Книга: Mastering Blender
Назад: Chapter 6: Working with Particles
Дальше: Chapter 8: Bullet Physics and the Blender Game Engine

Chapter 7

Volumetric Fluid, Smoke, and Fire

One of the most important reasons to use simulations in 3D work is to obtain effects that would be extremely difficult or impossible by using only traditional methods of mesh modeling and keyframe animation. Free-flowing fluids and smoke are good examples of this. In this chapter I’ll talk about Blender’s powerful volumetric fluid and smoke simulation tools, which are capable of animating a wide variety of fluid and smoke scenes much more realistically than could be done by hand.

In this chapter, you will learn to

Using the Blender Fluid Simulator

Blender’s fluid simulator was developed as a project sponsored by the Google Summer of Code 2005. The official name of the simulator is the El’Beem Fluid Simulator, a play on the name of the method it uses to calculate deformations, the Lattice-Boltzmann method.

The Lattice-Boltzmann method (LBM) is a state-of-the-art technique in computational fluid dynamics for calculating the movement of fluid surfaces. It operates by treating the fluid surface as a lattice of triangles over which a large number of particles travel and collide with each other. The transference of force from the collisions of the particles drives the movement of the fluid surface. This method is capable of producing convincing fluid movement and allowing a variety of parameter settings to influence the characteristics of the fluid. Furthermore, its calculations are local and so the algorithm can be parallelized. LBM is a good method for simulations in which detailed interaction between the fluid and solid objects is desirable, as in the case of CG animation. LBM also has the potential for considerably expanded functionality in the future. For now, there is more than enough interesting and useful functionality to keep Blender users busy exploring the potential of fluid simulation, so let’s get to it.

Getting Started with Fluids

Every fluid simulation has two necessary components. The first is a defined area in which to carry out the simulation, and the second is a source for the fluid itself. The fluid simulation algorithm operates by dividing space into discrete units called voxels. You can think of voxels as being something like 3D pixels. In fact, the word voxels derives from the words volumetric and elements, just as pixels derives from picture and elements. In the same way that a single image or display must be limited to a finite number of pixels, an area of calculation for fluids is limited to a portion of space that can be divided into a finite number of voxels. This portion of space is called the domain, and its area is defined by the Domain object. Without defining a Domain object, it is not possible to initiate a fluid simulation.

One way to introduce fluid to the domain is via the Fluid object. This is a mesh positioned inside the domain that defines the volume of the fluid for the simulation. As you’ll see later in the chapter, the name of this component is somewhat misleading. The properties of the fluid itself, and the mesh representing the simulated fluid in motion, are all dealt with by the Domain object. For example, when you want to assign a material or activate a Subsurf modifier on your fluid, you will do this on the Domain object mesh. The Fluid object is used to define the volume and to set some initial velocity parameters.

For your first fluid simulation, the Domain will be already set up, if you’re using a default Blender installation. The familiar default cube will do fine. In fact, for your Domain object, you can always use the default cube and simply scale it to suit your needs. The Domain object never needs any special geometry, and although you can use another shape such as a sphere, a monkey, or even a plane for your domain, the domain will always be calculated as a 3D rectangular box.

Because the domain of your fluid simulation is going to be a 3D rectangle, you generally have an ideal domain mesh provided automatically in the form of Blender’s trusty default cube. To get started on fluids now, I’ll present a few examples that use the default cube entirely unmodified as the domain. Go ahead and fire up a session of Blender, and then open a Front view by pressing 1 on the number pad. Right now, you should be looking at your cube in Orthogonal view mode. Press the Z key to enter Wireframe mode, as in .

The default cube from the Front view


Enabling the cube as a fluid domain is simple. The pertinent buttons can be found in the Physics area of the Properties window, shown in .

Make sure the default cube is selected. Then click Fluid and select Domain, as shown in .

Physics buttons


Enabling a fluid domain


That’s all there is to setting up a fluid domain. This determines the area in which the fluid simulation will be carried out. There are several parameters to set, which I’ll discuss shortly. However, for the time being, you can leave things as they are.

There’s still something important missing, and that’s the Fluid object. To add one, make sure that your cursor is snapped to the center of the cube (select the cube, press Shift+S, and select Cursor To Selected); then press the spacebar to add an Icosphere mesh. Use the default parameters for the Icosphere so that you wind up with something like .

Adding an Icosphere


Any shape will do as a fluid. I’ve selected an Icosphere here mainly for visibility, although, as you’ll see shortly, the Boolean properties of Fluid objects mean that spheres can be especially easy to work with. The Fluid object mesh itself is used only to determine the initial shape and volume of the fluid. When the fluid simulation begins, a new mesh is created in that shape, so the geometry of the Fluid object mesh becomes irrelevant.

To enable the sphere as a Fluid object, once again go to the Physics properties area, this time with the Sphere object selected, click Fluid, and choose Fluid, as shown in .

Enabling the Fluid object


You’ve now finished setting up the fluid simulation and are ready to run the simulator, a process also called baking the fluid.

When the simulator runs, it creates a new mesh for every frame of the animation, representing the shape of the fluid at that moment. These meshes are numbered and stored in your system’s default temporary directory by default. On my Windows 7 system, for example, the path filename base for the fluid cache is C:\Users\tony\AppData\Local\Temp\cache_fluid. For now, let’s create a specific directory for each simulation example by replacing the cache_fluid string with cache_ex1. Select the Domain object, and set the output directory on the Fluid simulation panel to the temporary directory for your own system. Click Bake, as shown in .

Depending on your hardware, the baking process may take a bit of time. The parameters are set low in this example, so it shouldn’t be too much of a challenge for your computer. If it is, you might want to consider upgrading your hardware before going much further with fluids, because it gets only more resource intensive from here.

