Книга: Восемь правил эффективности
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Lauren A. Leotti, Mauricio R. Delgado, «The Inherent Reward of Choice», Psychological Science (2011).


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Erika A. Patall, Harris Cooper, Jorgianne Civey Robinson, «The Effects of Choice on Intrinsic Motivation and Related Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis of Research Findings», Psychological Bulletin 134, № 2 (2008): 270; Deborah J. Stipek, John R. Weisz, «Perceived Personal Control and Academic Achievement», Review of Educational Research 51, № 1 (1981): 101-37; Steven W. Abrahams, «Goal-Setting and Intrinsic Motivation: The Effects of Choice and Performance Frame-of-Reference» (PhD diss., Columbia University, 1989); Teresa M. Amabile, Judith Gitomer, «Children’s Artistic Creativity Effects of Choice in Task Materials», Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 10, № 2 (1984): 209-15; D’Arcy A. Becker, «The Effects of Choice on Auditors’ Intrinsic Motivation and Performance», Behavioral Research in Accounting 9 (1997); Dan Stuart Cohen, «The Effects of Task Choice, Monetary, and Verbal Reward on Intrinsic Motivation: A Closer Look at Deci’s Cognitive Evaluation Theory» (PhD diss., Ohio State University, 1974); Diana I. Cordova, Mark R. Lepper, «Intrinsic Motivation and the Process of Learning: Beneficial Effects of Contextualization, Personalization, and Choice», Journal of Educational Psychology 88, № 4 (1996): 715; Hsiao d’Ailly, «The Role of Choice in Children’s Learning: A Distinctive Cultural and Gender Difference in Efficacy, Interest, and Effort», Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science 36, № 1 (2004): 17; Edward L. Deci, The Psychology of Self-Determination (New York: Free Press, 1980); J. B. Detweiler, R. J. Mendoza, M. R. Lepper, «Perceived Versus Actual Choice: High Perceived Choice Enhances Children’s Task Engagement», 8th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society, San Francisco, 1996; John J. M. Dwyer, «Effect of Perceived Choice of Music on Exercise Intrinsic Motivation», Health Values: The Journal of Health Behavior, Education and Promotion 19, № 2 (1995): 18–26; Gregory G. Feehan, Michael E. Enzle, «Subjective Control over Rewards: Effects of Perceived Choice of Reward Schedule on Intrinsic Motivation and Behavior Maintenance», Perceptual and Motor Skills 72, № 3 (1991): 995-1006; Terri Flowerday, Gregory Schraw, Joseph Stevens, «The Role of Choice and Interest in Reader Engagement», The Journal of Experimental Education 72, № 2 (2004): 93-114; Claus A. Hallschmidt, «Intrinsic Motivation: The Effects of Task Choice, Reward Magnitude and Reward Choice» (PhD diss., University of Alberta, 1977); Sheena S. Iyengar, Mark R. Lepper, «Rethinking the Value of Choice: A Cultural Perspective on Intrinsic Motivation», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 76, № 3 (1999): 349; Keven A. Prusak et al., «The Effects of Choice on the Motivation of Adolescent Girls in Physical Education», Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 23, № 1 (2004): 19–29; Johnmarshall Reeve, Glen Nix, Diane Hamm, «Testing Models of the Experience of Self-Determination in Intrinsic Motivation and the Conundrum of Choice», Journal of Educational Psychology 95, № 2 (2003): 375; Romin W. Tafarodi, Alan B. Milne, Alyson J. Smith, «The Confidence of Choice: Evidence for an Augmentation Effect on Self-Perceived Performance», Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 25, № 11 (1999): 1405-16; Miron Zuckerman et al., «On the Importance of Self-Determination for Intrinsically-Motivated Behavior», Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 4, № 3 (1978): 443-46.
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