Книга: Красавица и чудовище. Золушка. Спящая красавица. Рапунцель. Волшебная лампа Аладдина / The Beauty and the Beast. Cinderella. The Sleeping Beauty. Rapunzel. The Story of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp
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1. Answer the questions.

1. Where did a man and a woman live?

2. Whom did the enchanted garden belong to?

3. Why did the man steal food from the enchanted garden?

4. What did the man promise to the witch?

5. Did the evil witch take the man and the woman’s daughter?

6. Was Rapunzel beautiful or ugly?

7. What happened when Rapunzel turned 12 years old?

8. What did the witch do when she wanted to go inside the tower?

 9. How did the Prince get into the castle?

10. Did the Prince fall in love with Rapunzel?

11. Did Rapunzel agree to marry the Prince?

12. What happened to the Prince when he jumped out of the castle tower?

13. How did the Prince meet Rapunzel again?

2. True or False?

1. The man and his wife lived near an enchanted garden.

2. The man and the woman were rather rich and could grow enough food to eat.

3. The witch was kind and allowed the man to gather vegetables and fruits from her garden.

4. The man agreed to give his first child to the witch, because he was terrified of the evil witch.

1. The man and the woman kept their daughter hidden away in the cottage so that the evil witch did not see her and would not take her away.

2. Rapunzel didn’t remember how her mother and father used to sing her lullabies.

3. When the witch wanted to go inside the tower, she cried out, “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your golden hair.”

4. When Rapunzel saw the Prince she fell in love with him immediately and allowed him to climb up into the castle tower.

5. Rapunzel didn’t want to marry the Prince because she was afraid of the evil witch.

6. When the evil witch saw the ladder she became very angry.

7. The evil witch took a pair of scissors and cut off Rapunzel’s lovely golden locks of hair.

8. The Prince and Rapunzel lived happily ever after.

9. The Prince was so upset that he jumped out of the castle tower and ran away.

3. Translate into English:

заколдованный сад, злая ведьма, окруженный, каменистый, напуганный, осмеливаться, при одном условии, постучать в дверь, золотой, восхитительный голос, спуститься, лестница, шелковая нить, предать, расстроенный, колючий кустарник, слепой, коренья.

4. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

1. ____________ their house was an enchanted garden with the most beautiful flowers, plants and vegetables.

2. Each day they longed to go _________________ the enchanted garden to gather some food to eat.

3. The evil witch was standing there right ________________ him.

4. The man and woman did not know that the evil witch could see them __________ her castle.

5. One day the evil witch came ________ their cottage and knocked on the door.

6. But when he tried to find the door to go ___________ to see Rapunzel, he could not find it.

7. She liked the Prince ________ and she said “yes”.

8. When he got inside the castle tower he did not see his darling Rapunzel but _______ the evil witch.

9. The Prince was so upset that he jumped out of the castle tower and fell ________ some thorns.

10. But one day he walked and walked and stumbled _________ a beautiful lake.

5. Complete the table with the past forms of the verbs from the text.



Список сокращений

a – adjective – прилагательное

adv – adverb – наречие

cj – conjunction – союз

int – interjection – междометие

n – noun – имя существительное

pl – plural – множественное число

prn – pronoun – местоимение

prp – preposition – предлог

v – verb – глагол


a bit of немного

a few несколько, некоторое количество

able a способный, в состоянии

admit v допустить

adventurous a любящий приключения

advice a совет

afternoon n вторая половина дня

again adv снова

agree v согласиться

all day long весь день напролет

allow v позволять, разрешать

alone a одинокий, в одиночестве

amazement n удивление, изумление

angrily adv злобно, в ярости

angry a злой, разъяренный

anymore n больше не (с отрицанием)

anyway adv как бы то ни было

appear v появиться

around prep вокруг

arrive v приезжать, прибывать

as так как, поскольку

ask v спрашивать, просить

asleep a спящий

astonished a изумленный, шокированный

at last наконец-то

at that moment в этот момент

attention n внимание


back adv назад

background n происхождение

ball n бал

beautiful a красивый, прекрасный

beauty n красота

became past от become

become v становиться

beg v просить, умолять

began past от begin

begin v начинать

behind prp позади

belong v принадлежать

beside adv рядом

betray v предавать

bird n птица

birthday n день рождения

blind a слепой

borrow v взять взаймы, позаимствовать

branch n ветвь

bring v приносить

bring back принести

bush n куст

but prp но


cackle v хихикать

call v звать, созывать

call out выкрикивать

came past от come

can v мочь

careful a осторожный

cast a spell произнести заклинание

castle n замок

charm n очарование

child n ребенок, дитя

christening n крещение, крестины

climb v взбираться

climb over перелезть

climb up взобраться

close adv близко

close by по соседству

coach n карета

coachman n кучер

come v приходить, приезжать

comfortable a спокойный, чувствующий себя удобно

completely adv абсолютно, полностью

cook n повар

cottage n небольшой дом

Court n Двор (короля)

courtyard n внутренний двор

cradle n люлька, колыбель

creature n существо, создание

cross over пересечь

cruelly adv жестоко, бессердечно

cry n крик, плач

curious a любопытный

cut off отрезать

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