Книга: And Then There Were None / И никого не стало. Книга для чтения на английском языке
Назад: Ill
Дальше: II


Mr Justice Wargrave, stroking his lip and looking quite passionless and inhuman, said:

‘We have now dealt with the second killing, and have established the fact that no one of us can be completely exonerated from suspicion.’

He paused and went on.

‘We come now to the death of General Macarthur. That took place this morning. I will ask anyone who considers that he or she has an alibi to state it in so many words. I myself will state at once that I have no valid alibi. I spent the morning sitting on the terrace and meditating on the singular position in which we all find ourselves.

‘I sat on that chair on the terrace for the whole morning until the gong went, but there were, I should imagine, several periods during the morning when I was quite unobserved and during which it would have been possible for me to walk down to the sea, kill the General, and return to my chair. There is only my word for the fact that I never left the terrace. In the circumstances that is not enough. There must be proof.’

Blore said:

‘I was with Mr Lombard and Dr Armstrong all the morning. They’ll bear me out.’

Dr Armstrong said:

‘You went to the house for a rope.’

Blore said:

‘Of course, I did. Went straight there and straight back. You know I did.’

Armstrong said:

‘You were a long time…’

Blore turned crimson. He said:

‘What the hell do you mean by that, Dr Armstrong?’

Armstrong repeated:

‘I only said you were a long time.’

‘Had to find it, didn’t I? Can’t lay your hands on a coil of rope all in a minute.’

Mr Justice Wargrave said:

‘During Inspector Blore’s absence, were you two gentlemen together?’

Armstrong said hotly:

‘Certainly. That is, Lombard went off for a few minutes.

I remained where I was.’

Lombard said with a smile:

‘I wanted to test the possibilities of heliographing to the mainland. Wanted to find the best spot. I was only absent a minute or two.’

Armstrong nodded. He said:

‘That’s right. Not long enough to do a murder, I assure you.’

The judge said:

‘Did either of you two glance at your watches?’

‘Well, no.’

Philip Lombard said:

‘I wasn’t wearing one.’

The judge said evenly:

‘A minute or two is a vague expression.’

He turned his head to the upright figure with the knitting lying on her lap.

‘Miss Brent?’

Emily Brent said:

‘I took a walk with Miss Claythorne up to the top of the island. Afterwards I sat on the terrace in the sun.’

The judge said:

‘I don’t think I noticed you there.’

‘No, I was round the corner of the house to the east. It was out of the wind there.’

‘And you sat there till lunch-time?’


‘Miss Claythorne?’

Vera answered readily and clearly:

‘I was with Miss Brent early this morning. After that I wandered about a bit. Then I went down and talked to General Macarthur.’

Mr Justice Wargrave interrupted. He said:

‘What time was that?’

Vera for the first time was vague. She said:

‘I don’t know. About an hour before lunch, I think—or it might have been less.’

Blore asked:

‘Was it after we’d spoken to him or before?’

Vera said:

‘I don’t know. He—he was very queer.’

She shivered.

‘In what way was he queer?’ the judge wanted to know. Vera said in a low voice:

‘He said we were all going to die—he said he was waiting for the end. He—he frightened me…’

The judge nodded. He said:

‘What did you do next?’

‘I went back to the house. Then, just before lunch, I went out again and up behind the house. I’ve been terribly restless all day.’

Mr Justice Wargrave stroked his chin. He said:

‘There remains Rogers. Though I doubt if his evidence will add anything to our sum of knowledge.’

Rogers, summoned before the court, had very little to tell. He had been busy all the morning about household duties and with the preparation of lunch. He had taken cocktails on to the terrace before lunch and had then gone up to remove his things from the attic to another room. He had not looked out of the window during the morning and had seen nothing that could have any bearing upon the death of General Macarthur. He would swear definitely that there had been eight china figures upon the dining-table when he laid the table for lunch.

At the conclusion of Rogers’ evidence there was a pause.

Mr Justice Wargrave cleared his throat.

Lombard murmured to Vera Claythorne:

‘The summing up will now take place!’

The judge said:

‘We have inquired into the circumstances of these three deaths to the best of our ability. Whilst probability in some cases is against certain people being implicated, yet we cannot say definitely that any one person can be considered as cleared of all complicity. I reiterate my positive belief that of the seven persons assembled in this room one is a dangerous and probably insane criminal. There is no evidence before us as to who that person is. All we can do at the present juncture is to consider what measures we can take for communicating with the mainland for help, and in the event of help being delayed (as is only too possible given the state of the weather) what measures we must adopt to ensure our safety.

