Книга: Снежная королева / The Snow Queen
Назад: Story the Fifth. The Little Robber Girl
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Story the Seventh

What happened in the Snow Queen’s Palace, and what happened after that

The walls of the palace were of made of snow, and the windows and doors of cutting wind. The halls were lit up with the bright Northern Lights, and they were vast, empty, ice-cold and shining. There was never anything exciting there. In the midst of the endless, empty halls there was a frozen lake: it had cracked into thousands of pieces, but each piece was exactly like the others. The Snow Queen would sit in the centre when she was at home, and say that she was seated in the mirror of intellect, and that it was the only one and the best in the whole world.

Little Kay was blue with the cold, but he didn’t notice it. The Snow Queen had kissed the shivers out of him, and his heart was almost completely ice. He was arranging a few sharp pieces of ice in every possible pattern and trying to make something out of them. To him, these patterns were beautiful and very important, because of the grain of glass in his eye. He tried to put together the word “Eternity”, but he couldn’t do it. The Snow Queen had said: “If you can make that word, you will be free, and I’ll make you a present of the whole world, and a new pair of skates.” But he still couldn’t do it. “Now I’m going to go to the hot countries,” said the Snow Queen. “I will make the mountains white: that’s my job, and, besides, it’ll be good for the lemons and vines.” So the Snow Queen flew off, and Kay sat all alone in the empty hall, and looked at the bits of ice.

It was at that moment that little Gerda walked into the palace and entered the empty cold hall. And there she saw Kay and ran to him and caught him by the neck, and hugged him and cried: “Kay! Darling little Kay! So I’ve found you at last!”

But he sat quiet and stiff and cold. Then little Gerda wept hot tears, which fell on him and pierced through to his heart and melted the ice.

Kay looked at her and started crying: and cried so hard that the grain of glass washed out of his eye. And then he cried out: “Gerda! Darling little Gerda! Where have you been all this time? And where have I been?” He looked around. “How cold it is here, how empty it is and how big!” And he hugged her, and she laughed and cried with joy. It was all so happy that even the bits of ice danced about with joy; and when they were tired, they lay down in a pattern the Snow Queen asked Kay to create.

And Gerda kissed his cheeks and they became rosy; she kissed his eyes and they shone like hers; she kissed his hands and he was well.

They took each other by the hand and walked out of the great palace. They talked of grandmother and of the roses on the roof, and wherever they went the winds lay still and the sun broke out; and when they reached the bush with the red berries, the reindeer was there, waiting for them, and he had another young doe with him. Then they carried Kay and Gerda, first to the Finn woman, where they warmed themselves in the hot room and got directions for their journey home, and then to the Lapp woman, who had made new clothes for them and repaired Kay’s sledge.

The reindeer and the doe went with them to forest at the border of the country. There they said “Good-bye!” to each other. Now the first little birds began to twitter, and the trees were starting to become green. And out of the forest came riding on a fine horse a young girl with a red cap on her head and pistols at her side. It was the little robber girl. She knew Gerda at once and Gerda knew her, and they were happy to see each other. Gerda stroked her cheeks and asked after the Prince and Princess.

“They’ve gone travelling abroad,” said the robber girl.

“And the crow?” little Gerda asked.

“Oh, the crow’s dead,” answered the robber girl. “The tame sweetheart’s a widow, and goes about with a bit of black tied on her leg. Tell me how you’ve been, and how you managed to find Kay.” So the children both told her the story. “And Snip-Snap-snurre-basselurre!” said the robber girl, shook hands with them both, and promised that if ever she was ever in their town she’d pay them a visit; and then she rode off.

Kay and Gerda went on, hand in hand: and as they went, beautiful spring was all around them. They heard the church bell and saw the tall towers of the big town where they lived. They came to their grandmother’s door, and up the stairs and into the room. Everything stood where it did before. But, just as they passed through the door they were aware that they were grown people. The roses in the gutter were blooming in at the open windows, and there were the little stools, and Kay and Gerda sat down and held each other by the hand. They had forgotten the Snow Queen’s palace as if it was a dream.

There they both sat, grown up and yet children, children at heart; and it was summer, warm delightful summer.


