Книга: ДНК – не приговор
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Цит. по: Plotz, D. (2006). The genius factory: The curious history of the Nobel prize sperm bank. New York, NY: Random House. P. 7.


Plotz, D. (2006). The genius factory: The curious history of the Nobel prize sperm bank. New York, NY: Random House.


Scheib, J. E. (1994). Sperm donor selection and the psychology of female mate choice. Ethology & Sociobiology (now Evolution and Human Behavior), 15, 113–129. Scheib, J. E., Kristiansen, A., & Wara, A. (1997). A Norwegian note on sperm donor selection and the psychology of female mate choice. Evolution and Human Behavior, 18, 143–149.
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