Книга: ДНК – не приговор
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Gaskell, G., Allum, N. C., & Stares, S. R. (2003). Europeans and biotechnology in 2002: Eurobarometer 58.0. Brussels: European Commission.


Hallman, W. K., Cuite, C. L., & Morin, X. K. (2013). Public perceptions of labeling genetically modified foods(Working paper 2013–01) ().


Pew Research Center (29.01.2015). Chapter 3: Attitudes and beliefs on science and technology topics ().


American Association for the Advancement of Science (20.10.2012). Labeling of genetically modified foods ().


О ранней искусственной селекции пшеницы см.: Anderson, P. C. (1999). Prehistory of agriculture: New experimental and ethnographic approaches, Los Angeles: University of California Press; Fedoroff, N. (2004). Mendel in the kitchen. Washington, DC: Joseph Henry Press.
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