Книга: FACEBOOK. Как построить мир, который нам нужен
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Глава вторая – Рождение Facebook

1. David Kirkpatrick. The Facebook Effect. Simon, 2010. 24.

2. Jose Antonio Vargas. "Mark Zuckerberg Opens Up.” New Yorker, 20 Sept. 2010, newyorker.com. Accessed 28 Feb. 2018.

3. Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect, 26.

4. Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect, 27–28.

5. Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect, 30–31.

6. Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect, 32.

7. Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect, 35.

8. Tomio Geron. "Mark Zuckerberg: Don’t Just Start a Company, Do Something Fundamental.” Forbes, 20 Oct. 2012, forbes.com. Accessed 26 Feb. 2018.

9. Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect, 35.

10. Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect, 41.

Глава третья – Facebook захватывает мир

1. Deirdre Clemente. "Why American Workers Now Dress So Casually.” Atlantic, 22 May 2017, theatlantic.com. Accessed 17 July 2018.

2. David Kirkpatrick. The Facebook Effect. Simon, 2010. 43.

3. Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect, 86.

4. Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect, 89–90.

5. Ben Mezrich. The Accidental Billionaires. Doubleday, 2009. 1.

6. Mark Harris. "Inventing Facebook.” New York, 27 Sept. 2010, nymag.com. Accessed 17 July 2018.

7. David Kirkpatrick. “The Social Network: A Misleading View of Facebook’s Birth.” Telegraph, 14 Oct. 2010, telegraph.co.uk. Accessed 17 July 2018.

8. "Myspace Outperforms ALL Other SociaL Networking Sites.” BusinessWire, 12 JuLy 2007, businesswire.com. Accessed 17 JuLy 2018.

9. “Investor ReLations.” Facebook, 2018, facebook.com. Accessed 17 JuLy 2018.

10. Sarah PhiLLips. “A Brief History of Facebook." Guardian, 25 JuLy 2007, theguardian. com. Accessed 17 JuLy 2018.

11. Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect, 150.

12. “Microsoft Invests $240 MiLLion in Facebook.” NBC News, 24 Oct. 2007, nbcnews. com. Accessed 3 Mar. 2018.

13. Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect, 222, 225, 227.

14. Brad Stone and MigueL HeLft. “Facebook Hires a GoogLe Veteran, SheryL Sandberg, as Its Chief.” New York Times, 5 Mar. 2008, nytimes.com. Accessed 17 JuLy 2018.

Глава четвертая – Новые функции

1. David Kirkpatrick. The Facebook Effect. Simon, 2010. 93.

2. Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect, 93.

3. Steven Levy. “Do ReaL Friends Share Ads?” Newsweek, 10 Dec. 2007, newsweek. com. Accessed 17 JuLy 2018.

4. E. J. WestLake. “Friend Me If You Facebook.” TDR, voL. 52, no. 4, 2008, 22.

5. "Facebook Founder ApoLogizes in Privacy FLap.” InformationWeek, 8 Sept. 2006, informationweek.com. Accessed 17 JuLy 2018.

6. Rani MoLLa. "WhatsApp Is Now Facebook’s Second-Biggest Property, FoLLowed by Messenger and Instagram.” Recode, 1 Feb. 2018, recode.net. Accessed 7 Mar. 2018.

7. David SneLLing. “WhatsApp vs. Facebook Messenger.” Express, 18 Feb. 2018, express.co.uk. Accessed 7 Mar. 2018.

8. Barbara Speed. “A Cursed Project’: A Short History of the Facebook ‘Like Button.’” New Statesman, 9 Oct. 2015, newstatesman.com. Accessed 7 Mar. 2018.

9. EveLyn M. RusLi. “Facebook Buys Instagram for $1 BiLLion.” New York Times, 9 Apr. 2012, deaLbook.nytimes.com. Accessed 3 May 2018.

10. RusLi, "Facebook Buys Instagram for $1 BiLLion.”

11. "Instagram.” Facebook, n.d., facebook.com. Accessed 7 Mar. 2018.

12. SaLman AsLam. "Instagram by the Numbers.” Omnicore, 1 Jan. 2018, omnicoreagency.com. Accessed 3 Mar. 2018.

Глава пятая – Facebook и дружба

1. Mingyang Liu. “Duke: Writing on the WaLL: Duke Freshmen ‘Friend’ EarLy on Facebook Site.” America’s InteLLigence Wire, 31 Aug. 2005, ft.com. Accessed 17 JuLy 2018.

2. Liu, “Duke: Writing on the WaLL.”

3. David Kirkpatrick. The Facebook Effect. Simon, 2010. 92.

4. Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect, 12.

5. KeLLy Christ. "Escaping My Addiction to SociaL Media.” UWire, 28 Jan. 2018, uwire. com. Accessed 17 JuLy 2018.

6. Graham G. Scott. “More Than Friends: PopuLarity on Facebook and Its RoLe in Impression Formation.” JournaL of Computer-Mediated Communication, voL. 19, no. 3, 2014, 365.

7. Scott, “More Than Friends,” 361.

8. Katherine Hobson. “FeeLing LoneLy? Too Much Time on SociaL Media May Be Why.” NationaL PubLic Radio, 6 Mar. 2017, npr.org. Accessed 17 JuLy 2018.

9. Robin Dunbar. “The Limit of Friendship.” The London Times, 8 Feb. 2010, thetimes. co.uk. Accessed 17 JuLy 2018.

10. Tara Baharamour. "Teens Who Spend Less Time in Front of Screens Are Happier— Up to a Point, New Research Shows.” Washington Post, 22 Jan. 2018, washingtonpost. com. Accessed 17 JuLy 2018.

