Книга: Рассказы / Short Stories
Назад: No Story
Дальше: The Brief Debut of Tildy


1. Choose the right variant:

1. The young lady took the train to New York to find the man who had promised to love her.

2. The young lady took the ferry to New York to find the man who had promised to love her.

3. The young lady took the train to New York to find the man who was her brother.

4. The young lady took the train to New York to find the man who had never come there.

2. What is a boarding-house?

1. a serviced apartment complex

2. specialized buildings for permanent military accommodation

3. a house in which lodgers rent one or more rooms for one or more nights

4. a basic shelter, left unlocked and available for anyone to use free of charge

3. Who was Tripp indeed?

1. Hiram Dodd

2. Mr. Chalmers

3. Mr. Lowery

4. George Brown

4. Why did Ada and George cut a dime into two pieces?

1. They had a lot of money and did not know what to do with it.

2. They promised to be true to each other and always keep the pieces till they meet again.

3. They wanted to double their welfare.

4. They wanted to have powerful amulets.

5. What is a dime?

1. a coin worth five cents

2. one-cent coin, commonly known as a penny

3. a ten-cent coin

4. a coin worth 25 cents

6. What is a chisel?

1. a tool meant to deliver an impact to an object

2. a tool with a characteristically shaped cutting edge

3. a tool for digging, lifting, and moving bulk materials

4. a tool consisting of a hard blade, wire, or chain with a toothed edge

7. Choose the right variant:

1. The young lady stopped Tripp in the street to ask him about George.

2. The young man, Ada was going to marry, was a reporter.

3. Mr. Chalmers did not give Tripp a dollar for whisky.

4. Tripp told the reporter a story of a girl from New York.

8. Why were Tripp’s hands shaking?

1. Because he was dancing.

2. Because he was nervous before making his speech.

3. Because he had artificial limbs.

4. Because of whisky.

9. What does it mean, “he has gone to the dogs”?

1. He was going to feed his pets.

2. He has become a drunkard.

3. He has got his promotion.

4. He is engaged in preparations for a new expedition.

10. Choose the right verb:

I never _____________ what a big place it is.

1. saw

2. came

3. think

4. realized

11. Choose the correct verbs:

When he _____________ on my table he ________ one hand with the other; both hands were ________.

1. shook, held, sitting

2. sat, shook, holding

3. sat, held, shaking

4. shook, sat, holding

12. Insert the right prepositions:

with – into – for – from

1. Tripp unbuttoned his coat to take a handkerchief _____________ his pocket.

2. On the day he left, he and me got a hammer and a chisel and cut a dime ____________ two pieces.

3. And then he was coming back ___________ me.

4. Half of his face was covered _____________ short, curly red beard.

13. Complete the chart:

Makes the Whole World Kin

The burglar stepped inside the window quickly, and then he took his time. The house was a private residence.

The burglar lighted a cigarette. He wore a blue sweater. He wore no masks, dark lanterns, or gum shoes. He carried a 38-calibre revolver in his pocket, and he chewed peppermint gum thoughtfully.

The furniture of the house was in its summer dust protectors. The burglar did not expect a remarkable haul. Maybe some money, a watch, a jewelled pin – nothing exorbitant. The burglar had seen the window left open and had taken the chance.

The burglar softly opened the door of the lighted room. A man lay in the bed asleep. On the dresser lay many things in confusion – bills, a watch, keys, three poker chips, some cigars.

The burglar took three steps toward the dresser. The man in the bed suddenly opened his eyes. His right hand slid under his pillow, but remained there.

“Lay still,” said the burglar. The man in the bed looked at the round end of the burglar’s pistol and lay still.

“Now hold up both your hands,” commanded the burglar.

The man had a little, pointed, brown-and-gray beard. He looked solid, irritable, and disgusted. He sat up in bed and raised his right hand above his head.

Up with the other one,” ordered the burglar. “You can count two, can’t you? Hurry up, now.”

“Can’t raise the other one,” said the man.

“What’s the matter with it?”

“Rheumatism in the shoulder.”

The burglar stood for a moment or two, holding his gun. Then he made a sudden grimace.

“Don’t make grimaces,” cried the man. “If you’ve come to burgle why don’t you do it?”

“‘Excuse me,” said the burglar, with a grin; “but it is rheumatism, too. I got it in my left arm, too.”

“How long have you had it?” inquired the man.

“Four years. And I think, it’s for ever.”

“Have you ever tried rattlesnake oil?” asked the man.

“Of course,” said the burglar. “It does not help.”

“Some use Chiselum’s Pills,” remarked the man.

“Fudge!” said the burglar. “I took them five months. No good. It was better when I tried Finkelham’s Extract.”