When you bake the fluid, the animated sequence is created frame by frame. Some illustrative sample frames can be seen in . If you play the animation while baking, it should play back the frames as they bake. The bake will take a few minutes. If you get tired of waiting, you can press Esc at any time and you will be able to play back what you have baked so far in something like real time. If you do stop in the middle but want to bake the whole simulation, you will have to go back and start baking from the beginning. If you want to go through these examples quickly and don’t mind lower quality than what you see in the figures, try setting the Resolution to a lower value in the Fluid properties area with the Domain object selected.

Baking the fluid


The fluid baking process


After the fluid is baked, take a look in the directory you saved the fluid cache to. You’ll find a lot of files with names such as fluidsurface_final_0000.bobj.gz. These files contain the actual meshes for each frame of the fluid simulation. For this reason, it’s good to get into the habit of assigning a new output directory for each fluid project you create. If you do a lot of fluid simulations, these can begin to take up space, so be sure to clean out your fluid simulation output directories from time to time.

After you’ve baked your fluid, you can run the animation as you would run it ordinarily in Blender, using Alt+A or the animation playback button on the timeline. Don’t forget to view the splashing fluid in Solid mode from a variety of angles to admire your handiwork.

In Shaded mode, the Fluid object is still visible and will most likely occlude most of the simulation. Sending the Fluid object to a different layer will get it out of the way.

Adding a Subsurf modifier and selecting Set Smooth will improve the overall look of curved surfaces but will greatly slow down the simulation. As you’ll see later in this chapter, there are other, better ways to improve the look of fluid surfaces, which can make subsurfacing redundant, but in cases where the simulation looks choppy, subsurfacing can improve things considerably.

After a fluid is baked, the Domain object assumes the shape of the fluid simulation mesh and does not return to its original shape in Object mode as long as the fluid sim meshes remain in the specified output directory. (You can still see the Domain object’s original shape in Edit mode.)

To return the domain to its original shape in Object mode, there are several possibilities. One is to clear the meshes from the output directory by hand via your Windows, Mac, or Linux OS interface. Another is to select a new, empty output directory for your fluids.

If you accidentally create Fluid and Domain objects that do not intersect in space, the volume of the resulting baked fluid will be zero. Because the Domain object assumes the shape of this fluid, the resulting Domain object is a null mesh, meaning it has no vertices and cannot be selected in the 3D viewport. You can still select the object in the Outliner, and you can see the object’s original shape in Edit mode. To solve this problem, select the Domain object in the Outliner, make sure that the Fluid object properly intersects the domain, and rebake the fluid. Discarding previous baked meshes in the output directory also returns the Domain object to its original shape.

Multiple Fluid Objects

The fluid in the simulation takes its volume and initial shape from the Boolean intersection of the Domain object with the Boolean union of all enabled Fluid objects. To see this in action, let’s return to the previous example. I selected a new output directory to clear the shape of the Domain object, so it’s back to the original cube shape. Let’s see how multiple Fluid objects behave in a simulation:

1. Duplicate the Icosphere Fluid object from the previous example by pressing Shift+D and place both instances as shown in . Note that when you make a duplicate of an object with Fluid Simulation enabled, the new copy will have Fluid Simulation enabled to the same settings, so there’s no need to touch that panel in this case.
2. Right-click the Domain object and set the output cache filename to cache_ex2. Notice that when you select a new output directory, the shape of the Domain object pops back to the original cube shape. It’s not necessary to do this—you can bake the new simulation to the same output directory as the old simulation, and the meshes are simply overwritten. However, if you want to see the Domain object in its original shape in Object mode, you need to have a fresh output directory selected.
3. Bake the fluid again. As you can see in , the simulated fluid mesh begins in the shape of the union of the two Fluid object meshes, limited to the area that falls within the domain.

This behavior can be useful, because it enables you to work with fluids by manipulating simple shapes and doing very little modeling for the initial shape of the fluid. For example, when placing fluid in a container, it may be simpler to fill a container with overlapping balls rather than trying to accurately model the inside shape of the container. This is how I placed the fluid in two of the examples later in this chapter.

When multiple fluids do not overlap, they behave as you would expect. Try reducing the size of the Fluid object spheres in this example so that they don’t overlap, and rebake the fluid. The result should look similar to .

Placing the duplicate Fluid objects


A simulation with intersecting Fluid objects


A simulation with nonintersecting Fluid objects


Init Volume, Init Shell, and Init Both

By default, the amount of fluid that is released from a Fluid object depends on the volume of the original Fluid object. This can be altered so that the amount of fluid depends on the surface area of the object’s mesh. This makes it possible to use nonclosed meshes as Fluid objects. There are three options for initializing fluid volume from the Fluid object:

Init Volume Initializes the fluid to the volume of the closed portion of the mesh. Init Volume produces fluid only if the mesh is closed. A nonclosed mesh (for example, an ordinary plane) does not have volume, so initializing the fluid by volume from a nonclosed mesh will not produce any fluid. If the mesh is a nonmanifold mesh with closed parts and open parts, only the closed parts produce fluid.
Init Shell Initializes the fluid to a volume calculated based on the surface area of the mesh.
Init Both Initializes the fluid to the union of both of the previous volumes.

For an example of how these two initialization methods interact, consider the shape in .

A nonmanifold mesh composed of a UV sphere with an extruded ring around the middle


You can create a similar shape by adding a UV sphere to a new session of Blender. I used eight rings and eight segments to create the shape shown in .

1. Select the ring around the middle of the sphere by pressing Alt+right mouse button (RMB), and extrude it by pressing the E key.
2. Press the S key to scale the extruded edge outward. Enable a fluid simulation with the default cube as the domain and the sphere you just added as the fluid.

For this example, I positioned the mesh to be bisected by the wall of the domain to show a cross section of the fluid that is produced. In , you can see how the various Init options create different initial fluid states and amounts. The first image shows the Init Volume option. Note that the mesh ring around the middle of the sphere does not contribute any fluid, because Init Volume is concerned only with closed meshes. The second image shows the simulation with the Init Shell option selected. In this case, the fluid begins in a hollow state conforming to the surface of the mesh, with the nonmanifold ring producing fluid. In the third image, both methods are active. In the case of a simple closed mesh, this would result in a slightly larger amount of fluid than Init Volume. In this example, the nonmanifold portion of the mesh is taken into account.

