Книга: Восемь правил эффективности
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Более подробную информацию о процессе принятия решений как одном из аспектов скаффолдинга и когнитивной деятельности см.: Gerd Gigerenzer, Wolfgang Gaissmaier, «Heuristic Decision Making», Annual Review of Psychology 62 (2011): 451-82; Laurence T. Maloney, Julia Trommershäuser, Michael S. Landy, «Questions Without Words: A Comparison Between Decision Making Under Risk and Movement Planning Under Risk», Integrated Models of Cognitive Systems (2007): 297–313; Wayne Winston, Decision Making Under Uncertainty (Ithaca, N.Y.: Palisade Corporation, 1999); Eric J. Johnson, Elke U. Weber, «Mindful Judgment and Decision Making», Annual Review of Psychology 60 (2009): 53; Kai Pata, Erno Lehtinen, Tago Sarapuu, «Inter-Relations of Tutor’s and Peers’ Scaffolding and Decision-Making Discourse Acts», Instructional Science 34, № 4 (2006): 313-41; Priscilla Wohlstetter, Amanda Datnow, Vicki Park, «Creating a System for Data-Driven Decision Making: Applying the Principal-Agent Framework», School Effectiveness and School Improvement 19, № 3 (2008): 239-59; Penelope L. Peterson, Michelle A. Comeaux, «Teachers’ Schemata for Classroom Events: The Mental Scaffolding of Teachers’ Thinking During Classroom Instruction», Teaching and Teacher Education 3, № 4 (1987): 319-31; Darrell A. Worthy et al., «With Age Comes Wisdom: Decision Making in Younger and Older Adults», Psychological Science 22, № 11 (2011): 1375-80; Pat Croskerry, «Cognitive Forcing Strategies in Clinical Decisionmaking», Annals of Emergency Medicine 41, № 1 (2003): 110-20; Brian J. Reiser, «Scaffolding Complex Learning: The Mechanisms of Structuring and Problematizing Student Work», The Journal of the Learning Sciences 13, № 3 (2004): 273–304; Robert Clowes, Anthony F. Morse, «Scaffolding Cognition with Words», in Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics: Modeling Cognitive Development in Robotic Systems (Lund, Sweden: Lund University Cognitive Studies, 2005), 101-5.
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