Книга: Странная обезьяна: Куда делась шерсть и почему люди разного цвета
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На главную: Предисловие

Список литературы


Глава 1. Мы — странные приматы

.    Lieberman D. E. Human Locomotion and Heat Loss: An Evolutionary Perspective // American Physiological Society. Comprehensive Physiology (2015), 5: 99–117.

.    Hamilton J. B. Age, Sex, and Genetic Factors in the Regulation of Hair Growth in Man: a Comparison of Caucasian and Japanese Populations. The Biology of Hair Growth. New York: Academic Press, 1958.

.    Randall V. A., Sundberg J. P., Philpott M. P. Animal And in vitro Models for the Study of Hair Follicles // Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings (June 2003), 8 (1): 39–45.

.    Kligman A. M. The Human Hair Cycle // Journal of Investigative Dermatology (1959), 33: 307–316.

.    Loussouarn G., Pharm D., El Rawadi C., and Genain G. Diversity of Hair Growth Profiles // International Journal of Dermatology (2005), 44 (Suppl. 1): 6–9.

.    Khumalo N. P., Doe P. T., Dawber R. P. R., and Ferguson D. J. P. What is Normal Black African Hair? A Light And Scanning Electron-Microscopic Study // Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (2000), 43 (5).

.    Linus the Long-Haired Wonder Horse // Scribol (May 2018). .

.    Uno H., Kenji Adachi, Ph.D., and Montagna W. Baldness of the Red Uacari (Cacajao Rubicundus): Histological Propertiesand Enzyme Activities of Hair Follicles // Journal of Gerontology (Jan 1969), 24 (1): 23–27.

.    De Beer S. G. Embryos and Ancestors. Clarendon Press, 1962, p. 51.

Глава 2. Шерсть, которую мы потеряли

.    Gilligan I. The Prehistoric Development of Clothing: Archaeological Implications of a Thermal Model // Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory (2010), 17: 15–80.

.    Сайт Московского зоопарка. Японский макак. (дата обращения: 15.04.2020).

.    Inagaki H., Hamada Y. Differences in Hair Density of Japanese Monkeys (Macaca Fuscata Fuscata) with Localityand Age // Primates (Jan 1985), 26(1): 85–90.

.    Dunbar R. I. M. Group Size, Vocal Grooming and the Origins of Language // Psychonomic Society, Inc. (2016).

Глава 3. У кого волос меньше?

.    Schultz A. H. The Density of Hair in Primates // Human Biology (Sept 1931), 3 (3): 303–321.

.    Meyer-Lierheim F. Die Dichtigkeit der Behaarung beim Fetus des Menschen und der Affen // Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie (1910), Bd. 13, H. 1: 131–150. Published by: E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

.    Schwartz G. G. and Rosenblum L. A. Allometry of Primate Hair Density and the Evolution of Human Hairlessness // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (1981), 55 (1): 9–12.

.    Sandel A. A. Brief Communication: Hair Density and Body Mass in Mammals and the Evolution of Human Hairlessness // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2013), 152: 145–150.

.    Szabo G. The Regional Anatomy of the Human Integument with Special Reference to the Distribution of Hair Follicles, Sweat Glands and Melanocytes // Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B (1967), No. 779: 252, 447–485.

Глава 4. Но зачем?

.    Wallace A. R. Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection. A Series of Essays. New York, 1872.

.    Соколов А.Б. Ученые скрывают? Мифы XXI века. — М.: Альпина нон-фикшн, 2018.

.    Darwin C. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1889, p. 56–58.

.    Соколов А.Б. Австралопитек хватался ногами за ветки, как современный человек // XX2 век. 2018. 17 декабря. .

.    Соколов А.Б. Мягкие ткани австралопитека. Открытый научный проект // АНТРОПОГЕНЕЗ.РУ. 10.09.2011. .

Глава 5. По одежке протягивай шерстку

.    Knight A.P. Hair // Queen’s Quarterly, 1904.

.    Glass B. Evolution of Hairlessness in Man // Science (1966), 152 (3720): 294.

.    Brace C. L., Hailman J. P., Kennington G. S., Hershkovitz Ph., Olson W. S. What Ever Happened to Hairy Man? // Science (1966), 153 (3734): 362–364.

.    Chatterjee S. K. The Pattern of Indian Clothing in Relation to Tropical Climate // Journal of Human Evolution (1978), 7: 95–99.

.    Gilligan, I. Another Tasmanian Paradox: Clothing and Thermal Adaptations in Aboriginal Australia. BAR International Series. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2007.

.    Wyndham C. H. and Morrison J. F. Adjustment to Cold of Bushmen in the Kalahari Desert // Journal of Applied Physiology (1958), 13: 219–225.

.    Gilligan I., Bulbeck D. Environment and Morphology in Australian Aborigines: A Re-analysis of the Birdsell Database // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2007), 134: 75.

.    Gilligan I. Clothing and Modern Human Behaviour: Prehistoric Tasmania as a Case Study // Archaeology in Oceania (Oct 2007), 42 (3): 102–111.

.    Kushlan J. A. The Evolution of Hairlessness in Man // American Naturalist (Nov 1980), 116 (5): 727–729.

.  Kushlan J. A. The Vestiary Hypothesis of Human Hair Reduction // Journal of Human Evolution (1985), 14: 29–32.

.  Chatterjee S. K. The Pattern of Indian Clothing in Relation to Tropical Climate // Journal of Human Evolution (1978), 7: 95–99.

.  Соколов А.Б. Из чего сшито пальто ледяного человека // АНТРОПОГЕНЕЗ.РУ. 24.08.2016. .

.  Соколов А.Б. Неандертальцы были плохими портными? // XX2 век. 15.08.2016. .

.  Carbonell E., García-Antón M., Mallol C., Mosquera M., Ollé A. The TD6 Level Lithic Industry from Gran Dolina, Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain): Production and Use // Journal of Human Evolution (1999), 37: 653–693.

.  Parésa J. M., Arnolda L., Duvala M., Demuroa M., Pérez-González A. Reassessing the Age of Atapuerca-TD6 (Spain): New Paleomagnetic Results // Journal of Archaeological Science (Deс 2013), 40 (12): 4586–4595.

.  Gilligan I. The Prehistoric Development of Clothing: Archaeological Implications of a Thermal Model // Published online (Jan 2010) # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC (2009).

.  Kittler R., Kayser M., Stoneking M. Molecular Evolution of Pediculus humanus and the Origin of Clothing // Current Biology (Aug 2003), 13 (16): 1414–1417. (дата обращения: 15.04.2020).

.  Kittler R., Kayser M., Stoneking M. Molecular Evolution of Pediculus Humanus and the Origin of Clothing // Current Biology (Dec 2004), 14 (24): 2309.

.  Reed D. L., Smith V. S., Hammond S. L., Rogers A. R, Clayton D. H. Genetic Analysis of Lice Supports Direct Contact between Modern and Archaic Humans // PLoS Biology (Nov 2004), 2 (11): e340.

.  Light J. E., Toups M. A., Reed D. L. What’s in a Name: The Taxonomic Status of Human Head and Body Lice // Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (2008), 47: 1203–1216.

.  Соколов А.Б. Дом-0. Древнейшая история жилищ. Часть I // XX2 век. 18.08.2015. .(дата обращения: 15.04.2020).

.  Moore J. D. The Prehistory of Home. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2012, р. 288.