The nonmanifold shape with Init Volume, Init Shell, and Init Both selected



Every fluid has a particular viscosity, which determines the speed and ease with which it flows. Viscosity is a measure of the fluid’s resistance to the forces that deform it. Fluids with high viscosity flow slowly and are perceived as thick, whereas low-viscosity fluids, such as water, are thin. For example, think of the difference between the way that fluids such as water, motor oil, honey, and magma flow—this mainly has to do with their viscosities.

The value used in Blender is known more precisely as the kinematic viscosity. In Blender’s fluid simulator, the fluid’s viscosity can be entered by hand or by using a preset value. Preset viscosity values are also available in the drop-down menu in the Domain World panel. The preset viscosities include Honey, Oil, and Water. The default is Water.

If you select Manual, you can enter a Base viscosity value and an Exponent by hand, as shown in . The default is Base 1 and Exponent 6, which represents the value 1 × 10–6 (the value for water, as shown in ). Remember, the viscosity setting is only one of several parameters that affect the appearance of viscosity in the simulation. Several other factors, notably the resolution of the simulation, also have a great impact on how the fluid looks. The Manual setting can come in handy if you want to simulate a fluid with a significantly different viscosity than the presets, or if you are trying to fake the effect of a fluid simulation that occupies more than a 10-meter area, because a larger area can “thin” the fluid out. Coupled with particle-based spray, using the Manual setting can enhance the effect of larger-scale simulations.

Manual viscosity settings


Some fluids and their kinematic viscosities are listed in .

Kinematic viscosity of selected fluids

FluidKinematic Viscosity
Water (20°)1 × 10–6 (0.000001)
Oil SAE 505 × 10–5 (0.00005)
Honey (20°)2 × 10–3 (0.002)
Chocolate syrup3 × 10–3 (0.003)
Ketchup1 × 10–1 (0.1)
Melting glass1 × 100 (1)


In addition to setting viscosity, you can set the degree to which the fluid sticks to a surface or slips off the surface. This is done using the Domain Boundary tab. Of course, this produces only an approximation of the behavior of real fluids. In reality, all fluid sticks to surfaces at the molecular level, but to the naked eye, fluids such as water appear to slide right off certain surfaces. Because the fluid simulator operates at resolutions much lower than molecular scale, it is unconvincing to have fluids such as water appear to stick to surfaces. For fluids that should not appear sticky or gluey, select Free Slip from the Slip Type drop-down menu. No Slip will cause the fluid to stick to surfaces, and Partial Slip will set slippage according to the values you enter in the panel’s fields. You can set these options on individual obstacles as well.


Another quality of fluids that can be represented in Blender is compressibility. This is the degree to which the fluid shrinks in size or compresses under pressure. In nature, all fluids are very slightly compressible, but this is too slight to be noticeable at the scales that animators usually want to work with. In fact, the El’Beem simulator can work much faster if the fluid is considered to be slightly more compressible than it would be in nature, which is why this parameter exists. If you find that your fluid seems overly bouncy or elastic, you may want to consider lowering the compressibility.

Inflow and Outflow

When you use a Fluid object, the amount and initial location of the fluid introduced to the domain are determined by that object when the simulation begins. Animating the location or scale of a Fluid object will have no effect on the behavior of the fluid after the fluid has been generated. This is suitable for situations in which the amount of fluid you want to deal with is static, such as a sink full of water, but in cases where you want to introduce fluid to or remove fluid from the scene over time (such as an open tap or an unplugged drain), it is necessary to use Inflow and Outflow objects.


Using an Inflow object enables you to produce a steady stream of fluid into the simulation.

For a quick example, fire up a fresh session of Blender and do the following:

1. In the top view (NUM7), add a disk-shaped mesh by pressing the spacebar and choosing Add > Mesh > Circle. Add the circle with the parameters shown in . Make sure that Fill is selected.

Add a circle.

2. Tab into Object mode, rotate the disk –90 degrees, and place it in the upper portion of the default cube, as in . For reference, turn on the Translate Manipulator (if it’s not already on) and set it to indicate local axes.

Rotate and place the disk, and turn on the Transform Manipulator, set to local coordinates.

3. As in the previous examples, set the default cube to be the domain, and leave all the default parameters as they are, except for the display quality, which should be set to Final. Select the Circle object and enable the fluid simulation for the object, selecting Inflow and setting the options as in . Because this object has no volume, it will produce fluid only by the Shell method of volume initialization, so this should be selected.

Inflow options

4. To give the in-flowing fluid some initial velocity out of the Inflow object, set Inflow Velocity to –1.0 on the z-axis. Check the check box by Local Coordinates to make the Inflow Velocity direction local to the Inflow object. If this is not selected, the Inflow Velocity will be along the global z-axis, which is not what you want in this particular example. Increasing the velocity will increase the force with which the fluid hits walls and obstacles, resulting in more-violent splashing.
5. After you enter these options, select the Domain object and bake the fluid simulation. As you can see in , the fluid enters the simulation through the Inflow object and fills up the domain. If you set the simulation to continue for enough frames, the domain will eventually fill up completely.

Fluid simulation with inflow



As you can probably imagine, the Outflow object is the exact opposite of the Inflow object, and it provides a way to get fluid out of the simulation domain. For an example of an outflow in action, set up a fluid simulation with the default cube and an Icosphere, as in the first example in this chapter, with the cube as the domain and the Icosphere as the Fluid object. Copy the default cube by pressing Shift+D and scale down to 0.2 along the x- and z-axes. To do this, press the S key to scale, followed by Shift+Y to keep the y-axis constant, as seen from the Front view in .

Place this new object in the lower corner of the default cube, as in .

