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Информация о «EI» и других реформах школьного образования в Цинциннати почерпнута из различных источников, в том числе: Kim McGuire, «In Cincinnati, They’re Closing the Achievement Gap», Star Tribune, 11/05/2004; Alyson Klein, «Education Week, Veteran Educator Turns Around Cincinnati Schools», Education Week, 4/02/2013; Nolan Rosenkrans, «Cincinnati Offers Toledo Schools a Road Map to Success», The Blade, 13/05/2012; Gregg Anrig, «How to Turn an Urban School District Around-Without Cheating», The Atlantic, 9/05/2013; John Kania, Mark Kramer, «Collective Impact», Stanford Social Innovation Review 9, № 1 (2011): 36–41; Lauren Morando Rhim, Learning How to Dance in the Queen City: Cincinnati Public Schools’ Turnaround Initiative, Darden/Curry Partnership for Leaders in Education (Charlottesville: University of Virginia, 2011); Emily Ayscue Hassel, Bryan C. Hassel, «The Big U Turn», Education Next 9, № 1 (2009): 20–27; Rebecca Herman et al., Turning Around Chronically Low-Performing Schools: A Practice Guide (Washington, D.C.: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, 2008); Guide to Understanding Ohio’s Accountability System, 2008–2009 (Columbus: Ohio Department of Education, 2009), Web; Daniela Doyle, Lyria Boast, 2010 Annual Report: The University of Virginia School Turnaround Specialist Program, Darden/Curry Partnership for Leaders in Education, Public Impact (Charlottesville: University of Virginia, 2011); Dana Brinson et al., School Turnarounds: Actions and Results, Public Impact (Lincoln, Ill.: Center on Innovation and Improvement, 2008); L. M. Rhim, S. Redding, eds., The State Role in Turnaround: Emerging Best Practices (San Francisco: WestEd, 2014); William S. Robinson, LeAnn M. Buntrock, «Turnaround Necessities», The School Administrator 68, № 3 (2011): 22–27; Susan McLester, «Turnaround Principals», District Administration (2011); Daniel Player, Veronica Katz, «School Improvement in Ohio and Missouri: An Evaluation of the School Turnaround Specialist Program» (CEPWC Working Paper Series № 10, University of Virginia, Curry School of Education, 2013), Web; Alison Damast, «Getting Principals to Think Like Managers», Bloomberg Businessweek, 16/02/2012; «CPS ‘Turnaround Schools’ Lift District Performance», The Cincinnati Herald, 21/08/2010; Dakari Aarons, «Schools Innovate to Keep Students on Graduation Track», Education Week, 2/06/2010; «Facts at a Glance», Columbia Public Schools K-12, n.d., Web.
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