.  Lumley H. de. A Paleolithic Camp at Nice // Scientific American (1969), 220: 42–50.

.  Villa P. Terra Amata and the Middle Pleistocene Archaeological Record of Southern France. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983, р. 303.

.  Moore J. D. The Prehistory of Home. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2012, р. 288.

.  Demay L., Pean S., Patou-Mathis M. Mammoths Used as Food and Building Resources by Neanderthals: Zooarchaeological Study Applied to Layer 4, Molodova I (Ukraine) // Quaternary International (2012): 212–226, 276–277.

.  Roebroeks W., Villa P. On the Earliest Evidence for Habitual Use of Fire in Europe // PNAS (Mar 2011).

.  Соколов А.Б. В течение 700 тысяч лет люди в Европе не использовали огонь // АНТРОПОГЕНЕЗ.РУ. 17.03.2011. .

Глава 6. А паразиты — никогда

.    Schedl W. Contribution to Insect Remains from the Accompanying Equipment of the Iceman. // Bortenschlager S., Oeggl K. D. The Iceman and his Natural Environment. New York, 2000, p. 151–155.

.    Belt T. The Naturalist in Nicaragua. London: Published by J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. and in New York by E.P. Dutton & Co., 1874.

.    Стандарт мексиканской голой собаки // Сайт питомника мексиканских и перуанских голых собак Sonderwol Legend. 13.10.2010. (дата обращения: 15.04.2020).

.    Darwin C. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1889, p. 57.

.    Lehmann T. Ectoparasites: Direct Impact on Host Fitness // Parasitology Today (1993), 9 (1).

.    Booth D. T., Clayton D. H. and Block B. A. Experimental Demonstration of the Energetic Cost of Parasitism in Free-Ranging Hosts // Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. B (1993): 125–129, 253.

.    Даррелл Д. Гончие Бафута. — М.: Центрполиграф, 2002.

.    Rantala M. J. Human Nakedness: Adaptation against Ectoparasites? // International Journal for Parasitology 29 (1999): 1987–1989.

.   Sutherland C. The Parasites of Homo sapiens — an Annotated Checklist of the Protozoa, Helminths and Arthropods for Which We Are Home // Parasite Immunology (2003), 25: 401.

.  Ashford R. W. Parasites as Indicators of Human Biology and Evolution // Journal of Medical Microbiology (2000), 49 (9): 771–772.

.  Tunga penetrans // Wikipedia. .

.  Buckland P. C. and Sadler J. P. A Biogeography of the Human Flea, Pulex Irritans L. (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) // Journal of Biogeography (Mar 1989), 16 (2): 115–120.

.  Hassanloo Z., Fenton M. B., DeLaurier J. D., and Eger J. L. Fur Increases the Parasite Drag for Flying Bats // Canadian Journal of Zoology (1995), Vol. 73.

.  Энциклопедия пилота. — М.: Редиздат ЦС Союза Осоавиахим СССР, 2011.

.  Rantala M. J. Evolution of Nakedness in Homo sapiens // Journal of Zoology (2007), 273: 1–7.

.  Pagel M. and Bodmer W. A Naked Ape Would Have Fewer Parasites // Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. B. (Aug 2003), 270.

.  Hamilton W. D, Zuk M. Heritable True Fitness and Bright Birds: a Role For Parasites? // Science (Oct 1982), 218 (4570): 384–7. .

.  Thompson C. W., Hillgarth N., Leu M., and Mcclure H. E. High Parasite Load in House Finches (Carpodacus Mexicanus). Is Correlated with Reduced Expression of A Sexually Selected Trait // American Naturalist (Feb 1997), 149 (2).

.  Moller A. P., Christe P. and Lux E. Parasitism, Host Immune Function, and Sexual Selection // Quarterly Review of Biology (Mar 1999), 74 (1).

.  Schalk G. and Forbes M. R. Male Biases in Parasitism of Mammals: Effects of Study Type, Host Age, and Parasite Taxon // Oikos (Feb 1997), 78 (1): 67–74.

.  Prokop P., Rantala M. J., Usak M., Senay I. Is a Woman’s Preference for Chest Hair in Men Influenced by Parasite Threat? // Archives of Sexual Behavior (2013), 42: 1181–1189.

.  Rantala M. J., Pölkki M., Rantala L. M. Preference for Human Male Body Hair Changes Across the Menstrual Cycle and Menopause // Behavioral Ecology (Mar – Apr 2010), 21 (2): 419–423.

.  Prokop P., Rantala M. J., Usak M., Senay I. Is a Woman’s Preference for Chest Hair in Men Influenced by Parasite Threat? // Archives of Sexual Behavior (2013), 42: 1181–1189.

.  Stephens P. R., Pappalardo P., Huang S., Byers J. E., Maxwell J., Farrell M. J., Gehman A., Ghai R. R., Haas S. E., Han B., Park A. W. Global Mammal Parasite Database Version 2.0 // Ecology (May 2017), 98 (5): 1476–1476.

.  Reed D. L., Light J. E., Allen J. M., and Kirchman J. J. Pair of Lice Lost or Parasites Regained: the Evolutionary History of Anthropoid Primate Lice // BMC Biology (2007), 5: 7.

.  Weiss R.A. Apes, Lice and Prehistory // Journal of Biology (2009), 8: 20.

Глава 7. Как дети

.    Ashley M. F. Time, Morphology, and Neoteny in the Evolution of Man // American Anthropologist, New Series (Feb 1955), 57 (1): 13–27.

.    Gould S. J. Ontogeny and Phylogen. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1977.

.    Там же.

.    Bolk L. The Part Played by the Endocrine Glands in the Evolution of Man // Lancet (Sept 10), 1921.

.    Bolk L. On the Problem of Anthropogenesis // Proceedings Royal Acad (1925), Vol. XXIX.

.    Там же.

.    Там же.

.    Ashley M. F. Time, Morphology, and Neoteny in the Evolution of Man // American Anthropologist, New Series (Feb 1955), 57 (1): 13–27.

.    Лоренц К. Восемь смертных грехов цивилизованного человечества // Фет А. И. Собрание переводов, Philosophical arkiv, Sweden, 2016.

.  Gould S. J. Ontogeny and Phylogen. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1977.

.  Penin X., Berge C., and Baylac M. Ontogenetic Study of the Skull in Modern Humans and the Common Chimpanzees: Neotenic Hypothesis Reconsidered with a Tridimensional Procrustes Analysis // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2002), 118: 50–62.

.  Bufill E., Agusti J., and Blesa R. Human Neoteny Revisited: The Case of Synaptic Plasticity // American Journal of Human Biology (2011), 23: 729–739.

.  Bufill E., Agusti J., and Blesa R. Human Neoteny Revisited: The Case of Synaptic Plasticity // American Journal of Human Biology (2011), 23: 729–739.

.  Shea B. T. Heterochrony in Human Evolution: The Case for Neoteny Reconsidered // Yearbook of Physical Anthropology (1989), 32: 69–101.

.  Steven R. Leigh and Paul B. Park. Evolution of Human Growth Prolongation // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (1998), 107: 331–350.

.  Боринская С.А., Янковский Н.К., Козлов А.И. Гены и традиции питания. Часть I // АНТРОПОГЕНЕЗ.РУ. 2011. .

.  Somel M., Franz H., Yan Z., Lorenc A., Guo S., Giger T., Kelso J., Nickel B., Dannemann M., Bahn S., Webster M. J., Weickert C. S., Lachmann M., Paabo S., and Khaitovich P. Transcriptional Neoteny in the Human Brain // PNAS (Apr 2009), 106 (14).