Because this object was copied from the default cube, it already has Fluid Simulation enabled but with Domain selected. Change this to Outflow. Otherwise, if Fluid Simulation is not enabled, enable it and select Outflow. As in the other examples, select the Domain object and click Bake. The resulting fluid simulation will look similar to the images in . As you can see, the fluid is removed from the simulation when it comes in contact with the Outflow object.

Scale the new cube along the x- and z-axes by pressing S to scale and Shift+Y to hold the y-axis constant.


Place the object in the lower corner of the fluid domain.


Fluid simulation with outflow


It’s worth keeping in mind that several aspects of the fluid simulation are visually unnatural and should be concealed in actual use. The Domain object imposes a cube shape on the fluid that should generally be kept off camera (unless, of course, the fluid is intended to be in a rectangular container). The Fluid object initializes with the fluid in a gravity-defying ball or an even more unnatural initialization shape, the Inflow object causes fluid to appear out of thin air, and the Outflow object can allow fluid to “drain” unnaturally into a three-dimensional shape, as in the preceding example. All of these processes should be concealed or integrated into the scene in a natural-looking way. Nothing screams “fluid sim!” louder than an invisible cube-shaped box around everything. Also, remember that the objects that your audience sees as the Inflow or Outflow objects, such as spigots or drains, should be separate objects from those that act as the Inflow or Outflow objects in the fluid simulation.

Time, Size, and Resolution

In running the previous examples, you probably noticed that this default simulation setup is moving in slow motion. This is because the fluid simulator’s default time span does not coincide with the 10-second default animation length in Blender. The fluid simulator calculates time and space independently from what is going on in other parts of Blender, enabling you to set the parameters for the fluid simulation directly in real-world terms.

Starting and Ending

The time span for the fluid simulation is set in the Fluid panel of the Domain object. It is set in seconds. By default, the Start time of the fluid simulation is set to 0 and the End time is set to 4, meaning that the simulation covers a time span of 4 seconds. As I mentioned, this is totally independent of the actual animation length. The animation’s length of time is the number of frames divided by the frame rate. By default, the number of frames is set to 250 and the frame rate is set to 25 frames per second, so the default length of a Blender animation is 10 seconds. If the fluid time span is shorter than the animation time span, the fluid simulation will “stretch” to fit the animation time, and so the fluid movement will be in slow motion when the animation is viewed at regular speed. If the time span set in the Fluid Simulation panel is longer in seconds than the actual length of the rendered animation, the motion will be sped up to fit into the time span of the animation. For realistic speeds, the time span of the animation in seconds should be equal to the number of frames divided by the frame rate of the animation.

Real-World Size

The real-world size of the simulation domain is set independently within the simulation itself and relates to how fast the fluid appears to move. The size is set in the Real World Size field on the Domain panel in the Fluid Simulation panel of the Domain object. The size is measured in meters, so the default size of 0.500 means that the fluid simulation is calculated within a half-meter cube. If the shape of the Domain object is oblong, the size value represents the longest edge of the Domain object’s bounding box.

How you set the size value depends on the size of the area within your scene that needs to have fluid simulation enabled. Take into consideration the relative size of the props you are using and also the area in which splashes and spills need to happen. The maximum real-world size for a fluid simulation is 10 meters.

Obviously, with a real-world size limit of 10 meters, the fluid simulator is not designed to directly simulate large bodies of water. This is not a limitation of Blender’s fluid simulation so much as a reflection of the astronomical computing resources required to do such a simulation at meaningful resolutions. In fact, the city-destroying tidal waves, raging oceans, and sinking ships you see in CG movies are usually not created directly with one-button, full-sized fluid simulations, which would be prohibitively resource intensive and not offer sufficient control. Rather, these effects are accomplished by ingenious combinations of a variety of technical solutions. As you’ll see in this chapter, there are ways to use particles to fake higher-resolution fluid simulations, but also remember that you have numerous tools at your disposal besides fluids: modifiers, animated textures, lattices, shapes, hooks, parenting, particles, compositing tools, and more. If you want to sink the Titanic or deluge New York, you will want to think in terms of solutions that bring these tools to bear.


In terms of the time and memory needed for calculating the fluid simulation, and also in terms of the quality of the results, the most significant parameter to set is the Resolution parameter. As I mentioned before, the fluid simulation domain is divided into discrete units called voxels. The density of voxels in the domain is the resolution of the fluid simulation. Resolution in this sense is directly analogous to image resolution; higher resolution yields clearer and more-detailed representations. The numerical resolution value you enter indicates the number of voxels that make up the longest edge of your domain. The amount of memory required to calculate a domain of a certain resolution does not depend in any way on the absolute size of the object or on the real-world size of the simulation, but it does depend on the volume of the domain with respect to the longest edge of the domain. This means that for any given resolution, a perfect cube-shaped domain will require the most memory.

In practice, the resolution you need is dependent on two factors: the precision or fineness of the interaction between the fluid and other objects and the size of the area in which the fluid has to interact. Having a fluid that interacts in a convincing way with small objects but also involves a large area (and remember, splashing counts!) requires high resolutions. If your resolution is too low, your fluid will appear thick and gluey even if its viscosity is set correctly. In the bottle example shown in , higher resolution (over 300) is needed because the fluid has to be fine enough to come out of the bottle smoothly, but the domain needs to be big enough to allow for a fairly spread-out splash. This example required slightly more than 3 gigabytes of RAM. The amount of memory needed goes up with the cubed value of the resolution, meaning that slightly higher resolution can take considerably more memory. Blender’s fluid simulator has a maximum resolution of 512, which requires almost 13 gigabytes to process. Hardware is not the only bottleneck here. Some operating systems also place limits on the amount of RAM that can be used at one time by a particular program.

Splashing bottle of pop



Blender’s fluid simulator has several options for using particles in conjunction with the simulation. Particles within the simulation are related to Blender’s native particle systems but are restricted in the degree to which they can be adjusted by hand. In this way, particles generated by the fluid simulator are analogous to meshes generated by the fluid simulator, which cannot be edited by hand, cannot take shape keys, and so forth.

