Книга: Приключения Шерлока Холмса / The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (сборник)
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1. Answer the questions:

1. Whom did Dr. Watson meet when he arrived at Baker Street that night?

2. What did you learn about John Clay?

3. Where did Mr. Merryweather lead them?

4. What surprised Mr. Merryweather in the cellar?

5. What did Sherlock Holmes examine in the cellar?

6. Why were the criminals interested in the bank cellar at that very time?

7. Why did Sherlock Holmes want everybody to be quiet and sit in the dark?

8. What precautions had Sherlock Holmes taken before they came to the bank cellar?

9. Did they catch the criminals in the cellar?

10. How did Sherlock Holmes explain the purpose of Mr. Wilson’s work at the Red-headed League?

11. Why did Sherlock Holmes strike on the ground in front of the pawnbroker’s?

12. Why did Sherlock Holmes think that the criminals would try robbing the bank on that very night?

2. Think and say if these statements are right or wrong. Correct the wrong ones, give your reasons.

1. Sherlock Holmes told the bank director that he was going to have an exciting night because they were after a very dangerous criminal.

2. Sherlock Holmes took Mr. Jones of Scotland Yard with them as he thought he was a good detective and a brave man.

3. The bank cellar was not vulnerable either from above or from below.

4. Interest in photography provided an excuse for John Clay to spend a lot of time in the cellar.

5. It was obvious that the work at the Red-headed League was to take Mr. Wilson away from home.

3. Find the following phrases in the text and reproduce situations from the text with them. Give Russian equivalents.

1. to get smb / smth out of the way

2. to apply for a position / vacancy / job

3. to make inquiries about smth / smb

4. Paraphrase the underlined parts of the sentences so as to use the phrases above.

1. Kevin wrote a letter and asked to be considered for a management position.

2. A detective’s job is to ask questions and collect information about people his clients would like to know about.

3. They had to stop to take the fallen tree away from the road.

4. The company has to get rid of competitors to stay in the market.

5. Complete the sentences with the phrases above in the correct form.

1. If the job suits you, why don’t you… it?

2. Not to wait long at the bus terminal… the bus service in advance.

3. Nick wanted… his younger brothers… So he gave them money and they ran to the shop to buy ice cream.


Список сокращений

a – adjective – прилагательное

adv – adverb – наречие

cj – conjunction – союз

n – noun – имя существительное

prp – preposition – предлог

v – verb – глагол


above adv вверх, наверху

absence n отсутствие

accident n несчастный случай, авария

accomplice n сообщник

action n действие, деятельность

admiration n восхищение, восторг

advance : in advance заранее

adventure n приключение

advertisement n объявление

advice n совет; take smb’s advice советоваться с кем-л.

affair n дело

agree v соглашаться, договариваться, уславливаться

amount n сумма

anxious a беспокоящийся, тревожащийся; страстно желающий

appear v появляться, показываться

appearance n внешность, внешний вид

apply v (for) обращаться (за чем-л.)

area n участок

argue v спорить

astonished a удивленный, потрясенный

attempt n попытка

as adv, cj как; когда; так как, в то время как; в качестве; as far as насколько


bachelor n холостяк

backward adv назад

behaviour n поведение

believe v считать, полагать

besides prp, adv кроме, кроме того

blazing a пылающий

blood n кровь

board n доска

boredom n скука

bow v поклониться

boyish a мальчишеский

brain n ум, умственные способности

branch n филиал, отделение

brave a храбрый, смелый

brilliant a блестящий, великолепный, гениальный

burst v (burst) разрываться, взрываться; burst out laughing рассмеяться


cab n кэб, наемный экипаж

call v звать; называть; call on/at навещать, заходить (к кому-л.)

carpenter n плотник

case n дело; случай

cellar n подвал

certainly adv конечно

chronicle v записывать, заносить (в дневник, летопись); вести хронику

clear v (up) прояснять, выяснять

clearly adv ясно, понятно

click v щелкнуть, защелкнуть

client n клиент

close a близкий

collar n воротник

column n колонка, рубрика

common a обычный; распространенный

companion n компаньон

competition n соревнование; конкуренция

competitor n конкурент

complain v жаловаться

complete a полный

conclusion n заключение, вывод

confidence n уверенность

congratulate v поздравлять

consider v рассматривать, обдумывать, принимать во внимание

contain v содержать, вмещать

contrary n нечто противоположное, обратное; on the contrary наоборот

corner n угол

cost v (cost) стоить

couple n пара

crime n преступление

criminal n преступник

crowd n толпа

crowded a многолюдный, людный

cuff n манжет

curious a странный, необычный

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