Книга: Самые лучшие английские легенды / The Best English Legends
Назад: Lady Godiva[67]
Дальше: Англо-русский словарь


There was once a princess whose mother died when she was born. She grew up very beautiful, with lovely golden hair. Her father wanted her to marry against her will. So she thought of a plan to put off the wedding. She asked to make her three new dresses. One was to be golden like the sun, the second was to be silver like the moon, and the third must sparkle like the stars. She also asked for a fur cloak with a hood made of a thousand different skins from a thousand different animals. The princess said to herself, “It will be very difficult to make these clothes, and the wedding will be put off for a long time.”

But her father set all his best workers to make the three dresses, and his hunters took a tiny piece from the fur of a thousand different animals and a cloak with a hood was made. So the dresses and the cloak were soon ready and the wedding could not be put off much longer.

At night the princess got up secretly and took from her jewel box a gold ring, a gold necklace and a gold brooch.

Then she took the golden dress like the sun and the silver dress like the moon and the dress that sparkled like the stars, and folded them. They were so light and so magic that she could pack all three into a nutshell. She put on her fur cloak and pulled the hood over her golden hair, and rubbed soot on her face and hands so that no one would know who she was. Then she left her father’s palace. She walked till she was tired, and when she came to a hollow tree she crept inside and fell asleep.

Next day the king of the neighbouring country was hunting, and his hunters found the girl in her fur cloak, asleep in the tree. When the dogs barked, she woke up and was very frightened. She said, “I am a poor girl and I have no parents. Please take me with you.”

“Yes, Miss Catskin,” said the hunters. “We shall take you with us and you can work in the kitchen.”

And they took her to the palace and showed her a little dark room under the stairs and said, “You can sleep there, Catskin.”

They thought it was quite a good room for a girl who had sooty hands and a sooty face.

She had to work very hard in the kitchen. She fetched water and wood, looked after the fires and raked out the ashes. At night she often cried in her little dark room.

One day there was a feast in the king’s palace and she asked the cook, “May I go and watch the fine ladies and gentlemen?”

“You can go for just half-an-hour,” said the cook, “and then you must come back and rake out the ashes.”

So Catskin washed the soot off her face and hands, and went into her little room. She opened the nutshell, shook out her golden dress, and put it on. She went to the party and no one knew who she was. The king thought she was very beautiful and danced with her himself.

When the dance was over, she slipped away to her tiny bedroom, took off her golden dress, put on her fur cloak, and blackened her hands and face with soot. She began to rake out the ashes, but the cook, who wanted to have a look at the fine people herself, said:

“Heat up the king’s soup and don’t let even a hair fall in it or you’ll be in trouble.”

So Catskin heated up the king’s soup, fetched her gold ring and put it at the bottom of the bowl.

When the king ate the soup, he liked it very much. Then he was surprised to find the gold ring lying at the bottom. He asked who made the soup.

“I did,” said the cook.

“That is not true,” said the king. “It tasted better than the soup you make.”

Then the cook said it was Catskin who had made the soup. So the king sent for Catskin and asked her who she was.

Catskin only answered that she was a poor orphan and was good for nothing but to do dirty jobs in the kitchen.

He asked her if she knew how the gold ring got into the soup, but she shook her head.

Later on there was another feast at the palace and again Catskin asked the cook, “May I go and watch?”

“Yes,” said the cook, “but be back in half-an-hour to make the king’s soup because he likes the way you make it.”

So Catskin ran to her little room and washed herself carefully. Then she opened the nutshell, shook out the silver dress, and put it on. The king was very glad to see her again and they danced together. When the dance was over, she slipped away and dressed herself as Catskin again. Then she cooked the king’s soup and put her gold necklace at the bottom of the bowl.

Once again the king sent for her and asked her if she knew anything about the gold necklace. She answered as before that she was a poor girl who could only do dirty jobs in the kitchen, and knew nothing about the necklace.