There are two distinct ways to use the particles, although they are not entirely independent of each other. One use of particles is to enhance the appearance of the fluid sim meshes themselves. In this case, the particles are used to contribute actual geometry to the mesh, which can result in the appearance of higher-resolution simulations and greatly increase the “splashiness” of the simulation. The other option is to use the same particles in a more traditional way, to add a halo-based haze to the fluid that follows the fluid’s movement in a sensible way. This can be particularly good for simulating foam and spray from rushing water and can be useful when faking larger-scale fluid effects. Furthermore, there are three distinct types of particle systems created by the fluid simulator that are used in slightly different ways, as you will see in the next section.

Particle Splash

To see a good example of how particles can be used to get splashier fluids, set up a fluid simulation with an inflow along the lines of the example shown earlier in .

The relevant fields for adding a particle-based effect can be found in the Domain Particles panel in the Physics properties area of the Domain object. The degree of splashiness (and the number of particles) is determined by the value in the Generate Particles field. The default value of 0 means no particles are generated. A value of 1.00 means a “normal” number of particles are generated, and a value of greater than 1 means more than a normal number are generated. The degree of splashiness that you actually see as a result of the particles depends also on the force with which the fluid strikes an obstacle or wall. This, in turn, depends on the initial velocity of the fluid and on the impact factor of the obstacle, which I talk about in the next section.

In order for the particles to affect the mesh geometry, it is also necessary to set the Surface Subdivisions on the Domain Boundary panel to a value greater than 1. The values should be set as shown in .

Generating particles to act on fluid meshes


shows several renders of the same frame in the same animation to illustrate the difference in using varying amounts of particles: 0, 0.05, 1, and 5. (All simulations are Resolution 50 with Surface Subdivisions set at 2.) As you can see, a greater value for particles increases the splashiness of the simulation. Increasing the fluid’s velocity also increases the violence of the splash.

Particles set at 0, 0.05, 1, and 5. All simulations are Resolution 50 with Surface Subdivisions set at 2.


The Surface Subdivisions field in the Fluid Simulation tab is analogous to the Subsurf modifier for meshes, but it does a considerably better job on fluids. It is possible to apply an ordinary Subsurf modifier to fluid meshes, but if you have Surface Subdivisions set to a value greater than 1, a Subsurf modifier is redundant and can lead to slow speeds and instability. If you experience a crash while rendering high-resolution fluid simulations with a Surface Subdivisions value of greater than 1, it may be due to the presence of an unnecessary Subsurf modifier on the mesh.

Particle Haze

When you set a Generate Particles value of greater than 0, two particle systems are created: Drops and Floats. The two systems move differently and play complementary roles in augmenting the simulation. These same particles can also be used as halo particles, to obtain a haze or foam effect that follows the motion of the fluid simulation in a convincing way. An additional type, Tracer particles, can also be used in this way.

To access these three particle simulations individually, as objects in their own right, it is necessary to enable yet another type of object for the fluid simulation, namely a Particle object. You’ve probably noticed the Particle option on the Fluid Simulation drop-down menu by now. This is what you will select to enable the Particle object.

To see an example of this in action, set up a fresh fluid simulation with the default cube as the domain and a small Icosphere as the fluid, as shown in . For the particle control objects, I’ve also added three Suzannes to the simulation by pressing the spacebar and selecting Add > Mesh > Monkey and placed them in an accessible spot. These do not need to be inside the domain area, and any Mesh object will do. The entire setup should look something like .

Cube, sphere, and three monkeys


You set up particle objects the same way you do fluid and domain objects—by enabling Fluid Simulation and selecting Particle. Each Particle object can be used to control one or more of the three types of particles available. The three types are as follows:

Drops Drops are particles that break away from the main mesh in a splashing pattern. They represent droplets that result from impact with obstacles or domain boundaries. They affect the shape of the mesh and can also be used as a freestanding halo particle system.
Floats Floats are particles that are produced within the shell of the fluid mesh. They add “bumpiness” to the fluid mesh, to give the impression of roiling and bubbling on the mesh surface. Like Drops, they affect the shape of the mesh and can be used as freestanding halo particles.
Tracers Tracers are particles that follow behind the fluid as it moves. They can be used to create trailing vapor, steam, or foam behind the fluid. Unlike Floats and Drops, Tracers do not affect the shape of the mesh; they are used only as free-standing halo particles. They are also activated separately on the domain by directly entering a number value in the Tracers field, rather than being created with Generate Particles.

Although it is possible to activate all three particle types on a single Particle object, I’m using three separate monkeys for visualization purposes. Enable fluids with the Particle options selected as in .

Enabling three monkeys as Particle objects for Drops, Floats, and Tracer, respectively


As for the fluid simulation itself, I’ve left all the values on the domain at the default, except of course the particle values. To create Drop and Float particles, you must enter a nonzero value into Generate Particles, and to create a Tracer, you must enter the number of particles you want as Tracer particles. For presentation purposes in this example, I’ve set the particles at a very high level in order to make them as visible as possible in the screen shots. I set the Tracer particles at 10,000 and the Generate Particles value at 10.00. In practice, a Generate Particles value of 1.00 is considered “normal,” and depending on the situation, even much less than this is often sufficient.

When you bake the fluid simulation, the three particle systems are generated. These particle systems now can be selected similarly to ordinary particle systems, by selecting their base mesh, which is the Particle object associated with the particle type. As you can see in , when the monkey associated with Drops is selected, the float particle system shows up as a selected system, and likewise for Floats and Tracer. This figure should also give you an idea of the different roles that the Drop, Float, and Tracer particles play. As you can see, Drops spread out from the center, whereas Floats tend to stay collected in a central area where fluid is. Tracers trail behind the falling fluid and lead back to the original sphere-shaped Fluid object mesh (over time, they will catch up to the fluid’s current location).

