susan and Durston Christopher. Princes, Pastors and People. London, 1991.

Duffy Eamon. The Stripping of the Altars. London, 1992.

_____. The Voices of Morebath. London, 2001.

_____. Marking the Hours. London, 2006.

Elton Geoffrey (ed.). The Reformation. Cambridge, 1958.

_____. Reform and Reformation. London, 1977.

Gairdner James. A History of the English Church in the Sixteenth Century. London, 1902.

_____. Lollardy and the Reformation in England. Two volumes. London, 1908.

Gasquet F. A. Henry VIII and the English Monasteries. London, 1906.

Haigh Christopher (ed.). The English Reformation Revised. Cambridge, 1987.

_____. English Reformations. Oxford, 1993.

Heal Felicity. Reformation in Britain and Ireland. Oxford, 2003.

Heath Peter. English Parish Clergy. London, 1969.

Hughes Philip. The Reformation in England. Three volumes. London, 1956.

Hurstfield Joel (ed.). The Reformation Crisis. London, 1965.

Hutton Ronald. The Rise and Fall of Merry England. Oxford, 1994.

King John N. English Reformation Literature. Princeton, 1982.

Knappen M. M. Tudor Puritanism. London, 1939.

Knowles David. The Religious Orders in England. Cambridge, 1959.

Lake Peter and Dowling Maria (eds.). Protestantism and the National Church. Beckenham, 1987.

MacCulloch Diarmaid. Thomas Cranmer. London, 1996.

_____. The Later Reformation in England. London, 2001.

_____. The Reformation. London, 2003.

Maitland S. R. Essays on the Reformation in England. London, 1849.

Marshall Peter. The Catholic Priesthood and the English Reformation. Oxford, 1994.

_____ (ed.). The Impact of the English Reformation. London, 1997.

McConica James Kelsey. English Humanists and Reformation Politics. Oxford, 1965.

Morgan John. Godly Learning. Cambridge, 1986.

O’Day Rosemary. The Debate on the English Reformation. London, 1986.

Pollard A. E. Thomas Cranmer. London, 1905.

Powicke Maurice. The Reformation in England. Oxford, 1941.

Randell Keith. Henry VIII and the Reformation in England. London, 1993.

Read Conyers. Social and Political Forces in the English Reformation. Houston, 1953.

Rex Richard. HenryVIII and the English Reformation. London, 1993.

Rosman Doreen. From Catholic to Protestant. London, 1996.

Rupp E. G. The Making of the English Protestant Tradition. Cambridge, 1966.

Scarisbrick J. J. The Reformation and the English People. Oxford, 1984.

Shagan Ethan H. Popular Politics and the English Reformation. Cambridge, 2003.

Smith H. Maynard: Pre-Reformation England. London, 1938.

_____. Henry VIII and the Reformation. London, 1948.

Walker Greg. Persuasive Fictions. Aldershot, 1996.

Whiting Robert. The Blind Devotion of the People. Cambridge, 1989.

Wooding Lucy. Rethinking Catholicism in Reformation England. Oxford, 2000.

Youings Joyce. The Dissolution of the Monasteries. London, 1971.

Правление Генриха

Anglo Sydney. Images of Tudor Kingship. London, 1992.

Bernard G. W. Power and Politics in Tudor England. Aldershot, 2000.

_____. Anne Boleyn. London, 2010.

Brewer J. S. The Reign of Henry VIII. London, 1884.

Brigden Susan. New Worlds, Lost Worlds. London, 2001.

Brown Andrew D. Popular Piety in Late Medieval England. Oxford, 1995.

Byrne M. St Clare (ed.). The Letters of Henry VIII. London, 1936.

Coby J. Patrick. Henry VIII and the Reformation Parliament. London, 2006.

Coleman Christopher and Starkey David (eds.). Revolution Reassessed. Oxford, 1986.

Davies C. S. L. Peace, Printand Protestantism. London, 1977.

