Книга: Любимые английские сказки / My Favourite English Fairy Tales
Назад: V. The Three Cows
Дальше: A


1) True or false?

1. Gobborn Seer had three sons.

2. Jack had to bring his father the skin and the value of it as well.

3. The girl washed the skin in the stream and took the wool from it.

4. Jack knew how to shorten the way.

5. Gobborn Seer and his son were building a castle.

6. The king wanted to trick Gobborn Seer and Jack.

7. Gobborn asked Jack’s wife for a screwdriver.

2) Fill in the gaps using words in brackets.

1. One day he .................... (to send) his son out to sell a sheepskin.

2. So he ................... (to try) again, and nobody ....................... (to wish) to buy the skin on those terms.

3. The girl .................. (to wash) the skin in the stream, .................. (to take) the wool from it, and ................... (to pay) him the value of it, and ........................ (to give) him the skin to carry back.

4. Jack ...................... (to spy) her and ................... (to tell) her how his old father .................... (to have) a wish to meet her.

5. King ................. (to be) so afraid they should build some other king a castle, he .................... (to want) to take their lives tomorrow.

6. She ....................... (to catch) him by the two heels and ........................... (to throw) him into the chest.

3) Fill in the gaps with the following words:

reach up, catch up, outshine, shorten the way, come off

1. It’s dangerous, ........................................ the roof immediately!

2. This castle should ................................... all the others in beauty.

3. He ...................................... with his father an hour ago.

4. This road is too long, we must ................................................ somehow.

5. Jack’s wife tried to ................................. into a chest after a tool.

4) Translate the following sentences:

1. Никто не хотел покупать овечью шкуру на этих условиях.

2. Остроумная жена рассказала Джеку как сократить путь.

3. Джек снова нагнал своего отца.

4. Отец и сын начали строить замок, который должен затмить все остальные.

5. Близкие друзья собрались в вестибюле.

6. Они не могли закончить работу из-за отсутствия одного инструмента.

5) Retell the fairy-tale.

VII. The Hobyahs

Once there was an old man and woman and a little girl, and they all lived in a house made of hempstalks. Now the old man had a little dog named Turpie and one night the Hobyahs came and said, ‘Hobyah! Hobyah! Hobyah! Tear down the hempstalks, eat up the old man and woman, and carry off the little girl!’ But little dog Turpie barked so that the Hobyahs ran off; and the old man said, ‘Little dog Turpie barks so that I cannot sleep nor slumber, and if I live till morning I will cut off his tail.’ So in the morning the old man cut off little dog Turpie’s tail.

The next night the Hobyahs came again, and said, ‘Hobyah! Hobyah! Hobyah! Tear down the hempstalks, eat up the old man and woman, and carry off the little girl!’ But little dog Turpie barked so that the Hobyahs ran off; and the old man said, ‘Little dog Turpie barks so that I cannot sleep nor slumber, and if I live till morning I will cut off one of his legs.’ So in the morning the old man cut off one of little dog Turpie’s legs.

The next night the Hobyahs came again, and said, ‘Hobyah! Hobyah! Hobyah! Tear down the hempstalks, eat up the old man and woman, and carry off the little girl!’ But little dog Turpie barked so that the Hobyahs ran off; and the old man said, ‘Little dog Turpie barks so that I cannot sleep nor slumber, and if I live till morning I will cut off another of his legs.’ So in the morning the old man cut off another of little dog Turpie’s legs.

The next night the Hobyahs came again, and said ‘Hobyah! Hobyah! Hobyah! Tear down the hempstalks, eat up the old man and woman, and carry off the little girl!’ But little dog Turpie barked so that the Hobyahs ran off; and the old man said, ‘Little dog Turpie barks so that I cannot sleep nor slumber, and if I live till morning I will cut off another of his legs.’ So in the morning the old man cut off another of little dog Turpie’s legs.

The next night the Hobyahs came again, and said ‘Hobyah! Hobyah! Hobyah! Tear down the hempstalks, eat up the old man and woman, and carry off the little girl!’ But little dog Turpie barked so that the Hobyahs ran off; and the old man said, ‘Little dog Turpie barks so that I cannot sleep nor slumber, and if I live till morning I will cut off another of his legs.’ So in the morning the old man cut off another of little dog Turpie’s legs.

The next night the Hobyahs came again, and said ‘Hobyah! Hobyah! Hobyah! Tear down the hempstalks, eat up the old man and woman, and carry off the little girl!’ But little dog Turpie barked so that the Hobyahs ran off; and the old man said, ‘Little dog Turpie barks so that I cannot sleep nor slumber, and if I live till morning I will cut off little dog Turpie’s head.’ So in the morning the old man cut off little dog Turpie’s head.

The next night the Hobyahs came again, and said ‘Hobyah! Hobyah! Hobyah! Tear down the hempstalks, eat up the old man and woman, and carry off the little girl!’ And when the Hobyahs found that little dog Turpie’s head was off they tore down hempstalks, ate up the old man and the woman, and carried the girl in a bag.’

And when the Hobyahs came to their home they hung up the bag with the little girl in it, and every Hobyah knocked on the top of the bag and said, ‘Look me! look me!’ And then they went to sleep until the next night, for the Hobyahs slept in the daytime.

The little girl cried a great deal, and a man with a big dog came that way and heard her crying. When he asked her how she came there and she told him, he put the dog in the bag and took the little girl to his home.

The next night the Hobyahs took down the bag and knocked at the top of it, and said ‘Look me, look me!’ and when they opened the bag the big dog jumped out and ate them all up; so there are no Hobyahs now.


1) True or false?

1. An old man and an woman had a little boy.

2. Turpie was a little dog.

3. In the morning the old man cut off little dog Turpie's tail.

4. The Hobyahs came to the old man’s house ten times.

5. The Hobyahs sleep at night.

6. A man with a big dog put the dog in a bag and took the girl.

7. The big dog ate all of the Hobyahs.

2) Fill in the gaps using words in brackets.

1. When the Hobyahs ...................... (to find) that little dog Turpie’s ................... (to be) there they .................... (to tear) down hempstalks, .................. (to eat) up the old man and the woman, and ........................ (to carry) the girl in a bag.

2. They ........................ (to go) to sleep until the next night, for the Hobyahs ....................... (to sleep) in the daytime.

3. The little girl ........................ (to cry) a great deal, and a man with a big dog ......................... (to come) that way and ................................... (to hear) her crying.

4. He .......................... (to ask) her how she ........................ (to come) there and she ........................ (to tell) him.

5. When they ...................... (to open) the bag the big dog ................ (to jump) out and ................ (to eat) them all up.

3) Translate the following sentences:

1. Жили-были старик со старухой в доме из стеблей конопли.

2. Старик сказал: «Пёсик лает так громко, что я не могу ни спать, ни дремать».

3. Хобья! Съедим старика со старухой и утащим девочку!

4. Когда хобьи пришли к себе домой, они повесили сумку с девочкой и легли спать до следующей ночи.

5. Девочка плакала изо всех сил.

6. Когда хобьи сняли сумку и стали по ней стучать, из неё выпрыгнула большая собака и съела их всех.

4) Answer the following questions:

1. Why are there no Hobyahs now?

2. Who heard the little girl crying?

3. How many times did the Hobyahs come to the old man’s house?

4. What happened to the girl at Hobyahs home?

5) Retell the fairy-tale.


Список сокращений

а – adjective – прилагательное

adv – adverb – наречие

cj – conjunction – союз

exclam – exclamation – междометие

n – noun – существительное

prp – preposition – предлог

v – verb – глагол

Назад: V. The Three Cows
Дальше: A