Книга: Алиса в Зазеркалье / Through the Looking-glass, and What Alice Found There
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Chapter 10


She took her off the table and shook her up and down.

The Red Queen’s face became very small, and her eyes grew large and green. Alice kept on shaking, and the Queen kept on growing fatter, softer, and rounder … and …

Chapter 11


… and it really was a kitten, after all.

Chapter 12

Which Dreamed it?

“Your majesty shouldn’t purr so loud,” Alice said and rubbed her eyes. Kitty was next to her. “Oh, you woke me out of such a nice dream!”

But Kitty only purred.

Alice found the Red Queen among the chessmen on the table. Then she went down on her knees on the carpet and put the kitten and the Queen together.

“Now, Kitty!” Alice cried and clapped her hands. “Say that it was you!”

But Kitty didn’t look at it. However, the kitten looked a little shamed of itself.

“Snowdrop, my pet!” said Alice and looked at the White Kitten. Dinah was washing it. “When will Dinah finish with your White Majesty, I wonder? That’s why you were so untidy in my dream … Dinah! Do you know that you’re washing a White Queen? Really!

By the way, Kitty, there was one thing in my dream that you’d like … The poetry there was all about fish! Tomorrow morning you’ll have one. And I’ll repeat ‘The Walrus and the Carpenter’ to you!

“Now, Kitty, let’s consider whose dream it was. This is a serious question, my dear. You see, Kitty, it can be me or the Red King. He was part of my dream, of course … but then I was part of his dream, too! Was it the Red King, Kitty? You were his wife, my dear, so you should know … Oh, Kitty, help me!”

But the kitten only began licking its paw, and pretended it hadn’t heard the question.

Who do you think it was?


1. What should Alice do to become a Queen?

1. She should sing a song.

2. She should learn how to give orders.

3. She should pass the examination.

4. She should buy a crown.

2. Did the Frog help Alice to open the door?

1. Yes, he did. He was a nice Frog.

2. No, he didn’t. But he tried to open it.

3. Yes, he did. But he wasn’t very polite.

4. No, he didn’t. He was very strange.

3. What was all the poetry in the Looking-glass world about?

1. About Alice

2. About unicorns

3. About fish

4. About the Red Queen

4. Why didn’t Alice want to be introduced to the plum-pudding?

1. She was afraid of it.

2. She didn’t like how it looked.

3. She didn’t want to stay hungry.

4. She had no time.

5. What was Alice worried about when she woke up?

1. Who dreamed it?

2. Was it a dream?

3. What was the dream about?

4. Was Kitty the Red Queen?

6. Choose the right preposition

by, from, in, among, at

1. ‘Can you do Subtraction? Take nine …… eight.’

2. ‘Can you do Division? Divide a loaf …… a knife.’

3. Some were animals, some birds, and there were even a few flowers …… them.

4. The White Queen looked …… Alice …… a shy way.

7. Choose the words and expressions to fill the gaps

ashamed of, passed, by the way, let me

1. ………………, Kitty, the poetry there was all about fish!

2. You can’t be a Queen, till you have …………… the examination.

3. ‘You look shy; ……………… introduce you to that leg of mutton,’ said the Red Queen.

4. But however, the kitten looked a little ……………itself.

8. Complete the table



above – над

across – через, сквозь

active –  активный

add – добавлять

address – обращаться

adjective – прилагательное

adventure – приключение

advice – совет

advise – советовать

afraid – испуганный

afterwards – позже, потом

again – снова

against – против

age – возраст

agree – соглашаться

alive – живой

almost – почти

alone – один

along – вдоль

aloud – громко

already – уже

although – хотя

angrily – сердито

angry – злой, рассерженный

animal – животное

another – другой

answer – ответ, отвечать

anyway – во всяком случае

argue – спорить

argument – аргумент

arm – рука

armchair – кресло

armour – доспехи

arrive – прибывать

ashes – пепел

ask – спрашивать

asleep – спящий

at all – вообще


badger – барсук

balance – баланс

battle – битва

be (was, were) – быть, являться

beautiful – красивый

become (became, become) – становиться

bee – пчела

beehive – улей

beetle – жук

begin (began, begun) – начинать

behave – вести себя

behind – позади

believe – верить

bell – колокольчик, звонок

belong – принадлежать

besides – помимо, к тому же

biscuit – печенье

bite (bit, bitten) – кусать

better – лучше, ср.ст. good

blow (blew, blown) – дуть

both – оба

bow – кланяться

branch – ветка

break (broke, broken) – ломать

breathe – дышать

bring (brought, brought) – приносить

broken – сломанный

brooch – брошь

brook – ручей

brush – расческа

butterfly – бабочка

but (bought, bought) – покупать


call – называть, звать

can (could) – мочь, уметь

candle – свеча

careful – осторожный

carpenter – плотник

carpet – ковер

carriage – вагон

carrot – морковь

carve – резать

castle – замок; ладья (в шахматах)

catch (caught, caught) – ловить, поймать

cause – причина

chair – стул

character – персонаж

cheap – дешевый

check – шах (в шахматах)

chess – шахматы

chessman – шахматная фигура

child – ребенок

chimney piece – каминная полка

choice – выбор

choose (chose, chosen) – выбирать

chorus – хор

clap – хлопать

clever – умный

cloud – облако

clumsy – неуклюжий

coat – пальто

comb – гребень

commit – совершать

convenient – удобный

cold – простуда

colour – цвет

come (came, come) – приходить

compare – сравнивать

continue – продолжать

cool – прохладный

cough – кашель

count – считать

counter – прилавок

country – страна

cravat – галстук

crime – преступление

сriticize – критиковать

crow – ворон

сrust – корка

cry – кричать, плакать

curiosity – любопытство

curl – завиваться

cut (cut, cut) – резать

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