Книга: Nokia. Весь невероятный опыт компании в одной книге
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Pamela Barr, «Adapting to Unfamiliar Environmental Events: A Look at the Evolution of Interpretation and Its Role in Strategic Change» (Organization Science, Vol. 9, Issue 6, November/December 1998), pp. 644–669.

Yves Doz and Gary Hamel, Alliance Advantage: The Art of Creating Value through Partnering (Harvard Business School Press, Cambridge, MA, 1998).

Yves Doz and Mikko Kosonen, Fast Strategy: How Strategic Agility Will Help You Stay Ahead of the Game (Wharton School Publishing, Harlow, 2008a).

Yves Doz and Mikko Kosonen, «The Dynamics of Strategic Agility: Nokia’s Rollercoaster Experience» (California Management Review, Vol. 50, Issue 3, Spring 2008b), pp. 95–118.

Yves Doz and Mikko Kosonen, «Letter to the Editor – Nokia and Strategic Agility: A Postscript» (California Management Review, Vol. 53, Issue 4, Summer 2011), pp. 154–156.

Kathleen Eisenhardt and Melissa Graebner, «Theory Building from Cases: Opportunities and Challenges» (Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 50, Issue 1, February 2007), pp. 25–32.

Vijay Govindarajan and Chris Trimble, Reverse Innovation: Create Far From Home, Win Everywhere (Harvard Business School Press Books, Boston, April 2012).

Martti Häikiö, Nokia: The Inside Story (Pearson Education, London, 2002).

Tomi Laamanen, Juha-Antti Lamberg, and Eero Vaara, «Explanations of Success and Failure in Management Learning: What Can We Learn from Nokia’s Rise and Fall?» (Academy of Management Learning & Education, Vol. 15, Issue 1, 2016), pp. 2–25.

Karen D. Locke, Grounded Theory in Management Research (Sage Publications, London, 2001).

Timo Vuori and Quy Huy, «Distributed Attention and Shared Emotions in the Innovation Process» (Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 61, Issue 1, March 2016), pp. 9–51.

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