Dodds Madeleine Hope and Dodds Ruth. The Pilgrimage of Grace and the Exeter Conspiracy. Two volumes. Cambridge, 1915.

Elton Geoffrey. Policy and Police. Cambridge, 1972.

Erickson Carolly. Great Harry. London, 1980.

Fox Alistair and Guy John. Reassessing the Henrician Age. Oxford, 1986.

Froude James Anthony. History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth. Twelve volumes. London, 1862–1870.

Galton Arthur. The Character and Times of Thomas Cromwell. Birmingham, 1887.

Graves Michael A. R. Henry VIII. London, 2003.

Guy John. The Cardinal’s Court. Hassocks, 1977.

_____. The Tudor Monarchy. London, 1997.

Gwyn Peter. The King’s Cardinal. London, 1990.

Hoak Dale (ed.). Tudor Political Culture. Cambridge, 1995.

Hoyle R. W. The Pilgrimage of Grace. Oxford, 2001.

Hutchinson Robert. Thomas Cromwell. London, 2007.

Ives E. W. Anne Boleyn. London, 1986.

Jones Whitney R. D. The Tudor Commonwealth. London, 1970.

Lingard John and Belloc Hilaire. The History of England. Eleven volumes. New York, 1912.

MacCulloch Diarmaid (ed.). The Reign of Henry VIII. Basingstoke, 1995.

Pickthorn Kenneth. Early Tudor Government. Cambridge, 1951.

Pollard A. F. Wolsey. London, 1929.

_____. Henry VIII. London, 1934.

Randell Keith. Henry VIII and the Government of England. London, 1991.

Rosenthal Joel and Richmond Colin (eds.). People, Politics and Community in the Later Middle Ages. Gloucester, 1987.

Scarisbrick J. J. Henry VIII. London, 1968.

Smith Lacey Baldwin. Henry VIII. London, 1971.

Starkey David (ed.). Henry VIII: A European Court in England. London, 1991.

_____. The Reign of Henry VIII. London, 2002.

_____. Henry, Virtuous Prince. London, 2008.

Watts John L. (ed.). The End of the Middle Ages? London, 1998.

Weir Alison. The Six Wives of Henry VIII. London, 1991.

_____. Henry VIII. London, 2001.

Williams C. H. England under the Early Tudors. London, 1925.

_____. The Tudor Despotism. London, 1928.

Williams Penry. The Tudor Regime. Oxford, 1979.

Wooding Lucy. Henry VIII. London, 2009.

Zeeveld W. Gordon. Foundations of Tudor Policy. Cambridge, Mass., 1948.

Правление Эдуарда

Alford Stephen. Kinship and Politics in the Reign of Edward VI. Cambridge, 2002.

Aston Margaret. The King’s Bedpost. Cambridge, 1993.

Beer Barrett L. Rebellion and Riot, Popular Disorder in England during the Reign of Edward VI. Kent, Ohio, 2005.

Bush M. L. The Government Policy of Protector Somerset. London, 1975.

Constant G. Introduction of the Reformation into England, Edward VI. London, 1942.

Gasquet Francis Aidan and Bishop Edmund. Edward VI and the Book of Common Prayer. London, 1890.

Heard Nigel. Edward VI and Mary. London, 1990.

Hoak D. E. The King’s Council in the Reign of Edward VI. Cambridge, 1976.

Jones Whitney R. D. The Mid-Tudor Crisis. London, 1973.

Jordan W. K. Edward VI, the Young King. London, 1968.

_____. Edward VI: The Threshold of Power. London, 1970.

Loach Jennifer. Edward VI. London, 1999.

Loach Jennifer and Tittler Robert (eds.). The Mid-Tudor Polity. London, 1980.

MacCulloch Diarmaid. Tudor Church Militant, Edward VI and the Protestant Reformation. London, 1999.

Mackie J. D. The Earlier Tudors. Oxford, 1952.

Pollard A. F. England under Protector Somerset. London, 1900.

Skidmore Chris. Edward VI. London, 2007.

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