.  Skulachev V. P., Holtze S., Vyssokikh M. Y., Bakeeva L. E., Skulachev M. V., Markov A. V., Hildebrandt T. B., and Sadovnichii V. A. Neoteny, Prolongation of Youth: From Naked Mole Rats to “Naked Apes” (Humans) // Physiological Reviews (2017): 699–720.

.  Kim E. B., Fang X., et al. and Gladyshev V. N. Genome Sequencing Reveals Insights into Physiology and Longevity of The Naked Mole Rat // Nature (2011), 479: 223–227.

.  Ahmad W., Faiyaz M. H. ul, Brancolini V., Tsou H. C., Haque S. ul, Lam HaMut, Aita V. M. Alopecia Universalis Associated with a Mutation in the Human hairless Gene // Science (Jan 1998), 279 (5351): 720–724.

Глава 8. Восхождение гидропитека

.    Westenhöfer M. Der Eigenweg des Menschen. Dargestellt auf Grund von vergleichend morphologischen Untersuchungenüber die Artbildung und Menschwerdung. Berlin: Verlagder Medizinischen Welt, W. Mannstaedt & Co, 1942.

.    Hardy A. Was there a Homo aquaticus? // Zenith (1977), 15 (1): 4–6.

.    Там же.

.    Моррис Д. Голая обезьяна. — М.: КоЛибри, 2018.

.    Morgan E. The Descent of Woman. Souvenir Press, 1972.

.    Там же.

.    Morgan E. I Believe We Evolved from Aquatic Apes // TEDGlobal 2009. .

.    Ashford R. W. Parasites as Indicators of Human Biology and Evolution // Journal of Medical Microbiology (2000), 49 (9): 771–772.

.    Линдблад Я. Человек — ты, я и первозданный. — М.: Прогресс, 1991.

.  Wheeler P. E. The Loss of Functional Body Hair in Man: the Influence of Thermal Environment, Body Form and Bipedality // Journal of Human Evolution (1985), 14: 23–28.

.  Дробышевский С.В. Как возникло прямохождение? // Достающее звено. АНТРОПОГЕНЕЗ.РУ. 2010. .

.  Утопления // ВОЗ. 3.02.2020. .

.  McGraw M. B. Swimming Behavior of the Human Infant // Journal of Pediatrics (1939), 15 (4): 486.

.  Langdon J. H. Umbrella Hypotheses and Parsimony in Human Evolution: A Critique of the Aquatic Ape Hypothesis // Journal of Human Evolution (1997), 33: 479–494.

.  Дробышевский С.В. Ардипитек рамидус // Достающее звено. АНТРОПОГЕНЕЗ.РУ. 2010. .

.  Niemitz C. The Evolution of the Upright Posture and Gait — a Review and a New Synthesis // Naturwissenschaften (2010), 97: 241–263.

Глава 9. В поте лица твоего

.    Cramer W. Fever, Heat Regulation, Climate, and the Thyroidadrenal Apparatus. Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd., 1928.

.    Lieberman D. E. Human Locomotion and Heat Loss: An Evolutionary Perspective // Evolution of Human Locomotion and Heat Loss (Jan 2015), Vol. 5.

.    Campbell B. G. Human Evolution. An Introduction to Man’s Adaptations. Aldine Publishing Company, Chicago, 1966.

.    Zihlman A. L., Cohn B. A. The Adaptive Response of Human Skin to the Savanna // Human Evolution (1988), 3 (5): 397–409.

.    Там же.

.    Szabo G. The Regional Anatomy of the Human Integument with Special Reference to the Distribution of Hair Follicles, Sweat Glands and Melanocytes // Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London. B (1967), No. 779: 252, 447–485.

.    Lieberman D. E. Human Locomotion and Heat Loss: An Evolutionary Perspective // Evolution of Human Locomotion and Heat Loss (Jan 2015), Vol. 5.

.    Montagna W. and Yun J. S. The Skin of Primates Xv. The Skin of the Chimpanzee (Pan satyrus) // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (June 1963), 21 (2): 189–203.

.    Hiley P. G. The Thermoregulatory Responses of the Galago (Galago Crassicaudatus), the Baboon (Papio Cynocephalus) and the Chimpanzee (Pan Satyrus) to Heat Stress // Journal of Physiology (1976), 254: 657–671.

.  Zurovsky Y., Shkolnik A. Water Economy and Body Fluid Distribution in the Hamadryas Baboon (Papio Hamadryas) // Journal of Thermal Biology (1993), 18 (3): 153–157.

.  Newman R. W. Why Man is Such a Sweaty and Thirsty Naked Animal: A Speculative Review // Human Biology (Feb 1970), 42 (1): 12–27.

.  Mahoney S. A. Cost of Locomotion and Heat Balance during Rest and Running from 0 to 55 °C in a Patas Monkey // Journal of Applied Physiology: Respirat. Environ. Exercise Physiol (1980), 49 (5): 789–800.

.  Newman R. W. Why Man is Such a Sweaty and Thirsty Naked Animal: A Speculative Review // Human Biology (Feb 1970), 42 (1): 12–27.

.  Schmidt-Nielsen K. The Physiology of the Camel // Scientific American (Dec 1959), 201: 140–51. .

.  Coon C. S. Some Problems of Human Variability and Natural Selection in Climate and Culture // American Naturalist (Sept – Oct 1955), 89 (848): 257–279.

.  Hockett C. F. and Ascher R. The Human Revolution // Current Anthropology (June 1964), 5 (3).

.  Campbell B. G. Human Evolution. An Introduction to Man’s Adaptations. Aldine Publishing Company, Chicago, 1966.

.  Newman R. W. Why Man is Such a Sweaty and Thirsty Naked Animal: A Speculative Review // Human Biology (Feb 1970), 42 (1): 12–27.

.  Lee D. H. K. Studies of Heat Regulation in the Sheep, with Special Reference to the Merino // Australian Journal of Agricultural Research (Jan 1950), 1 (2).

.  Bramble D. M. and Lieberman D. E. Endurance Running and the Evolution of Homo // Nature (Nov 2004), 432: 345–352.

.  Lieberman D. E. Human Locomotion and Heat Loss: An Evolutionary Perspective // Evolution of Human Locomotion and Heat Loss (Jan 2015), Vol. 5.

.  Carrier D. R. The Energetic Paradox of Human Running and Hominid Evolution // Current Anthropology (Aug – Oct 1984), 25 (4).

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.  Liebenberg L. Persistence Hunting by Modern Hunter‐Gatherers // Current Anthropology (Dec 2006), 47 (6): 1017–1026.

.  Attenborough D. Human Mammal, Human Hunter // Life of Mammals, BBC. .

.  Liebenberg L. Persistence Hunting by Modern Hunter‐Gatherers // Current Anthropology (Dec 2006), 47 (6): 1017–1026.

Глава 10. Я алгеброй потение поверил

.    Wheeler P. E. The evolution of Bipedality and Loss of Functional Body Hair in Hominids // Journal of Human Evolution (1984), 13: 91–98.

.    Wheeler P. E. The Loss of Functional Body Hair in Man: the Influence of Thermal Environment, Body Form and Bipedality // Journal of Human Evolution (1985), 14: 23–28.