Selecting fluid sim Particle objects


You can add a material to a fluid simulation Particle object in the same way as you would with any other object. To edit the halo settings for the particle system, activate Halo on the particle material. Although the Particle object mesh is entirely separate from the particles, its relationship with the particles is similar to that of the emitter mesh with ordinary particle systems. You can parent another mesh to the Particle object and use Blender’s dupliverts functionality to associate an instance of the mesh with each particle. You can manually edit some of the particle settings on the Particle object, such as the life span, but you are restricted from editing others, such as the number of particles, which are determined by the fluid simulator.

In the following examples, Tracer particles are turned off (set to 0) and Generate Particles is set at 0.05. Even with this light use of particles, you can already get an idea of the possibilities. Set the particle material values as in , with a Clouds texture as shown in (mapped to alpha), to get a steam-like effect as in .

Material halo settings to create a steam effect


Clouds texture for steam


Steam effect with fluid particles


Changing the halo type as in and giving the particles a distinctive blue-green color will result in the eerie phosphorescent effect in .

Finally, by creating small spheres (I used Icospheres of subdivision 1, to minimize extraneous vertices) and dupliverting them onto the particles, as discussed in Chapter 3, “Sculpting and Retopo Workflow,” it is possible to create a reasonably convincing bubble effect, as shown in . The material for the bubbles is a copy of the water material with Ray Mirroring increased slightly.

Material halo settings to create phosphorescent glow


Phosphorescent glow


Bubble effect with dupliverted spheres


Obstacles and Animation

Making fluid splash around in the shape of a cube is fun for a while, but the real usefulness of the fluid simulator truly becomes clear only when you introduce other objects for the fluid to interact with. Such objects are called obstacles in Blender’s fluid simulation. In this terminology, an obstacle is not just a dam or a wall but any object that interacts physically with the fluid. A cup is an obstacle for the coffee inside it, and your whole body is an obstacle when you scoop water up with your hands and splash it on your face—although in Blender these two cases are treated slightly differently, as you will see shortly.

In the simplest case of a nondeforming mesh obstacle, enabling the object as an obstacle for a fluid simulation is as simple as—you guessed it—enabling the fluid simulation for the object and selecting Obstacle.

To look at a simple example of this, start a new session of Blender.

1. Switch to front view by pressing NUM1. Set up a fluid simulation with the default cube as the domain and an Icosphere as the fluid.
2. Scale the Icosphere vertically by pressing the S key and then the Z key and scaling down, and then move the Fluid object to the top of the domain area, as in .
3. Place a second cube in the middle of the domain and scale it as in .

Scaling and translating the Fluid object


Placing a cube inside the domain

4. Enable Fluid Simulation for the new cube, with Obstacle selected. Because the cube is a solid mesh, use the default Initialize Volume to initialize the fluid. As with other elements of the fluid simulation, if your obstacle is a plane or nonmanifold mesh, you should use Init Shell.
5. Bake the fluid. The simulation should occur along the lines of .

Fluid simulation with an obstacle


If the obstacle and the fluid intersect at the beginning of the simulation, the place where they intersect is removed from the fluid. In , the highlighted Obstacle object bisects the Fluid object completely, resulting in the simulation behavior shown in .

Leakage and poor obstacle interaction can be caused by inconsistent normals in the obstacle mesh and by having obstacles that are too small. Be sure that your obstacle meshes are clean and that they are bigger than the size of a voxel in your simulation—that is, the length of the longest edge of the domain bounding box divided by the resolution.

Fluid and Obstacle objects intersect


Fluid object bisected by an obstacle


Animated Obstacles

For a simple example of fluid interacting with an animated obstacle, set up a fluid simulation with a default cube as the domain and an Icosphere as the fluid.

1. Copy the cube, scale it down along the z-axis to the shape of a thick board, and scale it slightly along the x-axis, as shown in and . Set this to be an Obstacle object.
2. At frame 1, key the rotation of the Obstacle object by pressing the I key and selecting Rotation, as in .
3. Advance 20 frames and, in Front view, rotate the object about 90 degrees counterclockwise. Key the new rotation at frame 21, as in .

The Obstacle object from Front view


The Obstacle object from Top view


Keying rotation


Keying the new rotation

4. Open an F-Curve Editor window and press the Home key on your keyboard to bring the curve completely into the window. By default, the F-Curve represents the Bezier interpolation between the two keyframes you set with a Constant extend. Choose Channel > Extrapolation Mode > Linear Extrapolation, as in . The result should be a straight Ipo, as shown in , representing continuous rotation of the object at a uniform speed.
5. This is it for setting up the animation. Now select your Domain object and bake. The resulting fluid simulation will animate along the lines of .

Extrapolating the Ipo curve


The extrapolated curve


If an object is deformed by an armature or in some other way, it is necessary to check the Export Animated Mesh option when making the object an Obstacle, as in . This takes extra computing time and should be used only when the actual shape of the obstacle mesh changes over time.

The fluid interacts with a rotating obstacle.


Export Animated Mesh check box


As an example of this, I set up a simple rigged arm obstacle and a fluid system that uses a rectangular fluid, placed at the bottom of the domain, as shown in .

In , you can see the resulting fluid behavior when the armature is animated and the corresponding arm mesh splashes.

Fluid setup with rigged obstacle


Fluid interacting with deforming obstacle


Animating Fluid Properties

Fluid simulation parameters can be animated. Viscosity, Gravity, Size, even Resolution parameters can be keyed in the ordinary way: by pressing the I key with the mouse over the relevant field in the Properties window. One parameter that is particularly notable is the Enabled check box for Inflow objects, shown in . This parameter is used to animate turning the flow on and off.

The Enabled check box for Inflow objects


Obviously, because the fluid simulation itself depends on the keyed values, it is necessary to set the keys prior to baking.

