Книга: Great Expectations / Большие надежды
Назад: Chapter 56
Дальше: C

Chapter 59

For eleven years, I had not seen Joe nor Biddy with my eyes – when, upon an evening in December, an hour or two after dark, I laid my hand softly on the latch of the old kitchen door. I touched it so softly that I was not heard. There, smoking his pipe in the old place by the kitchen firelight, as strong as ever, though a little gray, sat Joe; and there sitting on my own little stool looking at the fire, was – I again!

“We gave him the name of Pip for your sake, dear old chap,” said Joe, delighted, when I took another stool by the child’s.

“Biddy,” said I, when I talked with her after dinner, as her little girl lay sleeping in her lap, “you must give Pip to me one of these days; or lend him.”

“No, no,” said Biddy, gently. “You must marry.”

“I don’t think I shall, Biddy. I am already quite an old bachelor.”

“Dear Pip,” said Biddy, “tell me as an old, old friend. Have you quite forgotten her?

“My dear Biddy, I have forgotten nothing in my life. But that poor dream, as I once used to call it, has all gone by, Biddy – all gone by!”

Nevertheless, I knew, while I said those words, that I secretly intended to visit the site of the old house that evening, alone, for her sake. Yes, even so. For Estella’s sake.

I had heard of her as leading a most unhappy life, and as being separated from her husband, who had used her with great cruelty, and who had become quite renowned as a compound of pride, avarice, and brutality. And I had heard of the death of her husband, from an accident consequent on his ill-treatment of a horse.

I walked over to the old spot before dark. There was no house now, no building whatever left, but the wall of the old garden. I pushed the gate in the fence open, and went in.

When I was looking along the desolate garden walk, I noticed a solitary figure in it. As I came nearer, I saw it to be the figure of a woman. Then it uttered my name, and I cried out —


“I am greatly changed. I wonder you know me.”

The freshness of her beauty was indeed gone, but its indescribable majesty and its indescribable charm remained.

We sat down on a bench that was near, and I said, “After so many years, it is strange that we should thus meet again, Estella, here where our first meeting was! Do you often come back?”

“I have never been here since.”

“Nor I.”

The moon began to rise. Estella said, “I have very often hoped and intended to come back, but have been prevented by many circumstances. Poor, poor old place! The ground belongs to me. It is my only possession. Everything else has gone from me, little by little, but I have kept this. And you, – you live abroad still?”


“And do well, I am sure?”

“I work pretty hard for a sufficient living, and therefore – yes, I do well.”

“I have often thought of you,” said Estella.

“Have you?”

“Very often.”

“You have always held your place in my heart,” I answered.

And we were silent again until she spoke.

“So, be as considerate and good to me as you were, and tell me we are friends,” said Estella.

“We are friends,” said I, rising and bending over her, as she rose from the bench.

I took her hand in mine, and we went out of the ruined place; and in tranquil light I saw no shadow.

Англо-русский словарь к тексту


aboard – на борту

absent – отсутствующий

absolute – совершенный

absurd – нелепый

accept – принимать

acceptance – принятие

accessory – дополнение

accident – несчастный случай

accommodation – жильё

accompany – сопровождать

according – соответственно

account – описание; рассчитывать

accountant – бухгалтер

accustomed – привыкший; приученный

achieve – достигать; добиваться

acknowledge – признавать

acquaint – быть знакомым

acquaintance – знакомый

acquittal – оправдание

acquit – оправдывать

across – через

act – поступок; поступать

action – деятельность; действие; поступок

actually – действительно; в сущности

adapt – приспосабливать(ся)

add – добавлять

adjoin – примыкать, прилегать

adjure – молить; заклинать

administration – управление

admirable – замечательный; восхитительный

admission – доступ; вход

admit – допускать; признавать

adopt – усыновлять

adoption – усыновление

adoration – обожание

adore – обожать; поклоняться

advance – аванс

affectionate – любящий; нежный

affectionately – любяще; нежно

afterward – потом; впоследствии; позже

aged – старый; пожилой

aggravate – отягчать; усугублять

ague – малярия; лихорадка

aguish – малярийный; лихорадочный

ahead – впереди

ajar – приоткрытый

alarmingly – тревожно

alight – сходить; высаживаться

ally – союзник

amiable – дружелюбный; добродушный

amidst – среди; между

anxiety – беспокойство; тревога

anxious – озабоченный; беспокоящийся; волнующийся

apply – обращаться

appoint – назначать

apprehend – понимать

apprentice – ученик; подмастерье

apprenticeship – учение; ученичество

apron – передник; фартук

archly – лукаво

array – надевать одежду

ascend – подниматься

ascertain – выяснять; удостоверяться

ashame – стыдить

ashore – на берегу; на берег

aside – в стороне; в сторону

aspiration – стремление; сильное желание

assemble – собирать

assent – согласие

assiduity – усердие; усидчивость

assign – назначать (на должность)

assist – помогать; содействовать

assistance – помощь; содействие

associate – связывать; ассоциировать

assume – предполагать; допускать

assumption – предположение; допущение

assure – уверять; заверять; убеждаться

astound – поражать; изумлять

asunder – порознь; отдельно

attend – присутствовать

attendance – присутствие; посещение

attic – мансарда; чердак

auction – аукцион

auspicious – благоприятный

avarice – алчность; жадность

awe – трепет


badger – изводить; травить; издеваться

baffle – ставить в тупик; сбивать с толку

bang – шататься, заниматься бездельем

bare – голый; оголять

beckon – манить (жестом); кивать

behold (beheld, beheld) – смотреть; узреть

bellow – реветь

beneath – вниз; ниже

benefactor – благодетель; благотворитель

benefit – выгода; польза; пенсия; пособие

bestir – встряхнуться; активизироваться

bestow – даровать; награждать

bewilder – ставить в тупик

bid (bade, bidden) – предлагать

bill – счёт; купюра

bite (bit, bitten) – кусать

blacksmith – кузнец

blame – осуждать, винить

blaze – гореть ярким пламенем

bless – благословлять; благодарить; славословить

bloodhound – ищейка (порода собак)

bloom – цветение

blotchy – покрытый пятнами; в пятнах

bludgeon – дубинка

blunt – грубоватый

blush – краснеть (от смущения, стыда)

boar – кабан; вепрь

bonnet – шляпка

bonny – красивый, хороший, дивный

boorish – невоспитанный; грубый

bound – ограничивать

brace – приободриться

brewer – пивовар

bride – невеста

bridegroom – жених

brisk – живой; проворный

bruise – поставить синяк, кровоподтёк, ссадину

brutality – жестокость; зверство

burly – дородный; дюжий

burst (burst; burst) – взрываться

bushy – покрытый кустарником; кустистый; густой

Назад: Chapter 56
Дальше: C