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Ingraham, Christopher. “Under 50? You Still Haven’t Hit Rock Bottom, Happiness-wise.” Wonkblog (blog), Washington Post, August 24, 2017. .

По части клинической депрессии у меня нет специальных знаний.

Cohen, Jennifer. “Exercise Is One Thing Most Successful People Do Everyday.” Entrepreneur, June 6, 2016. .

Rampell, Catherine. “Money Fights Predict Divorce Rates.” Economix (blog), New York Times, December 7, 2009. .

Carnevale, Anthony P., Tamara Jayasundera, and Artem Gulish. America’s Divided Recovery: College Haves and HaveNots. Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, 2016. .

Khanna, Parag. “How Much Economic Growth Comes from Our Cities?” World Economic Forum, April 13, 2016. .

Martin, Emmie. “Here’s How Much Money You Need to Be Happy, According to a New Analysis by Wealth Experts.” CNBC Make It, November 20, 2017. .

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. 2004. “Flow, the Secret to Happiness.” Снято в феврале 2004 года в Монтерее, штат Калифорния. TED video, 18:55; .

Hafner, Peter. “The Top 3 Benefits of Investing in the Markets Early.” Active/Passive, CNBC, September 12, 2017. .

Приложение 1 Second Everyday: .

Schülke, Oliver, Jyotsna Bhagavatula, Linda Vigilant, and Julia Ostner. “Social Bonds Enhance Reproductive Success in Male Macaques.” Current Biology 20 (December 21, 2010): 2207–10. .

Mineo, Liz. “Good Genes Are Nice, but Joy Is Better.” Harvard Gazette, April 2017. .

Norton, Amy. “People Overestimate the Happiness New Purchases Will Bring.” HealthDay.com, January 25, 2013. .

Mosher, Dave. “Holding a Baby Can Make You Feel Bodaciously High — and It’s a Scientific Mystery.” Business Insider, November 15, 2016, .

Firestone, Lisa. “Forgiveness: The Secret to a Healthy Relationship.” Huffington Post, October 15, 2015. .

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