.    Wheeler P. E. The Thermoregulatory Advantages of Hominid Bipedalism in Open Equatorial Environments: the Contribution of Increased Convective Heat Loss and Cutaneous Evaporative Cooling // Journal of Human Evolution (1991), 21: 107–115.

.    Wheeler P. E. The Influence of Bipedalism on the Energy and Water Budgets of Early Hominids // Journal of Human Evolution (1991), 21: 117–136.

.    Wheeler P. E. The Influence of the Loss of Functional Body Hair on the Water Budgets of Early Hominids // Journal of Human Evolution (1992), 23: 379–388.

.    Amaral L. Q., do. Loss of Body Hair, Bipedality and Thermoregulation. Comments on Recent Papers in the Journal of Human Evolution // Journal of Human Evolution (1996), 30: 357–366.

.    Wheeler P. E. The Environmental Context of Functional Body Hair Loss in Hominids (A Reply to Amaral, 1996) // Journal of Human Evolution (1996), 30: 367–371.

.    Ruxton G. D. and Wilkinson D. M. Avoidance of Overheating and Selection for Both Hair Loss and Bipedality in Hominins // PNAS (Dec 2011), 108 (52): 20965–20969.

.    Ruxton and Wilkinson. Supporting Information 10.1073/pnas.1113915108 // PNAS (Dec 2011), 108 (52): 20965–20969.

.  Dávid-Barrett T. Bipedality and Hair Loss in Human Evolution Revisited: The Impact of Altitude and Activity Scheduling // Journal of Human Evolution (May 2016), 94: 72–82.

.  Бахр-эль-Газаль / Chad = Bahr el Ghazal = Koro Toro // АНТРОПОГЕНЕЗ.РУ. Каталог находок. .

Глава 11. Бритва Амура

.    Darwin C. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1889, p. 58.

.    Montacna W. The Skin of Nonhuman Primates // American Zoologist (1972), 12: 109–124.

.    Stephenson W. The Ecological Development of Man. Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1972.

.    Чангизи М. Революция в зрении. — М.: АСТ, 2015.

.    Там же.

.    Там же.

.    Barber N. The Evolutionary Psychology of Physical Attractiveness: Sexual Selection and Human Morphology // Ethology and Sociobiology (1995), 16: 395–424.

.    Puts D. A. Beauty and the Beast: Mechanisms of Sexual Selection in Humans // Evolution and Human Behavior (2010), 31: 157–175.

.    Giles J. Naked Love: The Evolution of Human Hairlessness // Biological Theory (2010), 5 (4): 326–336.

.  Cantrill R. M. Influence of Naked Body Contact between Mother and Newborn on Effective Breastfeeding // Thesis (PhD Doctorate), 2007. .

.  Harlow H. F., Zimmermann R.R. The Development of Affectional Responses in Infant Monkeys // Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (1958), 102: 501–509.

.  Harris J. R. Parental Selection: A Third Selection Process in the Evolution of Human Hairlessness and Skin Color // Medical Hypotheses (2006), 66: 1053–1059.

Глава 12. Мой ласковый мохнатый зверь

.    Basow S. A., Braman A. C. Women and Body Hair. Social Perceptions and Attitudes // Psychology of Women Quarterly (Dec 1998), 22 (4): 637–645. .

.    Tiggemann M., Lewis C. Attitudes toward Women’s Body Hair: Relationship with Disgust Sensitivity // Psychology of Women Quarterly (2004), 28 (4).

.    Toerien M., Wilkinson S. Gender and Body Hair: Constructing the Feminine Woman // Women’s Studies International Forum (July – Aug 2003), 26 (4): 333–344.

.    Toerien M., Wilkinson S. and Choi P. Y. L. Body Hair Removal: The ‘Mundane’ Production of Normative Femininity // Sex Roles (2005), 52: 399–406.

.    Tiggemann M. & Kenyon S. J. The Hairlessness Norm: The Removal of Body Hair in Women // Sex Roles (1998), 39: 873–885.

.    Tiggemann M. & Hodgson S. The Hairlessness Norm Extended: Reasons for and Predictors of Women’s Body Hair Removal at Different Body Sites // Sex Roles (2008), 59: 889–897.

.    Toerien M., Wilkinson S. Gender and Body Hair: Constructing the Feminine Woman // Women’s Studies International Forum (July – Aug 2003), 26 (4): 333–344.

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Глава 16. Анекдот с бородой

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Глава 17. Лоб, переходящий в затылок

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Глава 18. Постригись!

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Глава 19. Долгий путь шерсти

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Глава 20. Ген сросшихся бровей

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Часть II. Разноцветный человек

Глава 21. Цвет предков

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Глава 22. Первые гипотезы, первые споры

.    Физиогномика (отрывок из работ Аристотеля). .

.    Blumenbach J. F. The Anthropological Treatises of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach. London: 1865, p. 106–107.

.    Blumenbach, J. F. The Anthropological Treatises of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach. London: 1865, p. 107.

.    Blumenbach, J. F. The Anthropological Treatises of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach. London: 1865, p. 372.

.    Darwin C. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1889, p. 193.

.    The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 18, 1870, p. 373.

.    Darwin C. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1889, p. 193.

.    Hamilton W.J. (1973). Life’s Color Code. New York: McGraw Hill.

.    Wallace A. R. Tropical Nature, and Other Essays. London: Macmillan and Company, 1878, p. 267.

.  Scientific American (Aug 1904), 91 (8).

.  Scientific American (Oct 1904), 91 (16).

Глава 23. Британские ученые против английской болезни

.    Home E. On the Black Rete Mucosum of the Negro, Being a Defence against the Scorching Effect of the Sun’s Rays // Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (1821), 111: 1–6.

.    Mozolowski W. Jedrzej Sniadecki (1768–1838) on the Cure of Rickets // Nature (1939), 143: 121.

.    Castagna M., Giuffra V., Fattori S., Vitiello A., Caramella D., Giustini D., Fornaciari G. Rickets at the Medici Court of Florence: the Case of Don Filippino (1577–1582) // (2014), 26 (3): 779–92.

.    Brickley M. B., D’Ortenzio l., Kahlon B., Schattmann A., Ribot I., Raguin E., and Bertrand B. Ancient Vitamin D Deficiency: Long-Term Trends // Current Anthropology (June 2017), 58, no. 3: 420–427.

.    Уорф Д. Вызовите акушерку: Подлинная история Ист-Энда 1950-х годов. — М.: Livebook, 2018. С. 156.

.    Brickley M. B., D’Ortenzio l., Kahlon B., Schattmann A., Ribot I., Raguin E., and Bertrand B. Ancient Vitamin D Deficiency: Long-Term Trends // Current Anthropology (June 2017), 58, no. 3: 420–427.

.    Бужилова А.П. Homo sungirensis. Верхнепалеолитический человек. Экологические и эволюционные аспекты исследования. — М.: Научный мир, 2000. С. 230–232.

.    Медникова М.Б. Биоархеология детства в контексте раннеземледельческих культур Балкан, Кавказа и Ближнего Востока. — М.: ClubPrint, 2017.

.    Schamberg J. F., M.D. An Examination into the Claims of the Ref-Light Treatment of Smallpox // Journal of the American Medical Association (1903), XL (18): 1183–1219.

.  Zhang M., Shen F., Petryk A., Tang J., Chen X., Sergi C. “English Disease”: Historical Notes on Rickets, the Bone-Lung Link and Child Neglect Issues // Nutrients (2016), 8 (11): 722. Published 2016 Nov 15.