From Cutting-Edge Research to Open-Source Software
The original developer of Blender’s fluid simulation, Nils Thuerey, is a senior researcher in the Computer Graphics Laboratory at ETH Zurich, who works on the development of new algorithms to enable real-time fluid simulation for games. While completing his PhD, Nils implemented the El’Beem Fluid Simulator for Blender as part of the Google Summer of Code 2005. Nils has published extensive research on use of the Lattice-Boltzmann method for fluid simulations (the method used in the El’Beem simulator).

Getting the Shot

A CG fluid simulation needs to be set up in such a way that it looks right in the shot. When working in the highly controlled environment of CG, it’s sometimes easy to forget the degree to which naturalistic phenomena can need time to get into position. Blender fluid systems often begin in unnatural states, and the transition into the correct state for the shot may involve unwanted movement or splashing. You may find it necessary to run a simulation for some time before your actual shot begins, in order to let the fluid find some equilibrium. You may also need to apply off-camera “cheats” such as guiding or pushing your fluids in ways that do not show up in the shot itself. You have to be creative. The important thing is to get the shot you’re after. Nobody sees what goes on before and after the shot or outside the boundaries of the camera.

In this section, you will look at a few examples of fluid setups and see how to get the results shown. When dealing with fluids, there are few absolutes, and the settings you use will depend very much on the specifics of your own shot. These aren’t step-by-step tutorials but rather a broad look at how specific projects can be approached with the fluid simulator. The .blend files are available on the website that accompanies this book so you can study the details more closely, and I have glossed over some steps that I assume intermediate Blender users can fill in for themselves. The intention of these examples is to get you on the right track to using fluids in your own projects and to explain why certain choices are made so that when you do get down to fiddling with the parameters on your own work, you won’t be fiddling blindly.

Bottle of Pop

The image you saw previously in required considerably high resolution, because of the very literal bottleneck preventing the fluid from flowing freely at lower resolutions. In this case, the minimal resolution enabling me to accomplish the effect was 335, which consumed 3 gigabytes of RAM. At lower resolutions, the voxels were simply too large to recognize the small opening.

The bottle’s mesh is shown in . It’s a simple model, and the material is a standard glass material.



Because I wanted to start the simulation with the bottle full of fluid, I needed Fluid objects that would fit nicely inside the bottle. Of course, it would be possible to model some kind of container Fluid object to fit, but this may be more trouble than it’s worth. Instead, I added a single Icosphere, enabled Fluid Simulation with Fluid for the type, and copied the sphere, resizing and moving the copies around as needed to fill the inside of the bottle. The resulting collection of Fluid objects is shown in . Remember, the fluid volume is calculated as the Boolean union of all these Icospheres. Alternately, in a simple case like this bottle, you could also create the Fluid object by selecting internal faces of the Bottle object, duplicating and separating them into another object, scaling down slightly, and then closing the mesh and recalculating the normals. I prefer the Icospheres approach because it requires no mesh editing at all and enables you to fill even complex spaces easily.

Fluid objects


The idea was to have the fluid splash out of the bottle as the bottle tumbled through the air. Obviously, there is a lot of randomness to this process, and controlling it precisely is not possible, so some trial and error is unavoidable. You can see one of my early experiments in .

The fluid movement in this attempt was fairly realistic, but I wanted a more explosive, dynamic splash. To accomplish this, I turned particles on in the fluid settings and I added an invisible obstacle a small distance from the mouth of the bottle, parented to the Bottle object, as shown in .

An early attempt


The bottle with Fluid objects inside and a parented obstacle to increase the splash


Because the splash had to take up a lot of space and I did not want the camera to see the splash hitting the walls of the domain, the domain needed to be fairly big in relation to the bottle, as you can see in . This is why the resolution needed to be as high as it was.

The bottle in the domain


Finally, I keyed the movement of the bottle by hand, as shown in . Because I was mainly interested in using the frames as still illustrations, the actual movement of the bottle was not important to me; I wanted to produce only a variety of splash patterns that I could later render as stills. Note that although the bottle’s movement is keyed, the Fluid objects stay in place, because the fluid has not been baked. After all the obstacles have been fully animated, the fluid simulation is run.

Animating the bottle


The material for the orange soda is shown in . shows the Fluid settings, and shows some of the steps of the fluid as it baked.

Orange drink material


Fluid settings


The baked fluid


After you’ve baked the fluid, you can work on finding the best location for the camera, placing the background, and setting up the lights for the effect you want, as I’ve done in .

Light and camera setup


Rushing Creek

To create the image in , I used a method of placing fluid similar to what I used for the bottle of pop, except that in this case both inflows and outflows were also necessary, because the creek is flowing in and out of the frame.

A still frame from the rushing creek


To start, I created the simple creek bed shown in . The object has Fluid Simulation enabled as an Obstacle object, initialized by Shell, because it is a plane with no volume.

The creek bed mesh


For the rocks, I used subsurfaced cubes pulled in various oblong shapes to give them a bit of character (), and I lined the creek bed with copies of the rocks (). The rocks are all Obstacle objects initialized by volume, so it’s easiest to set the Fluid Simulation settings before copying the objects. Otherwise, you will have to create fluid settings on each one later.

A rock


The creek bed with rocks


The fluid domain is shown in . It covers the minimal area possible to ensure that splashes do not hit the domain wall in view of the camera.

The fluid domain from the top and front views


Because I want the creek to flow in a specific direction, I know I will need inflow and outflow objects, but I also want to make sure that the creek starts out full, if only to save time so that I don’t have to wait for it to fill up. I filled the creek in the same way I filled the bottle in the previous example, by using a number of Icospheres with Fluid Simulation enabled and Fluid selected for the type of object. The Fluid objects can be seen in . For visualization purposes, I gave these objects a blue-tinted material. This isn’t necessary for you to do, because the objects themselves will never be rendered. They are used only to give the fluid simulation its initial shape.

