Книга: Главная война Средневековья. Леопард против лилии
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Lettres de rois, reines et autres personnages des cours de France et d’Angleterre depuis Louis VII jusqu’à Henri IV / Publ. M. Champollion-Figeac. T. I–II. P., 1839–1847; Royal and Historical Letters During the Reign of Henry The Fourth. Ed. F. C. Hingeston. V. I, L., 1860; Letters and Papers illustrative of the Wars of the English in France. During the Reign of Henry the Sixth, King of England / Ed. J. Stevenson. V. I. L., 1861; Royal and Other Historical Letters Illustrative of the Reign of Henry III / Ed. W. Shirley. V. I–II. L., 1862–1866.; Benoit XII (1334–1342). Lettres closes et patentes intéressant les pays autres que la France / Publ. J. – M. Vidal. T. I–V. P., 1913–1942.; Lettres closes, Lettres «de par le roy» de Philippe de Valois / Ed. P. Cazelles. P., 1958.
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