Книга: Приключения Шерлока Холмса / The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (сборник)
Назад: II
Дальше: V


1. Answer the questions:

1. Why couldn’t Helen sleep that night?

2. What sounds did Helen Stoner hear that night?

3. What did Julia look like when she came into the corridor?

4. How did Julia die?

5. What did Helen think Julia’s last words meant?

6. What did the police investigation show? Was it careful?

7. What were Helen’s plans for the near future?

8. Why was she terrified?

9. What was Sherlock Holmes going to do?

10. Why was Sherlock Holmes interested in Dr. Roylott’s plans for that day?

Think and say

1. Did Dr. Roylott love his stepdaughters?

2. Why was the police investigation without any results?

2. Find the following phrases in the text and reproduce situations from the text with them. Give Russian equivalents.

1. to be in pain

2. to come to a conclusion

3. (to find) the cause of death

4. to die of smth

5. to move to another place / into another room

3. Paraphrase the underlined parts of the sentences so as to use the phrases above.

1. We saw that the man was suffering terribly, but all we could do was to call an ambulance.

2. Sherlock Holmes decided that it was a very deep business.

3. Her grandmother got pneumonia and died.

4. The police examined the dead man but couldn’t say why he died.

5. I was surprised to hear that Simon had gone to live in another flat. He always said it was a very good flat.

6. The police made an absolutely wrong decision as to why the man died because they didn’t have enough information.

7. Julia Stoner could not talk because she was suffering from pain.

4. Complete the sentences with the phrases above in the correct form.

1. In old days when a patient… the doctor gave him some alcohol to drink.

2. In the 19th century thousands of people all over Europe… tuberculosis.

3. Helen Stoner was afraid… the room where her sister had died.

4. If you want to know somebody’s…, you have to see the death certificate.

5. After a long discussion the doctors… that the patient didn’t need an operation.

6. If you…, take the pill.

7. Don’t worry, people don’t… such temperature.


“And what do you think of it all, Watson?” asked Sherlock Holmes after Miss Stoner left the room.

“It seems to me to be a most dark and gloomy business.”

“Dark enough and gloomy enough.”

“If the lady is correct when she said that no one could get into the room from the outside, then there is no doubt that her sister was alone when she met her end.”

“What about these whistles, and the very strange words of the dying woman?”

“I have no idea.”

“Whistles at night, a band of gypsies in the park, the fact that the doctor has an interest in preventing his stepdaughter’s marriage, the dying woman’s words, the fact that Miss Helen Stoner heard a metallic sound… Probably it was caused by the gypsies’ attempt to force the window.”

“But what, then, did the gypsies do?”

“I cannot imagine.”

“That is why we are going to Stoke Moran today. I want to see whether we can explain all this. But what in the name of the devil!

Our door suddenly opened, and a very big man was in the doorway. So tall was he that his hat reached the doorway. A large face, marked with every evil passion, was turned from one to the other of us.

“Which of you is Holmes?” asked the man.

“This is my name, sir,” said my companion in a low voice.

“I am Dr. Grimesby Roylott, of Stoke Moran.”

“Ah, Doctor,” said Holmes. “Please take your seat.”

“I will do nothing of the kind. My stepdaughter has been here. I have followed her. What has she said to you?”

“It is a little cold for the time of the year,” said Holmes.

“Ha! You put me off, do you?” said our new visitor. “I know you, you scoundrel! I have heard of you before.”

My friend smiled.

“Your words are most pleasant,” said he. “When you go out close the door, for the open door makes the room cold.”

“I will go when I have said what I want. I know that Miss Stoner has been here. I followed her! I am a dangerous man! See here.”

He took the poker, and bent it with his very strong hands.

“Keep yourself out of my grip,” he said, threw the poker, and went out of the room.

“He seems a very friendly person,” said Holmes, laughing. “I am not so big, but my grip is as strong as his own.” He took the poker and straightened it out again.

