Книга: Полчаса музыки. Как понять и полюбить классику
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Ляля Кандаурова – музыкант, журналист, автор лекционных курсов о восприятии классической музыки. Родилась в Москве в семье переводчиков. Окончила Специальную музыкальную школу им. Гнесиных (2006) и Московскую консерваторию по классу скрипки (2011), играла в фортепианном квинтете, в составе которого получила Гран-при Московского конкурса камерных ансамблей им. Рубинштейна. С 2011 г. занялась журналистикой; постоянный автор журнала Seasons of life, ведущая авторских лекций о классической музыке, выступала в московских и региональных образовательных проектах (Еврейский музей и центр толерантности, Музей Москвы, галерея Solyanka, конференция «Лимуд», лагерь «Марабу», школа Seasons, Летняя школа УНИК в Парке Горького, лекционный проект в «Цветном», лекторий ВДНХ, «Лаборатория современного зрителя» в Перми), как интервьюер вела публичные встречи с Теодором Курентзисом, Эдуардом Кунцем, Филиппом Чижевским и другими музыкантами, выступала с лекциями на музыкальных фестивалях (Дягилевский фестиваль в Перми, фестиваль «Мост» в Ростове-на-Дону и др.), читала лекции в выставочных и просветительских проектах в Барселоне, Берлине, Вене, Женеве, Париже, Милане, Минске и Таллине. С 2015 г. сотрудничает с Московской филармонией, проводя публичные лекции перед филармоническими концертами; с 2017 г. сотрудничает с МАМТ им. Станиславского и Немировича-Данченко. Пишет о музыке в печатных и интернет-СМИ, посвященных культуре.

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Eskadron is one of the very appreciated equestrian brands in the world that focuses primarily on the creation of top quality design clothing and equipment. This German concern was founded by Pikeur trying to meet the jockeys' demands, have been looking for professional but also stylish equestrian accessories. So, why is Eskadron so special and why their selections are so popular among riders?Eskadron -- why do riders from all around the world love this new? Eskadron is exceptionally popular among horseriding fans for twelve or more years today. This new products are distinguished by their high quality attention to detail. Eskadron can also be appreciated for their exceptional viability, elegance, innovativeness of their own projects, contemporary layout, and also availability. The brand's offer includes both pro items and ones for amateur riders. Thus, you can discover basic equestrian clothing, expert equestrian, and assorted accessories necessary for the proper saddling of a horse. Eskadron offers saddle fabrics, halters, rugs, bell boots for horses, boots, fly hats, drapes, but in addition hoodies, t-shirts, breeches, even show jackets. These products come from the eu, which additionally verifies their quality.Eskadron's ranges Eskadron has lots of collections. Some are seasonal, many others are constantly available in their deal. The very popular collections of this brand are: Classic Sports - launched twice per calendar year, this line is made up only of horse equipment. Products using this collection are extremely straightforward, in conventional soft colors but at the identical time very elegant. Platinum - launches once a year for people who enjoy traditional solutions. You will mostly find gray and black colors combined with delicate image motifs. Young Star - lineup for kiddies that begin their experience with horse riding. It has basic horseriding accessories in bright colours and extraordinary patterns. Equestrian Fanatics - clothing line designed for riders who like to stick out. Available jackets, hoodies, and backpacks successfully combine casual clothing with equestrianism. Vintage offer - Their constant offer of clothing, equipment, and accessories. You'll find products used for training and everyday rides but also elegant reveal clothing. Eskadron is a fresh used by cyclists from all around the world. For the sake of safety and riding both yours and your horse, it might be well worth purchasing top quality articles, which would permit one to fully appreciate this exceptional sport.