.  Mellanby E. The Part Played by an “Accessory” Factor in the Production of Experimental Rickets. From the Proceedings of the Physiological Society // Journal physiology (Jan 1918), Vol. 52.

.  McCollum E. V., Simmonds N., Becker J. E., and Shipley, P. G. Studies on Experimental Rickets. XXI. An Experimental Demonstration of the Existence of a Vitamin Which Promotes Calcium Deposition // Journal of Biological Chemistry (1922), 53: 293–312.

.  Zhang M., Shen F., Petryk A., Tang J., Chen X., Sergi C. “English Disease”: Historical Notes on Rickets, the Bone-Lung Link and Child Neglect Issues // Nutrients (2016), 8 (11): 722. Published 2016 Nov 15.

.  Hess A. F., Unger L. J. Prophylactic Therapy for Rickets in a Negro Community // Journal of the American Medical Association (1917), LXIX (19): 1583–1586.

.  Hess A. F., Unger L. J., Pappenheimer A. M. A Further Report on the Prevention of Rickets Inrats by Light Rays // Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (1922), 19: 238–39.

.  Steenbock H. The Induction of Growth Promoting and Calcifying Properties in a Ration By Exposure to Light // Scienсe (Sept 1924), 60 (1549): 224–5.

.  Hess A. F.and Weînstock M. Some Properties of Cholestérol and Phytosterol Activated by Irradiation // Experimental Biology and Medicine (1924–25), 22: 319.

.  Hume E. M., Lucas N. S., Smith H. H. On the Absorption of Vitamin D from the Skin // Biochemical Journal (1927), 21 (2): 362–367.

.  Cruickshank E. M. and Kodice E. The Vitamin D Content of Tissues of Rats Irradiated with Ultraviolet Light. Abstracts of communications, 1955.

.  Aoki K. Sexual Selection as a Cause of Human Skin Colour Variation: Darwin’s Hypothesis Revisited // Annals of Human Biology (Nov-Dec 2002), 29(6): 589–608.

.  Клинические рекомендации Российской ассоциации эндокринологов «Дефицит витамина D у взрослых». Министерство здравоохранения Российской Федерации, 2016. .

.  Shelley R. K., Schwartz R. P., Kirkman H. N., Jr, Charlton P. A., Calikoglu A. S., and Davenport M. L., Nutritional Rickets in African American Breast-Fed Infants // Journal of Pediatrics (Aug 2000), 137 (2): 153–157.

Глава 24. Один шаг до гипотезы

.    Johnson R. European Cloth and “Tropical” Skin: Clothing Material and British Ideas of Health and Hygiene in Tropical Climates // Bulletin of the History of Medicine (2009), 83 (3): 530–560.

.    Woodruff C. E. The Effects of Tropical Light on White Men. New York: Rebman Company, [etc., etc.], 1905.

.    Johnson R. European Cloth and “Tropical” Skin: Clothing Material and British Ideas of Health and Hygiene in Tropical Climates // Bulletin of the History of Medicine (2009), 83 (3): 530–560.

.    Murray F. G. Pigmentation, Sunlight, and Nutritional Disease // American Antripologist (July – Sept 1934), 36 (3): 321–490.

.    Maxwell J. P. Further Studies in Osteomalacia // Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine (1930), 23(5): 639–652.

.    История Гренландии // Wikipedia. .

.    Соколов А.Б. Мифы об эволюции человека. — М.: Альпина нон-фикшн, 2020. С. 199.

.    Bolk, L. Origin of Racial Characteristics in Man // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (1929) 13: 1–28.

Глава 25. Пронзительные лучи

.    Macht D. I.; Anderson W. T., Jr., and Bell F. K. The Penetration of Ultraviolet Rays into Live Animal Tissues // Journal of the American Medical Association (Jan 1928), 90: 161.

.    Hockberger P. E. A History of Ultraviolet Photobiology for Humans, Animals and Microorganisms // Photochemistry and Photobiology (2002), 76 (6): 561–579.

.    Blum H.F. Sunlight and Cancer of the Skin, JNCI // Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Dec 1940), 1 (3): 397–421.

.    Kirby-Smith J. S., Blum H. F., Grady H. G. Penetration of Ultraviolet Radiation into Skin, as a Factor in Carcinogenesis // Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Apr 1942), 2 (5): 403–412.

.    Fitzpatrick T. B. Introductory Lecture // Recent Progress in Photobiology. Academic Press, 1965, p. 368.

.    Thomson M. L. Relative Efficiency of Pigment and Horny Layer Thickness in Protecting the Skin of Europeans and Africans Against Solar Ultraviolet Radiation // Journal of Physiology (Feb 1955), 127 (2): 236–46.

.    Fitzpatrick T. B. Introductory Lecture // Recent Progress in Photobiology. Academic Press, 1965, p. 365.

.    Fitzpatrick T. B. Introductory Lecture // Recent Progress in Photobiology. Academic Press, 1965, p. 367–368.

.    Andersen K. E, Maibach H. I. Black and White Human Skin Differences // Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (Sept 1979), 1 (3): 276–82.

Глава 26. Кожа моряка

.    Rusch H. P. and Baumann C. A. Tumor Production in Mice with Ultraviolet Irradiation. // American Journal of Cancer January (1939), 1, (35) (1): 55–62.

.    Blum H. F. Carcinogenesis by Ultraviolet Light. Princeton University Press, 2015.

.    Olson J. S. The History of Cancer: An Annotated Bibliography. ABC-CLIO, 1989, p. 100.

.    Roffo A.H. Cancer and Sun: Carcinomas and Sarcomas Caused by the Action of Sunlight on Skin Bull // Cancer (1934).

.    Funding G., Henriques O. M, Rekling E. Über Lichtkanzer. Internationaler Kongress für Lichtforschung, 1936.

.    Molesworth E. H. Rodent Ulcer. With Appendix // Medical Journal of Australia (1927), 1: 878–99, ref. 7.

.    Blum H. F. Sunlight and Cancer of the Skin // Journal of the National Cancer Institute December (Dec 1940), 1 (3): 397–421.

.    Osborne D. L, Hames R. A Life History Perspective on Skin Cancer and the Evolution of Skin Pigmentation // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Jan 2014), 153 (1): 1–8.

.    Fajuyigbe D. and Young, A. R. The Impact of Skin Colour on Human Photobiological Responses // Pigment Cell &Melanoma Research (2016), 29: 607–618.

.  Fears T. R., Scotto J., and Schneiderman M. A. Skin Cancer, Melanoma, and Sunlight. // American Journal of Public Health (1976), 66: 461–464.

.  Greaves M. Was Skin Cancer a Selective Force for Black Pigmentation in Early Hominin Evolution? // Proceedings of the Royal Society (Feb 2014), 281(1781): 20132955.

.  Rusch H. P. and Baumann C. A. Tumor Production in Mice with Ultraviolet Irradiation // American Journal of Cancer (Jan 1939), (35) (1): 55–62.

.  Solan F. Melanins: Skin Pigments and Much More — Types, Structural Models, Biological Functions, and Formation Routes // New Journal of Science (Mar 2014).

.  Jablonski N. G. The Evolution of Human Skin and Skin Color // Annual Review of Anthropology (2004), 33, 1: 585–623.

.  Szabó, G., Gerald, A., Pathak, M., et al. Racial Differences in the Fate of Melanosomes in Human Epidermis // Nature (1969), 222: 1081–1082.

