Книга: Управление без власти и контроля
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Duffy, Michelle K., Daniel C. Ganster, and Milan Pagon. “Social Undermining in the Workplace.” Academy of Management Journal 45, no. 2, 2002: 331–351; Gastil, John. “A Meta-Analytic Review of the Productivity and Satisfaction of Democratic and Autocratic Leadership. ”Small Group Research 25, no. 3, август 1994 г.: 384–410; Harris, Kenneth J., K. Michele Kacmar, and Suzanne Zivnuska. “An Investigation of Abusive Supervision as a Predictor of Performance and the Meaning of Work as a Moderator of the Relationship.” Leadership Quarterly 18, no. 3, июнь 2007 г.: 252–263; Schyns, Birgit, and Jan Schilling. “How Bad are the Effects of Bad Leaders? A Meta-Analysis of Destructive Leadership and Its Outcomes.” Leadership Quarterly 24, no. 1, февраль 2013 г.: 138–158; Tepper, Bennett J., Jon C. Carr, Denise M. Breaux, Sharon Geider, Changya Hu, and Wei Hua. “Abusive Supervision, Intentions to Quit, and Employees’ Workplace Deviance: A Power/Dependence Analysis.” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 109, no. 2, июль 2009 г.: 156–167.
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