11. Jean M. Twenge, GabrieLLe N. Martin, and W. Keith CampbeLL. “Decreases in PsychoLogicaL WeLL-Being Among American AdoLescents after 2012 and Links to Screen Time During the Rise of Smartphone TechnoLogy.” Emotion, 2018, 13.

12. ALix Langone. "Ex Google and Facebook Employees Are Banding Together to Protect Kids from Social Media Addiction.” Time, 14 Feb. 2018, time.com. Accessed 17 July 2018.

Глава шестая – Приватность и расшар

1. Graham Meikle and Sherman Young. Media Convergence. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 73.

2. Meikle and Young, Media Convergence, 129.

3. "Kaplan Test Prep Survey: College Admissions Officers Say Social Media Increasingly Affects Applicants’ Changes.” Kaplan Test Prep, 10 Feb. 2017. press.kaptest. com. Accessed 13 Mar. 2018.

4. Alessandra Potenza. "Guess Who’s Looking at Your Facebook Page?” New York Times, 6 Oct. 2014, nytimes.com. Accessed 17 July 2018.

5. Cara McGoogan. “Facebook Facing Deluge of Complaints over Revenge Porn.” Daily Telegraph, 23 May 2017, telegraph.co.uk. Accessed 17 July 2018.

6. Kimberly Miller. "Cyberbullying and Its Conseguences.” Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, 26, 2, 2017, 384.

7. Namwan Leavell. "Column: Chronic Relationship Posting Is Exhibitionist.” UWire, 22 Jan. 2016, uwire.com. Accessed 17 July 2018.

8. Sherisse Pham. "Flow Facebook Decides What Violent and Explicit Content Is Allowed.” CNN, 22 May 2017, cnn.com. Accessed 17 July 2018.

Глава седьмая – Инструмент для социального изменения

1. Bobby Ghosh. "Rage, Rap and Revolution.” Time, 17 Feb. 2011, time.com. Accessed 17 July 2018.

2. Rebecca J. Rosen. “So, Was Facebook Responsible for the Arab Spring after All?” Atlantic, 3 Sept. 2011, theatlantic.com. Accessed 19 Mar. 2018.

3. "Arab Spring: 10 Unpredicted Outcomes.” BBC News, 13 Dec. 2013, bbc.com. Accessed 19 Mar. 2018.

4. Dustin Kidd. Social Media Freaks. Westview, 2017. 147–148.

5. Ben Berkowitz. “From a Single Hashtag, a Protest Circled the World.” Reuters, 17 Oct. 2011, reuters.com. Accessed 19 Mar. 2018.

6. Kidd, Social Media Freaks, 158.

7. "Why Do US Police Keep Killing Unarmed Black Men?” BBC News, 26 May 2015, bbc.com. Accessed 19 Mar. 2018.

8. Melissa Harris-Perry. "Role Model for Resistance.” Nation, 15 Sept. 2014, thenation. com. Accessed 17 July 2018.

9. Brian Stelter. “Philando Castile and the Power of Facebook Live.” CNN, 7 July 2016, cnn.com. Accessed 17 July 2018.

10. Heather Kelly. “Facebook’s Zuckerberg Condemns Hate Groups.” CNN, 16 Aug. 2017, cnn.com. Accessed 17 July 2018.

11. Julia Carrie Wong, Sam Leven, and Olivia Solon. “Bursting the Facebook Bubble.” Guardian, 16 Nov. 2016, theguardian.com. Accessed 17 July 2018.

12. Heather Kelly. “Hate Groups on Facebook: Why Some Get to Stay.” CNN, 17 Aug. 2017, cnn.com. Accessed 17 July 2018.

13. Imran Awan. "Cyber-Extremism.” Social Science and Public Policy, vol. 54, no. 2, 2017, 138.

Глава восьмая – «Строим мир, который нам нужен»

1. Mark Zuckerberg. “Building Global Community.” Facebook, 16 Feb. 2017, facebook. com. Accessed 17 July 2018.

2. Olivia Solon. "It’s Digital Colonialism.” Guardian, 27 July 2017, theguardian.com. Accessed 3 May 2018.

3. Zuckerberg, "Building Global Community.”

4. Zuckerberg, "Building Global Community.”

5. Matt Stevens and Daniel Victor. “Did Facebook Really Need a Safety Check in New York?” New York Times, 1 Nov. 2017, nytimes.com. Accessed 3 May 2018.

6. Hayley Tsukayama. "Here’s What Facebook Is Doing with Your Safety Check Data.” Washington Post, 7 June 2017, washingtonpost.com. Accessed 17 July 2018.

7. Scott Sutherland. "Nowhere to Hide.” NFPA Journal, Nov./Dec. 2017, nfpa.org. Accessed 26 Mar. 2018.

8. Josh Constine. "Facebook Drops Fee on Donation, Will Match $50M/Year, Adds Mentor Feature.” TechCrunch, 29 Nov. 2017, techcrunch.com. Accessed 24 Mar. 2018.

9. Constine, "Facebook Drops Fee on Donation.”

10. Naomi Gleit. "Facebook Social Good Forum.” Facebook, 29 Nov. 2017, newsroom. fb.com. Accessed 24 Mar. 2018.

11. Andrew F. Smith. Rescuing the World. SUNY, 2010. 42.

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