Глава 27. Рак или не рак — вот в чем вопрос

.    Blum H.F. Does the Melanin Pigment of Human Skin Have Adaptive Value? An Essay in Human Skin Have Adaptive Value? An Essay in Human Ecology and the Evolution of Race // Quarterly Review of Biology (Mar 1961 Mar), 36: 50–63.

.    Osborne D.L, Hames R. A Life History Perspective on Skin Cancer and the Evolution of Skin Pigmentation // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Jan 2014), 153 (1): 1–8.

.    Sear R., Mace R. Who Keeps Children Alive? A Review of the Effects of Kin Onchild Survival // Evolution and Human Behavior (2008), 29 (1): 1–18.

.    Yakubu A. & Mabogunje O. Skin Cancer of the Head and Neck in Zaria, Nigeria // Acta Oncologica (1995), 34: 469–71.

.    Post P. W., Szabó G., Keeling M. E. A Quantitative and Morphological Study of Thepigmentary System of the Chimpanzee with the Light and Electron Microscope // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Nov 1975), (3): 435–43.

.    Cruz-Inigo A., Ladizinski B. and Aisha S. Albinism in Africa: Stigma, Slaughter and Awareness Campaigns // Dermatologic clinics (2011), 29: 79–87.

.    Thomson M. L. Relative Efficiency of Pigment and Horny Layer Thickness in Protecting the Skin of Europeans and Africans Against Solar Ultraviolet Radiation // Journal of Physiology (1955), 127 (2): 236–246.

.    Cruz-Inigo A., Ladizinski B. and Aisha S. Albinism in Africa: Stigma, Slaughter and Awareness Campaigns // Dermatologic clinics (2011), 29: 79–87.

.    Отчет Красного Креста, 2008. .

.  Jablonski N. G., Chaplin G. Skin Cancer Was Not a Potent Selective Force in the Evolution of Protective Pigmentation in Early Hominins // Proceedings of the Royal Society B. (2014), 281 (1789): 20140517.

Глава 28. Не раком единым

.    Loomis W. Skin-Pigment Regulation of Vitamin-D Biosynthesis in Man // Science (1967), 157: 501–6.

.    Holick M. F., MacLaughlin J. A., Doppelt S. H. Regulation of Cutaneous Previtamin D3 Photosynthesis in Man: Skin Pigment is Not an Essential Regulator // Science (Feb 1981), 211 (4482): 590–3.

.    Thomson M. L. Dyshidrosis Produced by General and Regional Ultra-Violet Radiation in Man // Journal of Physiology (Jan 1951), 112 (1–2): 22–30.

.    Thomson M. L. The Cause of Changes in Sweating Rate After Ultra-Violet Radiation // Journal of Physiology (Jan 1951), 112(1–2): 31–42.

.    Pandolf K. B., Gange R. W., Latzka W. A., Blank I. H., Kraning K. K. 2nd, Gonzalez R. R. Human Thermoregulatory Responses During Heat Exposure After Artificially Induced Sunburn // Journal of Physiology (Apr 1992), 262 (4 Pt 2): 610–6.

.    Goldsmith L. A. Biochemistry and Physiology of the Skin. NewYork: Oxford University Press, 1983.

Глава 29. Сливаемся с фоном…

.    Чангизи М. Революция в зрении. — М.: АСТ, 2015. С. 17.

.    Cowles R. B. Some Ecological Factors Bearing on the Origin and Evolution of Pigment inthe Human Skin // American Naturalist (Sept – Oct 1959), 93 (872): 283–293.

.    Bolk L. Origin of Racial Characteristics in Man // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (1929), 13: 1–28.

.    Hamilton W. J. Life’s Color Code. New York: McGraw Hill, 1973, p. 172.

Глава 30. Казалось бы, при чем тут суслик?

.    Laurens H. and Foster P. C. The Effect of Artificial Radiant Energy on the Tissue Temperature Gradient in Men of Different Skin Colors and after Artificial Pigmentation // American Journal of Physiology-Legacy Content (1937), 118: 2, 372–378.

.    Robinson S., Dill D. B., Wilson J. W. and Nielsen M. Adaptations of White Men and Negroes to Prolonged Work in Humid Heat // American Journal of Tropical Medicine (1941), 21: 261–287.

.    Heer R. R. The Absorption of Human Skin between 430 and 1,010 Mμ for Black-Body Radiation at Various Color Temperatures // Science (1952), 115 (2975): 15–18.

.    Barnicot N.A. Climatic Factors in the Evolution of Human Populations // Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology (1959), 24: 115–129.

.    Baker P.T. Racial Differences in Heat Tolerance // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (1958), 16: 287–305.

.    Heer R. R. The Absorption of Human Skin between 430 and 1,010 Mμ for Black-Body Radiation at Various Color Temperatures // Science (1952), 115 (2975): 15–18.

.    Harrison G.A. Differences in Human Pigmentation: Measurement, Geographic Variation, and Causes // Journal of Investigative Dermatology (June 1973), 60 (6): 418–26.

.    Jablonski N. G. The Evolution of Human Skin and Skin Color // Annual Review of Anthropology (2004), 33: 1, 585–623.

.    Jablonski N. G, Chaplin G. Skin Cancer Was Not a Potent Selective Force in the Evolution of Protective Pigmentation in Early Hominins // Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2014), 281 (1789): 20140517.

.  Walsberg G.E. Consequences of Skin Color and Fur Properties for Solar Heat Gain and Ultraviolet Irradiance in Two Mammals // Journal of Comparative Physiology B. (1988), 158 (2): 213–21.

Глава 31. Бледная красавица

.    Darwin C. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1889, p. 604.

.    Van den Berghe P. L. and Frost P. Skin Color Preference, Sexual Dimorphismand Sexual Selection: A Case of Gene Culture Co‐Evolution? // Ethnic and Racial Studies (1986), 9: 1, 87–113.

.    Frost P. Human Skin Color: a Possible Relationship between its Sexual Dimorphism and its Social Perception // Perspectives in Biology and Medicine (Autumn 1988), 32 (1): 38–58.

.    Candille S. I., Absher D. M., Beleza S., Bauchet M., McEvoy B., Garrison N. A., Li J. Z., Myers R. M., Barsh G. S., Tang H., Shriver M. D. Genome-Wide Association Studies of Quantitatively Measured Skin, Hair, and Eye Pigmentation in four European Populations // PLoS One (2012), 7(10): e48294.

.    On the Generation of Animals by Aristotle, translated by Arthur Platt. Book I. .

.    Frost P. Human Skin Color: a Possible Relationship between its Sexual Dimorphism and its Social Perception // Perspectives in Biology and Medicine (Autumn 1988), 32 (1): 38–58.

.    Van den Berghe P. L. and Frost P. Skin Color Preference, Sexual Dimorphismand Sexual Selection: A Case of Gene Culture Co‐Evolution? // Ethnic and Racial Studies (1986), 9: 1, 87–113.

.    Hamilton J. B., Hubert G. Photographic Nature of Tanning of the Human Skin as Shown by Studies of Male Hormone Therapy // Science (Nov 1938), 88 (2290): 481.

.    Там же.

.  Guthrie R. D. Evolution of Human Threat Display Organs // Journal of Evolutionary Biology (1970), 4: 257–302.

.  Kenichi A. Sexual selection as a cause of human skin colour variation: Darwin’s hypothesis revisited // Annals of Human Biology (2002), 29: 589–608.