Some time later the king ordered a third feast to be held. Catskin washed herself again, opened the nutshell and shook out the dress that sparkled like the stars and put it on. The king was so very glad to see her again that he held her hand very tightly as they danced, and when she was not looking, he slipped a gold ring on her finger.

When she left the party, it was very late, and she threw her fur cloak over her fine dress, and she did not rub the soot properly on her face and hands. One finger was left white. She cooked the king’s soup and put her gold brooch at the bottom of the bowl.

When the king had finished eating his soup, and found the gold brooch at the bottom, he sent for Catskin. He soon noticed the one white finger with the ring he had put on it. He took her sooty hand in his, and when she tried to pull it away, the fur cloak slipped a little, and her dress sparkled like the stars.

The king took off her fur cloak and saw how beautiful she was with her golden hair and her shining dress. He fell in love with her at once. Then she washed the soot off herself so that she looked even more beautiful than before. Everyone saw that she was a real princess. So Catskin told her story to the king. In a few days they were married and lived happily ever afterwards.


1. Выберите правильный вариант:

1. The queen puts on the catskin coat and runs away, disguising herself as a peasant woman.

2. The princess puts on the catskin coat and runs away, disguising herself as a peasant girl.

3. The princess puts on the golden coat and runs away, disguising herself as a rich girl.

4. The girl puts on the royal coat and runs away, disguising herself as a proncess.

2. Where did the girl sleep?

1. in the bed

2. on the grass

3. in a hollow tree

4. in the bedroom

3. How many dresses did she ask to make her?

1. 2

2. 3

3. 4

4. 5

4. Why did the hunters take the girl with them?

1. Because they liked girls.

2. Because she was sleeping.

3. Because they wanted to eat her.

4. Because she asked them.

5. What is a kitchen?

1. a room for personal hygiene

2. a room for relaxing and socializing

3. a room used for cooking and food preparation

4. a room where people sleep

6. Who is an orphan?

1. a child whose parents are dead

2. a recipient of health care services

3. a poor child without food

4. a good friend

7. Выберите правильный вариант:

1. When she left the party, it was very early.

2. When she left the party, it was very late.

3. When she left the party, it was cold.

4. When she left the party, it was hot.

8. What does it mean, “good for nothing”?

1. a person that is competent with many skills

2. a person that has difficulty with mimesis and imaginative play

3. one who is industrious

4. a person of little worth or usefulness

9. What happened when she washed the soot off herself?

1. She looked even more beautiful than before.

2. She began to dance.

3. She looked even uglier than before.

4. She played harp music.

10. Выберите нужный глагол:

He asked her if she _____________ how the gold ring got into the soup.

1. knew

2. knows

3. will know

4. knowing

11. Выберите нужные глаголы:

The king thought she _____________ very beautiful and _____________ with her himself.

1. is, danced

2. was, dancing

3. was, danced

4. is, dance

12. Выберите нужный предлог:

Catskin opened the nutshell and shook _____________ the dress that sparkled like the stars and put it _____________.

1. onto, out

2. by, at

3. out, on

4. out, in

13. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. How many persons are mentioned in the story?

2. What is the name of the girl?

3. What have you learned about the king?

4. What do you like and what don’t you like in the king?

5. What would you do if you were the main character of the story?

6. What is the end of the story?

7. Retell the story.

14. Заполните таблицу:


1. The princess puts on the catskin coat and runs away, disguising herself as a peasant girl.

2. in a hollow tree

3. 3

4. Because she asked them.

5. a room used for cooking and food preparation

6. a child whose parents are dead

7. When she left the party, it was very late.

8. a person of little worth or usefulness

9. She looked even more beautiful than before.

10. knew: He asked her if she knew how the gold ring got into the soup.

11. was, danced: The king thought she was very beautiful and danced with her himself.

12. out, on: Catskin opened the nutshell and shook out the dress that sparkled like the stars and put it on.


Назад: Lady Godiva[67]
Дальше: Англо-русский словарь