Книга: Странник по звездам / The Star-Rover
Назад: Chapter XX
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Chapter XXII

My time grows very short. All the manuscript I have written is safely smuggled out of the prison. There is a man I can trust who will see that it is published. I am writing these lines in the death cell. I must be kept alive for the hanging, or else will the public be cheated, the law blackened.

This is my last writing. Tomorrow morning the hour is set. I have lived so many lives. I am tired of the endless struggle and pain and catastrophe that come to those who wander among the stars.

I have just endured a visit from the Warden. He is quite different from the Warden of San Quentin. He was very nervous, and perforce I had to entertain him. This is his first hanging. He told me so. And I explained that it was also my first hanging. He was unable to laugh. He has no income outside his salary, his wife is an invalid. Really, the man told me almost all his troubles.

My last two years in San Quentin were very gloomy and depressing. Ed Morrell was taken out of solitary and made head trusty of the whole prison. This was Al Hutchins’ old job, and it carried three thousand dollars a year. To my misfortune, Jake Oppenheimer began to hate the world. For eight months he refused to talk even to me.

In prison, news will travel. Give it time and it will reach dungeon and solitary cell. It reached me, at last, that Cecil Winwood, the poet-forger, the snitcher, the coward, was returned for a fresh forgery. It must be remembered that it was this Cecil Winwood who concocted the fairy story that I had hidden the non-existent dynamite and who was responsible for the five years I had then spent in solitary.

I decided to kill Cecil Winwood. You see, Morrell was gone, and Oppenheimer had remained in the silence. I remembered back to the time when I was Adam Strang and patiently nursed revenge for forty years. What he had done I could do.

I can’t tell you how I came into possession of the four needles. They were small cambric needles. My body was very emaciated, and I had to saw four bars, each in two places, in order to make an aperture through which I could squirm. I did it. I used up one needle to each bar. I had been cutting my way out for eight months. But finally I got it, and I got out.

I regret greatly that I did not get Cecil Winwood. I had calculated well on everything save one thing. Here was the one thing I had not calculated on—myself. I had been five years in solitary. I was hideously weak. I weighed eighty-seven pounds. I was half blind. And I was immediately stricken with agoraphobia. I was affrighted by spaciousness.

The yard was deserted. Thrice I essayed to cross it. I leaned against the wall and cried. Then I had a chill, and shook as with an ague. To cross the yard was impossible for me in my condition. I started to skirt the yard.

The guard noticed me. I saw him, a huge, well-fed monster. The struggle between us can be easily imagined, but they say that I struck him on the nose with my fist.

For that I was sentenced to death.

I have lived many lives through the long ages. Man has made no moral progress in the past ten thousand years. I affirm this absolutely. Under his thin skin of morality, he is the same savage that he was ten thousand years ago.

Thou shalt not kill”—piffle! They are going to kill me tomorrow morning. Dear friends, I who am about to die, salute you with—“Piffle!”

I ask you, where is that new morality finer than was preached by Christ, by Buddha, by Socrates and Plato, by Confucius and whoever was the author of the “Mahabharata”? Good Lord, fifty thousand years ago our women were cleaner, our family and group relations were more rigidly right.

I must say that the morality we practised in those old days was a finer morality than is practised today. Think of our child labour, of our police and political corruption, of our food adulteration and of our slavery of the daughters of the poor. We were clean, I tell you. We did not dream such depths of depravity. Yea, so are all the lesser animals of today clean. It required man, with his imagination, to invent the deadly sins. The lesser animals, the other animals, are incapable of sin.

I have never known cruelty more terrible, nor so terrible, as the cruelty of our prison system of today. In the old days we punished drastically and killed quickly. But we were not hypocrites. Lord, Lord, they only crucified Christ. They have done far worse to Jake Oppenheimer and me.

As Ed Morrell once rapped to me with his knuckles: “The worst possible use you can put a man to is to hang him.” I have little respect for capital punishment. Capital punishment is so silly, so stupid, so horribly unscientific.

My last morning. I slept like a babe throughout the night. I slept so peacefully that the guard thought I had suffocated myself in my blankets.