“Fancy his having the insolence to confound me with the official detective force! This incident gives zest to our investigation, however, and I only trust that our little friend will not suffer from her imprudence in allowing this brute to trace her. And now, Watson, we shall order breakfast, and afterwards I shall walk down to Doctors’ Commons, where I hope to get some data which may help us in this matter.”

It was nearly one o’clock when Sherlock Holmes returned home. He held in his hand a sheet of blue paper, covered with notes.

“I have seen the will of Miss Stoner’s mother,” said he. “The income is now not more than 750 pounds. Each daughter can have an income of 250 pounds, in case of marriage. It is clear, therefore, that if both girls had married, our pleasant visitor would have had very little left, even one marriage would take a lot of money from him. He has the strongest motives for preventing his stepdaughters’ marriage. And now, Watson, this is very serious and we must hurry, as the old man knows of our interest in his affairs; so if you are ready, we shall call a cab and drive to Waterloo. And remember to take your revolver with you. It is a good argument with gentlemen who can bend pokers.”

At Waterloo we took a train for Leatherhead, the station nearest to Stoke Moran, where we got into a cab and drove for four or five miles to our client’s house. It was a perfect day, with a bright sun and a few clouds in the sky. The trees were just throwing out their first green leaves, and the air was full of the pleasant smell. To me there was a strange contrast between the beautiful spring day and the tragic event we had arrived to investigate. My companion sat in the cab, his hat pulled down over his eyes, lost in the deepest thought. Suddenly, however, he pointed to the left.

“Look there!” said he.

I saw a park with a very old house in it.

“Stoke Moran?” said he.

“Yes, sir, that is the house of Dr. Grimesby Roylott,” answered the driver.

“There’s the village,” said the driver, pointing to some houses to the left; “but if you want to get to the house, you’ll find a road over the fields. There it is, where the lady is walking.”

“And the lady, I believe, is Miss Stoner,” said Holmes.

We got off and the cab drove back to Leatherhead.


1. Answer the questions:

1. Did Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson come to any conclusion about the case?

2. Who suddenly came into the room?

3. What did Dr. Roylott look like?

4. How did he learn about Miss Stoner’s visit to Sherlock Holmes?

5. Why did Dr. Roylott come to Sherlock Holmes?

6. What did Sherlock Holmes find out about Dr. Roylott’s financial position?

7. How did Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson reach Stoke Moran?

Think and say

1. How did Sherlock Holmes’ and Dr. Roylott’s behaviour characterize them?

2. Why did Sherlock Holmes think that they had to hurry?

2. Find the following phrases in the text and reproduce situations from the text with them. Give Russian equivalents.

1. from the outside

ant. from the inside

2. there is no doubt (about smth / that…)

3. in a low voice

4. to follow smb

3. Paraphrase the underlined parts of the sentences so as to use the phrases above.

1. The actors spoke very quietly and we couldn’t hear anything.

2. When Steven arrived home he found the house locked by somebody who was in it. Steven rang the bell and knocked on the door but without any result.

3. Alex was a private detective and very often his job was to watch people and write reports about their actions for his clients.

4. After the doctor examined the dead man, the cause of his death was quite clear.

5. We are absolutely sure that the window was broken by somebody who was not in the house.

6. The cat watched every movement of the mouse.

7. I am sure the police are after us.

4. Complete the sentences with the phrases above in the correct form.

1. Please speak…, the children are asleep.

2… he is seriously ill. He is very pale. He looks as if he is in pain.

3. Sue and Sam tried… the unknown woman, but her car was much faster than theirs, and they soon lost her.

4. Sherlock Holmes came to the conclusion that no one could get into Julia’s room…

5. He said it in such… that nobody understood him.

6. A crowd gathered around a house on fire. They heard cries…, but no one went into the fire.

7. If anyone can do the work…, it’s him. Let him be responsible for it.

Назад: II
Дальше: V