“Is yours worse in the morning or at night?” asked the man.

“Night,” said the burglar; “just when I’m busiest. Take down your arm – I guess you won’t – Say! did you ever try Blickerstaff’s Blood Builder?”

“I never did. Is your rheumatism a steady pain?”

The burglar sat down and put his gun on his crossed knee.

“It jumps,” said he. “I tell you what – I don’t believe the doctors know what is good for it.”

“Oh yes. I’ve spent a thousand dollars without getting any relief.”

The burglar looked down at his pistol and put it into his pocket.

“Say, old man,” he said, “did you try opodeldoc?”

“Slop!” said the man angrily. “As good as restaurant butter.”

“Sure,” concurred the burglar. “I’ll tell you what! We’re up against it. I only find one thing that can help. Hey? Little old booze. So – excuse me – get on your clothes and let’s go out and have some.”

“For a week,” said the man, “I haven’t been able to dress myself without help.”

“No problem,” said the burglar, “I’ll help you.”

The man was surprised.

“It’s very unusual —” he began.

“Here’s your shirt,” said the burglar, “I knew a man who recommended Omberry’s Ointment.”

As they were going out the door the man turned and started back.

“I forgot my money,” he explained; “I laid it on the dresser last night.”

The burglar caught him by the right sleeve.

“Come on,” he said. “Leave it, I pay. Have you ever tried witch hazel and oil of wintergreen?”


1. Choose the right variant:

1. Once he finds a respectable house, the thief climbs inside through an open window.

2. Once he finds a respectable house, the thief enters through the door.

3. Once he finds a respectable house, the thief rings a bell.

4. Once he finds a respectable house, the thief calls the master of the house.

2. What is rheumatism?

1. a common chronic inflammatory disease of the airways

2. a form of joint disorder that involves inflammation of one or more joints

3. an inflammation of the colon

4. a term for medical problems affecting the joints and connective tissue

3. What did the thief do with the man first?

1. The thief stole his money.

2. The thief woke the man and instructed him to raise his hands.

3. The thief began to talk about medical problems.

4. The thief tried to run away.

4. What did the thief do with the man at the end of the story?

1. The thief, shocked at what he heard, could do nothing.

2. The thief took the man’s money and ran away.

3. The thief put on his mask, dark lanterns, and gum shoes.

4. The thief invited the man for a drink at a local pub.

5. What is a summer dust protector?

1. Summer dust protector prevents bright sunlight and high-energy visible light from damaging or discomforting the eyes.

2. It is a container for temporarily storing refuse and waste.

3. Summer dust protector stops dust entering the furniture.

4. It is commonly used in the screen printing process.

6. What can be used as a remedy?

1. Blickerstaff’s Pills, Chiselum’s Blood Builder, Finkelham’s Extract, Omberry’s Ointment

2. Blickerstaff’s Blood Builder, Chiselum’s Pills, Finkelham’s Extract, Omberry’s Ointment

3. Blickerstaff’s Ointment, Chiselum’s Pills, Finkelham’s Extract, Omberry’s Blood Builder

4. Blickerstaff’s Extract, Chiselum’s Pills, Finkelham’s Blood Builder, Omberry’s Ointment

7. Choose the right variant:

1. As the thief walked inside, he found a man lying in bed, crying.

2. As the thief walked inside, he found a man lying in bed, groaning.

3. As the thief walked inside, he found a man lying in bed, asleep.

4. As the thief walked inside, he found a man lying in bed, laughing.

8. Why did the thief invite the man to the pub?

1. He liked to drink whisky.

2. He said it was the only remedy that could help.

3. It was time for dinner.

4. He wanted to drink.

9. What is a booze?

1. an edible plant or its part

2. nutritional support for the body

3. a part of a flowering plant

4. an alcoholic beverage

10. Choose the right verb:

The thief, shocked at what he hears, lowers the gun and tells his victim that he as well, _____________ from the disease.

1. does

2. suffers

3. feels

4. has

11. Choose the correct verbs:

Outside the house, the old man ____________ that he _________ no money with him – the thief, kindly, ___________ to ___________ for the drinks.

1. offers, realises, pay, has

2. realises, has, offers, pay

3. realises, pay, offers, has

4. has, pay, realises, offers

12. Insert the right prepositions:

above – about – toward – for

1. Once inside, the thief scouts _____________ valuable items.

2. The thief and the man proceed to exchange words of comfort _____________ the haunting pain.

3. The burglar took three steps _____________ the dresser.

4. He sat up in bed and raised his right hand _____________ his head.

13. Complete the chart:

Назад: No Story
Дальше: The Brief Debut of Tildy