3.1. Translate into Russian.

brightly, kernel, robber, raven, straw, reindeer, pleasant, mittens, to starve, to howl, to crawl, chimney, strength, to plead, splinter, legion, free

3.2. Answer the questions.

1. What happened to the carriage?

2. Where did the robbers take Gerda?

3. What pets did the robber girl have?

4. Who told Gerda about where Kay was?

5. Where did the reindeer take Gerda first?

6. What was Kay doing in the palace?

7. Where did the Snow Queen go to?

8. What melted the ice in Kay’s heart?

9. What happened to the Prince and the Princess?

10. What happened to the crows?

3.3. Insert the right prepositions (at, in, into, on, to, with).

1. A large pot was _____________ the boil.

2. A reindeer had a copper ring on its neck and was tied _____________ a wall.

3. Gerda looked _____________ the knife rather nervously.

4. She’s been fed up _____________ nut kernels.

5. You will sleep tonight ___________ me and my pets.

6. They drove deep _____________ the forest.

7. I’m going to go _____________ the carriage.

8. They stopped _____________ a small house.

9. I’ll write a word or two ___________ a dry cod.

10. Little Kay is _____________ the Snow Queen.

3.4. Complete the sentences using the words below.

knife • miles • took • give • hundred • white • spears • exciting • forgot • house

1. Above the straw were about a _____________ pigeons.

2. I always sleep with my ___________ by me.

3. The Snow Queen has he summer _____________ in Lapland.

4. You must travel more than four hundred _____________ into Finmark.

5. Can’t you _____________ little Gerda something to help?

6. Gerda noticed that she ___________ her boots and mittens.

7. They all had helmets and __________ and shields.

8. There was never anything _________here.

9. I will make the mountains _________: that’s my job.

10. They _________ each other by the hand and walked out of the palace.

3.5. True or false?

1. The carriage attracted the robbers because it had the arms of the Prince and the Princess on it.

2. The robbers took Gerda to the robber’s castle.

3. The robber girl had pigeons and a deer for pets.

4. The deer told Gerda that he saw Kay.

5. The robber girl gave Gerda her boots and her muff back.

6. Gerda went to the Lapp woman first.

7. The deer took Gerda to the Snow Queen’s castle.

8. Gerda was attacked by the Snow Queen’s sentinels.

9. Kay had to make a picture out of the ice pieces.

10. The Snow Queen went to the hot countries.


1.3. 1. about; 2. to; 3. after; 4. in; 5. on; 6. at; 7. with; 8. into; 9. for; 10. about.

1.4. 1. bees; 2. excellent; 3. millions; 4. wicked; 5. window ; 6. boxes; 7. wonderful; 8. swallows; 9. striking; 10. high.

1.5. 1. false; 2. true; 3. false; 4. false; 5. true; 6. false; 7. true; 8. true; 9. false; 10. false.

2.3. 1. about; 2. in; 3. for; 4. after; 5. on; 6. to; 7. in; 8. with; 9. with; 10. for.

2.4. 1. tears; 2. true; 3. towards; 4. skilled; 5. autumn; 6. dull; 7. shining; 8. dressed; 9. creaked; 10. sledge.

2.5. 1. true; 2. false; 3. false; 4. false; 5. true; 6. true; 7. false; 8. true; 9. false; 10. false.

3.3. 1. on; 2. to; 3. at; 4. with; 5. with; 6. into; 7. in; 8. at; 9. on; 10. with.

3.4. 1. hundred; 2. knife; 3. house; 4. miles; 5. give; 6. forgot; 7. spears; 8. exciting; 9. white; 10. took.

3.5. 1. false; 2. true; 3. true; 4. false; 5. false; 6. true; 7. false; 8. true; 9. false; 10. true.



abroad n заграница

afraid adj испуганный

age n возраст

air n воздух

alive adj живой

allow v позволять

alone adj один, одинокий

aloud adv вслух

always adv всегда; постоянно, всё время

among prep среди; между

amusing adj забавный

angel adj ангел

angry adj сердитый, разгневанный

animal n животное

answer n ответ; v отвечать

anxiety n беспокойство; тревога

anxious adj озабоченный; беспокоящийся; волнующийся

anymore — adv больше не, уже не

arch n арка; свод, дуга

arm n рука

ashore adv на берегу; на берег

ask v спрашивать

attack n нападение; v нападать

attention n внимание

attic n чердак

autumn n осень

Назад: Story the Fifth. The Little Robber Girl
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