I have had my breakfast. It seemed a silly thing to do, but I ate it heartily. The Warden came with a quart of whiskey. Then they have put on me the shirt without a collar.

It seems I am a very important man this day. Quite a lot of people are suddenly interested in me.

The doctor has just gone. He has taken my pulse. I asked him to. It is normal.

I am the calmest man in the prison. I am like a child. The reporters have just left. Queer young fellows. Some show that they have been drinking. It seems easier to be hanged than to watch.

My last lines. It seems I am delaying the procession. My cell is quite crowded with officials and dignitaries. They are all nervous.

I can only repeat myself. There is no death. Life is spirit, and spirit cannot die. Only the flesh dies and passes. Spirit alone endures and continues to build upon itself through successive and endless incarnations. What shall I be when I live again? I wonder. I wonder…



abandonv покидать; оставлять

abdomenn брюшная полость; живот

abhorrentadj отвратительный; вызывающий отвращение

abidev терпеть; выносить

abilityn способность, навык

aboardadv на борту

aboden жилище

abominablyadv отвратительно

abreastadv не отставая, на уровне

absoluteadj абсолютный; обязательный; полный; совершенный; неограниченный

absolutelyadv безусловно; совершенно точно, абсолютно

abstractadj абстрактный

abstractionn абстракция

absurdadj нелепый, абсурдный

abusev ругать; оскорблять; мучить

accompanyv сопровождать

accomplishv выполнить, делать; достигать, выполнять

accordn согласие, соглашение

accountn счёт; история; v объяснять

acridadj едкий

activeadj деятельный, активный

actorn актёр

addv прибавлять; добавлять

additionn прибавление, дополнение; добавление

adherentn приверженец

administrationn управление, организация; администрация

admirableadj замечательный, прекрасный, достойный восхищения

admiraln адмирал

admirev любоваться; восхищаться

admitv допускать; признавать(ся)

adulterationn порча; разбавление

advertisementn реклама; объявление

advicen совет

advisern советник

aeonn эра; (целая) вечность

afaradv вдалеке

affixv прикреплять

affordv быть в состоянии; позволять

affrightv пугать

affrontn оскорбление

aforetimeadv прежде

afterwardadv потом; впоследствии; позже

agedadj престарелый

aghastadj потрясённый; ошеломлённый

agonyn мучение; страдание; агония

agoraphobian агорафобия

agriculturistn земледелец

agronomyn агрономия; сельское хозяйство, земледелие

aguen малярия; лихорадка

alienn чужестранец; adj иностранный

almsn милостыня

aloofadj сдержанный, суховатый; отчужденный

alterv менять(ся); изменять(ся)

alternationn чередование

amazeadj изумлять; восхищать

amazementn изумление

amendv исправлять

anaesthesian анестезия; обезболивание

anaestheticn анестезирующее средство; adj анестезирующий; обезболивающий

ancestorn предок, прародитель

anguishn мучение; мука; страдание

animosityn враждебность

anklen лодыжка, щиколотка

antagonismn антагонизм

antelopen антилопа

anxietyn беспокойство; тревога; волнение

anxiousadj озабоченный; беспокоящийся; волнующийся; взволнованный

anxiouslyadv озабоченно

aperturen отверстие; проём; щель

apostaten отступник; adj отступнический

appareln одеяние, наряд, облачение; v наряжать; облачать

apparitionadj (по)явление

appointv назначать; определять

appointeen получивший назначение; назначенный

arbitraryadj произвольный; случайный

archern лучник

argotn арго, жаргон

aristocratn аристократ

armfuln охапка, большое количество; полный кулак

armourn доспехи

arrayv выстраивать

ashamedadj пристыжённый; испытывающий стыд

assn осёл

assaultn нападение; v нападать; атаковать

assertv утверждать; заявлять

astiradj на ногах; взбудораженный

astrideadv верхом

astrologyn астрология

atonementn искупление

atopadv & prep на вершине; наверху

attendancen присутствие; посещение; аудитория; публика; обслуживание

attituden отношение

audiencen аудитория; слушатели

auditorn слушатель

augustadj величественный

augustlyadv величественно

averv утверждать

Назад: Chapter XX
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