.  Madrigal L., Kelly W. Human Skin-Color Sexual Dimorphism: a Test of the Sexual Selection Hypothesis // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Mar 2007), 132 (3): 470–82.

.  Stephen I. D., Smith L., Stirrat M. J., Perrent D. I. Facial Skin Coloration Affects Perceived Health of Human Faces // International Journal of Primatology (2009), 30: 845–857.

.  Stephen I. D., Coetzee V., Perrett D. I. Carotenoid and Melanin Pigment Coloration Affect Perceived Human Health // Evolution and Human Behavior (2011), 32 (3): 216–227.

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.  Васильев А.А. Судьбы моды. — М.: Альпина нон-фикшн, 2009.

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Глава 32. Виноваты фолаты

.    Branda R. F., Eaton J. W. Skin Color and Nutrient Photolysis: an Evolutionary Hypothesis // Science. (Aug 1978), 201 (4356): 625–6.

.    Там же.

.    Jablonski N. G., Chaplin G. The Evolution of Human Skin Coloration // Journal of Human Evolution (July 2000), 39 (1): 57–106.

.    Walter H. Remarks on the Environmental Adaptation of Man // Humangenetik (1971), 13: 85–97.

.    Olson R. L., Gaylor J., Everett M. A. Skin Color, Melanin, and Erythema // Archives of Dermatology (1973), 108 (4): 541–544.

.    Там же.

.    Webb A.R., Kline L., Holick M.F. Influence of Season and Latitude on the Cutaneous Synthesis of Vitamin D3: Exposure to Winter Sunlight in Boston and Edmonton Will Not Promote Vitamin D3 Synthesis in Human Skin // Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (Aug 1988), 67 (2): 373–8.

.    Jablonski N. G., Chaplin G. The Evolution of Human Skin Coloration // Journal of Human Evolution (July 2000), 39 (1): 57–106.

.    Jablonski N.G. The Evolution of Human Skin and Skin Color // Annual Review of Anthropology (2004), 33: 585–623.

.  Там же.

.  Gambichler T., Bader A., Sauermann K., et al. Serum Folate Levels After UVA Exposure: a Two Group Parallel Randomised Controlled Trial // BMC Dermatology (2001), 1: 8.

.  Shaheen M.A. and Abdel F. Analysis of Serum Folate Levels after Narrow Band UVB Exposure // Egypt Dermatol Online Journal (2006), 2.

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.  Hasoun L. Z., Bailey S. W., Outlaw K. K., Ayling J. E. Rearrangement and Depletion of Folate in Human Skin by Ultraviolet Radiation // British Journal of Dermatology (Oct 2015), 173 (4): 1087–90.

Глава 33. Немножко генетики

.    Rosenberg N., Murata M., Ikeda Y., Opare-Sem O., Zivelin A., Geffen E., Seligsohn U. The Frequent 5, 10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase C677T Polymorphism Is Associated with a Common Haplotype in Whites, Japanese, and Africans // American Journal of Human Genetics (Mar 2002), 70 (3): 758–762.

.    Cordain L., Hickey M. S. Ultraviolet Radiation Represents an Evolutionary Selective Pressure for the South-To-North Gradient of the MTHFR 677TT Genotype // American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Nov 2006), 84(5): 1243; author reply: 1244–5.

.    Yafei W., Lijun P., Jinfeng W., et al. Is the prevalence of MTHFR C677T Polymorphism Associated with Ultraviolet Radiation in Eurasia? // American Journal of Human Genetics (2012), 57: 780–786.

.    Lucock M., Beckett E., Martin C., et al. UV‐Associated Decline in Systemic Folate: Implications for Human Nutrigenetics, Health, and Evolutionary Processes // American Journal of Human Biology (2017): 29, e22929.

.    Jones P., Lucock M., Veysey M., Jablonski N., Chaplin G., Beckett E. Frequency of Folate-related Polymorphisms Varies by Skin Pigmentation // American Journal of Human Biology (Mar 2018), 30 (2).

.    Rifkin R. F., d’Errico F., Dayet-Boulliot L., and Summers B. Assessing the Photoprotective Effects of Red Ochre on Human Skin by in Vitro Laboratory Experiments // South African Journal of Science. (2015), 111(3–4), 1–8.

Глава 34. Микробов не впускать, воду не выпускать

.    Автобиография Ч. Дарвина // Дарвин Ч. Происхождение видов. — М.: Л.: Огиз-Сельхозгиз, 1935. С. 90.

.    Соколов А.Б. Ученые скрывают? Мифы XXI века. — М.: Альпина нон-фикшн, 2018.

.    Elias P. M., Williams M.L. Re-appraisal of Current Theories for the Development and Loss of Epidermal Pigmentation in Hominins and Modern Humans // Journal of Human Evolution (June 2013), 64 (6): 687–92.

.    Wilson K., Cotter S. C., Reeson A. F. and Pell J. K. Melanism and Disease Resistance in Insects // Ecology Letters (2001), 4: 637–649.

.    Khan R., Khan B.S. Diet, Disease and Pigment Variation in Humans // Medical Hypotheses (Oct 2010), 75 (4): 363–7.

.    Mackintosh J.A. The Antimicrobial Properties of Melanocytes, Melanosomes and Melanin and the Evolution of Black Skin // Journal of Theoretical Biology (July 2001), 211(2): 101–13.

.    Wassermann H. P. Human Pigmentation and Environmental Adaptation // Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal (1965), 11: 5, 691–694.

.    Reed J. T., Ghadially R., Elias P. M. Skin Type, but Neither Race Nor Gender, Influence Epidermal Permeability Barrier Function // Archives of Dermatology (Oct 1995), 131 (10): 1134-8.

.    Gunathilake R., Schurer N. Y., Shoo B. A., Celli A., Hachem J.-P., Crumrine D., Sirimanna G., et al. pH-Regulated Mechanisms Account for Pigment-Type Differences in Epidermal Barrier Function // Journal of Investigative Dermatology. Elsevier (July 2009).

.  Hong S. P., Kim M. J., Jung M. Y., Jeon H., Goo J., Ahn S. K., Lee S. H., Elias P. M., Choi E. H. Biopositive Effects of Low-Dose UVB on Epidermis: Coordinate Upregulation of Antimicrobial Peptides and Permeability Barrier Reinforcement // Journal of Investigative Dermatology (Dec 2008), 128 (12): 2880–7.

.  Elias P. M., Williams M.L. Re-appraisal of Current Theories for the Development and Loss of Epidermal Pigmentation in Hominins and Modern Humans // Journal of Human Evolution (June 2013), 64 (6): 687–92.

.  Thyssen J. P., Thuesen B., Huth C., Standl M., Carson C. G., et al. Skin Barrier Abnormality Caused by Filaggrin (FLG) Mutations is Associated with Increased Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D concentrations // Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (Nov 2012), 130 (5): 1204–1207. e2.

.  Elias P. M., Williams M. L. Basis for the Gain and Subsequent Dilution of Epidermal Pigmentation During Human Evolution: The Barrier and Metabolic Conservation Hypotheses Revisited // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Oct 2016), 161 (2): 189–207.

.  Strumia R. Skin signs in anorexia nervosa // Dermato-Endocrinology (Sep – Oct 2009), 1 (5): 268–270.