‘I would ask you all to consider this carefully and to give me any suggestions that may occur to you. In the meantime I warn everybody to be upon his or her guard. So far the murderer has had an easy task, since his victims have been unsuspicious. From now on, it is our task to suspect each and every one amongst us.

Forewarned is forearmed. Take no risks and be alert to danger. That is all.’

Philip Lombard murmured beneath his breath:

‘The court will now adjourn…’

Chapter 10


‘Do you believe it?’ Vera asked.

She and Philip Lombard sat on the window-sill of the living- room. Outside the rain poured down and the wind howled in great shuddering gusts against the window-panes.

Philip Lombard cocked his head slightly on one side before answering. Then he said:

‘You mean, do I believe that old Wargrave is right when he says it’s one of us?’


Philip Lombard said slowly:

‘It’s difficult to say. Logically, you know, he’s right, and yet—’

Vera took the words out of his mouth.

‘And yet it seems so incredible!’

Philip Lombard made a grimace.

‘The whole thing’s incredible! But after Macarthur’s death there’s no more doubt as to one thing. There’s no question now of accidents or suicides. It’s definitely murder. Three murders up to date.’

Vera shivered. She said:

‘It’s like some awful dream. I keep feeling that things like this can’t happen!’

He said with understanding:

‘I know. Presently a tap will come on the door, and early morning tea will be brought in.’

Vera said:

‘Oh, how I wish that could happen!’

Philip Lombard said gravely:

‘Yes, but it won’t! We’re all in the dream! And we’ve got to be pretty much upon our guard from now on.’

Vera said, lowering her voice:

‘If—if it is one of them—which do you think it is?’

Philip Lombard grinned suddenly. He said:

‘I take it you are excepting our two selves? Well, that’s all right. I know very well that I’m not the murderer, and I don’t fancy that there’s anything insane about you, Vera. You strike me as being one of the sanest and most level-headed girls

I’ve come across. I’d stake my reputation on your sanity.’

With a slightly wry smile, Vera said:‘Thank you.’

He said: ‘Come now, Miss Vera Claythorne, aren’t you going to return the compliment?’

Vera hesitated a minute, then she said:

‘You’ve admitted, you know, that you don’t hold human life particularly sacred, but all the same I can’t see you as—as the man who dictated that gramophone record.’

Lombard said:

‘Quite right. If I were to commit one or more murders it would be solely for what I could get out of them. This mass clearance isn’t my line of country. Good, then we’ll eliminate ourselves and concentrate on our five fellow prisoners. Which of them is U. N. Owen. Well, at a guess, and with absolutely nothing to go upon, I’d plump for Wargrave!’

‘Oh!’ Vera sounded surprised. She thought a minute or two and then said, ‘Why?’

‘Hard to say exactly. But to begin with, he’s an old man and he’s been presiding over courts of law for years. That is to say, he’s played God Almighty for a good many months every year. That must go to a man’s head eventually. He gets to see himself as all powerful, as holding the power of life and death—and it’s possible that his brain might snap and he might want to go one step farther and be Executioner and Judge Extraordinary.’

Vera said slowly:

‘Yes, I suppose that’s possible…’

Lombard said:

‘Who do you plump for?’

Without any hesitation Vera answered:

‘Dr Armstrong.’

Lombard gave a low whistle.

‘The doctor, eh? You know, I should have put him last of all.’

Vera shook her head.

‘Oh no! Two of the deaths have been poison. That rather points to a doctor. And then you can’t get over the fact that the only thing we are absolutely certain Mrs Rogers had was the sleeping draught that he gave her.’

Lombard admitted:

‘Yes, that’s true.’

Vera persisted:

‘If a doctor went mad, it would be a long time before any one suspected. And doctors overwork and have a lot of strain.’

Philip Lombard said:

‘Yes, but I doubt if he could have killed Macarthur. He wouldn’t have had time during that brief interval when I left him—not, that is, unless he fairly hared down there and back again, and I doubt if he’s in good enough training to do that and show no signs of it.’

Vera said:

‘He didn’t do it then. He had an opportunity later.’


‘When he went down to call the General to lunch.’

Philip whistled again very softly. He said:

‘So you think he did it then? Pretty cool thing to do.’

Vera said impatiently:

‘What risk was there? He’s the only person here with medical knowledge. He can swear the body’s been dead at least an hour and who’s to contradict him?’

Philip looked at her thoughtfully.

‘You know,’ he said, ‘that’s a clever idea of yours. I wonder—’

Назад: Ill
Дальше: II