Книга: ДНК – не приговор
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См. Condit, C. M. (2010). Public attitudes and beliefs about genetics. Annual Review Genomics and Human Genetics, 11, 339–359.


Specter, M. (25.08.2014). Seeds of doubt. The New Yorker ().


Pew Research Center (29.01.2015). Chapter 3: Attitudes and beliefs on science and technology topics ().


Harris Poll (2014). Doctors, military officers, firefighters, and scientists seen as among America’s most prestigious occupations ().


Gaskell, G., Stares, S., Allansdottir, A., Allum, N., Castro, P., Esmer, Y., et al. (2010). Europeans and biotechnology in 2010: Winds of change?(Eurobarometer Survey Series No. 7; Report EUR24537). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union ().
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