.  Jablonski N. G., Chaplin G. Epidermal Pigmentation in the Human Lineage is an Adaptation to Ultraviolet Radiation // Journal of Human Evolution (Nov 2013), 65(5): 671–5.

.  Grant W. B. The UVB-vitamin D (3) Pigment Hypothesis is Alive and Well // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Dec 2016), 161 (4): 752–755.

.  Jones P., Lucock M., Veysey M., Beckett E. The Vitamin D-Folate Hypothesis as an Evolutionary Model for Skin Pigmentation: An Update and Integration of Current Ideas // Nutrients (Apr 2018), 10 (5), pii: E554.

.  Elias P. M., Williams M. L. Comment on: The Vitamin D-Folate Hypothesis as an Evolutionary Model for Skin Pigmentation: An Update and Integration of Current Ideas // Nutrients (Nov 2018), 10, 554: 10 (11), pii: E1753.

Глава 35. Витаминные страсти

.    Ravensbergen J., Brown C. L., Moore G. F., Frese R. N., van Grondelle R., Gust D., Moore T. A., Moore A. L., Kennis J. T. Kinetic Isotope Effect of Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer in a Hydrogen Bonded Phenol-Pyrrolidino [60] fullerene // Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences (Dec 2015), 14 (12): 2147–50.

.    Cornish D. A., Maluleke V., Mhlanga T. An Investigation into a Possible Relationship Between Vitamin D, Parathyroid Hormone, Calcium and Magnesium in a Normally Pigmented and an Albino Rural Black Population in the Northern Province of South Africa // Biofactors (2000), 11 (1–2): 35–8.

.    Bogh M. K., Schmedes A. V., Philipsen P. A., Thieden E., Wulf H. C. Vitamin D Production after UVB Exposure Depends on Baseline Vitamin D and Total Cholesterol but Not on Skin Pigmentation // Journal of Investigative Dermatology (Feb 2010), 130 (2): 546–53.

.    Робертс Э. Приручение. 10 биологических видов, изменивших мир. — М.: КоЛибри, 2019. С. 399–400.

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.    Libon F., Cavalier E., Nikkels A. F. Skin Color is Relevant to Vitamin D Synthesis. // Dermatology (2013), 227 (3): 250–4.

Глава 36. Кто вы, мистер Холик?

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Глава 37. В погоне за «белым геном»

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.  Newton J. M., Cohen-Barak O., Hagiwara N., Gardner J. M., Davisson M. T., et al. Mutations in the Human Orthologue of the Mouse underwhite Gene (uw) Underlie a New Form of Oculocutaneous Albinism, OCA4 // American Journal of Human Genetics (Nov 2001), 69 (5): 981–988.

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Глава 38. Очи черные, склеры белые

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Глава 39. Блондинки не пропадут!

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Глава 40. Загар — мгновенный и бесполезный?

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Глава 41. Рвем шаблоны: черные голубоглазые европейцы

.    Olalde I., Allentoft M. E., Sanchez-Quinto F., Santpere G., Chiang C. W. K., DeGiorgio M., et al. Derived Immune and Ancestral Pigmentation Alleles in a 7,000-Year-Old Mesolithic European // Nature (2014), 507: 225–228.

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.    Gamba C., Jones E., Teasdale M. et al. Genome Flux and Stasis in a Five Millennium Transect of European Prehistory // Nature Communications (2014), 5: 5257.

.    González-Fortes G., Jones E. R., Lightfoot E., Bonsall C., Lazar C., Grandal-d’Anglade A. Paleogenomic Evidence for Multi-generational Mixing between Neolithic Farmers and Mesolithic Hunter-Gatherers in the Lower Danube Basin // Current Biology (June 2017), 27 (12): 1801–1810, e10.

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.  Brace S., Diekmann Y., Booth T.J. et al. Ancient Genomes Indicate Population Replacement in Early Neolithic Britain // Nature Ecology and Evolution (2019), 3: 765–771.

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Глава 42. Неандерталец меняет кожу

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.  Ding Q., Hu Y., Xu S., Wang C.-C., Li H., Zhang R., Yan S., Wang J., and Jin L. Neanderthal Origin of the Haplotypes Carrying the Functional Variant Val92Met in the MC1R in Modern Humans // Molecular Biology and Evolution (Aug 2014), 31 (8): 1994–2003.

.  Gittelman R. M., Schraiber J. G., Vernot B., Mikacenic C., Wurfel M. M., et al. Archaic Hominin Admixture Facilitated Adaptation to Out-of-Africa Environments // Current Biology (Dec 2016), 26 (24): 3375–3382.

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Глава 43. Особые приметы: чернокожий афрокроманьонец

.    Pastorino L., Cusano R., Bruno W., Lantieri F., Origone P., et al. Novel MC1R Variants in Ligurian Melanoma Patients and Controls // Human Mutation. Mutation in Brief #724 (2004).

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.    Quillen E. E., Norton H. L., Parra E. J., Lona-Durazo F., Ang K. C., Illiescu F. M. Shades of Complexity: New Perspectives on The Evolution and Genetic Architecture of Human Skin // American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2019), 168, S67: 4–26.

.    Martin A. R., Lin M., Granka J. M., Gignoux C. R., et al. An Unexpectedly Complex Architecture for Skin Pigmentation in Africans // Cell (Nov 2017), 171 (6): 1340–1353, e1430.

.    Walsh S., Chaitanya L., Clarisse L., Wirken L., Draus-Barini J., Kovats L., et al. Developmental Validation of the HIrisPlex System: DNA-Based Eye and Hair Colour Prediction for Forensic and Anthropological Usage // Forensic Science International: Genetics (2014), 9: 150–161.

.    Draus-Barini J., Walsh S., Pośpiech E., Kupiec T., Głąb H., et al. Bona Fide Colour: DNA Prediction of Human Eye and Hair Colour From Ancient and Contemporary Skeletal Remains // Investigative Genetics (2013), 4: 3.

.    Chaitanya L., Zupanic I., Susan P., Joze W., Tomaz B., Kayser Z. M. Bringing Colour Back After 70 Years: Predicting Eye and Hair Colour From Skeletal Remains of World War II Victims Using the HIrisPlex System // Forensic Science International: Genetics (Jan 2017), 26: 48–57.

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.    King T., Fortes G., Balaresque P., et al. Identification of the Remains of King Richard III // Nature Communications (2014), 5: 5631.

.  Cerqueira C. C. S., Côrtes V. R. P., Zambra F. M. B., Salzano F. M., Hünemeier T. H., and Bortolini M.-C. Predicting Homo Pigmentation Phenotype Through Genomic Data: From Neanderthal To James Watson // American Journal of Human Biology (Sept – Oct 2012), 24 (5): 705–9.

.  Chaitanya L., Breslin K., Zuniga S., Wirken L., Pospiech E., et al. The HIrisPlex-S system for Eye, Hair and Skin Colour Prediction from DNA: Introduction and Forensic Developmental Validation // Forensic Science International: Genetics (July 2018), 35: 123–135.

.  Pospiech E., Chen Y., Kukla-Bartoszek M., Breslin K., Aliferi A., et al. Towards Broadening Forensic DNA Phenotyping Beyond Pigmentation: Improving the Prediction of Head Hair Shape from DNA // Forensic Science International: Genetics (Nov 2018), 37: 241–251.

.  Archaic Genome Browser. .


.    Александр Соколов об эффективности популяризации науки. Выступление 17 июня 2018 года на cпециальной конференции «Ученые против мифов — ПРОФИ». .

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