Книга: Восемь правил эффективности
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Joel M. Cooper et al., «Shifting Eyes and Thinking Hard Keep Us in Our Lanes», Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting Proceedings 53, № 23 (2009): 1753-56. Более подробную информацию по этому вопросу можно найти в следующих источниках: Frank A. Drews, David L. Strayer, «Chapter 11: Cellular Phones and Driver Distraction», Driver Distraction: Theory, Effects, and Mitigation, ed. Michael A. Regan, John D. Lee, Kristie L. Young (Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, 2008): 169-90; Frank A. Drews, Monisha Pasupathi, David L. Strayer, «Passenger and Cell Phone Conversations in Simulated Driving», Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 14, № 4 (2008): 392; Joel M. Cooper, Nathan Medeiros-Ward, David L. Strayer, «The Impact of Eye Movements and Cognitive Workload on Lateral Position Variability in Driving», Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 55, № 5 (2013): 1001-14; David B. Kaber et al., «Driver Performance Effects of Simultaneous Visual and Cognitive Distraction and Adaptation Behavior», Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 15, № 5 (2012): 491–501; I. J. Faulks et al., «Update on the Road Safety Benefits of Intelligent Vehicle Technologies-Research in 2008–2009», 2010 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, 31.08-3.09.2010, Canberra, Australia.
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