Книга: Восемь правил эффективности
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Brian Uzzi et al., «Atypical Combinations and Scientific Impact», Science 342, № 25 (2013): 468-72.


Подробнее о работах Уцци и Джонса см.: Stefan Wuchty, Benjamin F. Jones, Brian Uzzi, «The Increasing Dominance of Teams in Production of Knowledge», Science 316, № 5827 (2007): 1036-39; Benjamin F. Jones, Stefan Wuchty, Brian Uzzi, «Multi-University Research Teams: Shifting Impact, Geography, and Stratification in Science», Science 322, № 5905 (2008): 1259-62; Holly J. Falk-Krzesinski et al., «Advancing the Science of Team Science», Clinical and Translational Science 3, № 5 (2010): 263-66; Ginger Zhe Jin et al., The Reverse Matthew Effect: Catastrophe and Consequence in Scientifi Teams (working paper 19489, National Bureau of Economic Research, 2013); Brian Uzzi, Jarrett Spiro, «Do Small Worlds Make Big Differences? Artist Networks and the Success of Broadway Musicals, 1945–1989» (unpublished manuscript, Evanston, Ill., 2003); Brian Uzzi, Jarrett Spiro, «Collaboration and Creativity: The Small World Problem», American Journal of Sociology 111, № 2 (2005): 447–504; Brian Uzzi, «A Social Network’s Changing Statistical Properties and the Quality of Human Innovation», Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41, № 22 (2008); Brian Uzzi, Luis A.N. Amaral, Felix Reed-Tsochas, «Small-World Networks and Management Science Research: A Review», European Management Review 4, № 2 (2007): 77–91.
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