I placed four Inflow objects among the Fluid objects. These are shown from below (Ctrl+number pad key 7), in in purple. (The image is repeated in the color insert.) I placed these Inflow objects slightly lower than the Fluid objects, so they are visible only from the underside of the riverbed mesh. Note that in both of these figures, the riverbed itself is seen in Wireframe view mode. The Inflow objects are all angled so that their local x-axes point downstream, as you can see in the direction of the local axis manipulator for the selected sphere in the figure, and their initial velocity is set to be positive in the x-axis. Each one was adjusted after several experimental bakes to keep the flow and level of the creek’s water convincing.

Setting up the creek’s fluid


Inflow objects (in purple) seen from below


Finally, I placed three Outflow objects in the simulation domain, shown in red from the front view (NUM1) and at a slight angle in . The main one occurs at the end of the creek simulation, just out of view of the camera. Another broad Outflow object was placed above the entire simulation to get rid of stray splashes that could cause unconvincing patterns, such as revealing the presence of the domain wall. Finally, a small Outflow object was placed above the first Inflow object, to control the flow and prevent the water from rising above the banks of the creek. You might also notice the unassuming monkey head off to the left of the simulation setup. This is of course the Particle object associated with Drops and Floats, set to a halo material.

The full simulation setup


The banks of the creek should be grassy, so I added a grass particle system and weight-painted the banks as shown in , repeated in the color insert. Note that the weight-painting is done with this camera angle in mind. Grass that is farther away from the camera does not need to be as thick as grass that is closer to the camera. Even though the farther bank is less heavily weighted, it still appears denser than the close-up grass.

Weight-painting for grass


When the fluid is baked, it progresses as in . The first frame is unnatural looking, because it still retains the shape of the series of spheres that provide the initial volume. Ten frames later, this shape is gone, but the creek has not begun to settle into its flow. About 60 frames into the simulation, the splashing is at its wildest, because the fluid has hit the banks and obstacles and the Inflow objects have begun to produce more fluid to push things downstream. The wild splashing subsides and the simulation settles into a normal flow at about frame 90, after which the motion remains fairly steady, and the simulation begins to most closely resemble the ordinary motion of a small river.

The simulation was baked with Generate Speed Vectors enabled in the Fluid panel (it is enabled by default) and then rendered with Vector pass selected in the Render Layer tab, making it possible to use the vector blur composite node when compositing. Motion blur can greatly enhance the sense of rushing water in this kind of situation, and it especially improves the appearance of the halo particles that follow the water’s flow. The node setup for compositing is shown in .

The baked simulation at frames 1, 11, 61, and 91

c07f068a.tif c07f068b.tif

A rendered still with the vector motion blur node


Going Further with Fluids

For more in-depth technical information about the Lattice-Boltzmann method used in the Blender fluid simulator, a technical report by Nils Thuerey and Ulrich Ruede is available online at .

Currently, the implementation of the LBM in Blender is an excellent, straightforward fluid simulator that allows the simulation of fluids of whatever viscosity you like. Still, one of the advantages of the LBM is that it has the potential for considerably expanded functionality. Using LBM-based simulation, it will be possible to extend Blender’s fluid simulator to combine fluids of multiple viscosities and to exploit the underlying particle structure of the fluid simulation to control fluids in a way analogous to the way particles can currently be controlled. This is sure to lead to many exciting developments in Blender fluid simulation. Keep an eye on the Blender release notes to see what improvements future releases bring.

Like everything in Blender, fluid simulations are best used in conjunction with a selection of appropriate tools. Keep in mind how you can use other Blender functionality to enhance your effects. For example, the fluid simulator and the dense meshes it creates are demanding of computer resources. You can get much more mileage out of your hardware if you make good use of Blender’s compositing functionality to break up complex scenes. For the same reason, never use a fluid simulation when a wave-modified plane will do!

Simulating Smoke and Fire

Another Blender feature introduced since the first edition of this book is the volumetric smoke simulation, which can also be used to create convincing fire by using the appropriate material and texture settings.

Setting up a smoke simulation is surprisingly simple, even more so than setting up a basic fluid sim. As with the fluid sim, you need a volumetric domain, which can be the default cube. Click Smoke in the Physics properties area and click the Domain button, as shown in .

Setting up the domain for smoke


For a Flow object, you can use a simple plane, as shown in . Size it down and place it near the bottom of the domain. Don’t place it flush against the domain wall, because there needs to be a small amount of space for the simulation to work properly.

Adding a plane for inflow


Click Smoke and Flow in the Physics properties area. The placement of the plane and the smoke settings is shown in .

Setting the flow


Believe it or not, that’s all there is to setting up a basic smoke simulation. Press Alt+A or click the Play button on the timeline to play the animation, and you should see something like the puff of smoke shown in .

Poof! A volumetric smoke simulation


Pretty simple, huh? Well, not so fast. Creating the smoke simulation is very simple, but actually rendering smoke is a little trickier. If you click the Render button now, you won’t see any sign of your smoke simulation. You’ll only see the default cube, looking very ordinary. Unlike rendering fluid, where each frame of the fluid simulation is ultimately represented by an ordinary mesh and rendered with standard materials, rendering smoke requires using truly volumetric materials.

Rendering Smoke

To give the domain a volumetric material, set the material type to Volume, as shown in . If you render now, you’ll see something like the cube shown in . I set up a simple textured floor plane (set to receive transparent shadows) and lightened the background sky color. You can see that the volumetric material gives the cube a smoky appearance. However, you still don’t see the actual simulation.

Setting up a volumetric material


The cube rendered with the volume material


To see the simulation, you need to use a voxel data texture to determine the density of the material.

1. Set the material’s own Density to zero, as shown in . While you’re at it, bump up the Density Scale value and the Scattering value, which will help to give you a more billowy, puffy smoke appearance. You can experiment with these values to get the smoke just as you like it, but be sure that Density is zero.
2. Add a texture of type Voxel Data, as shown in .
3. Choose the object name of the Domain object for the Domain Object field in the Voxel Data panel of the texture, as shown in . In this case, I changed the Domain object’s name from Cube to SmokeDom to make things more clear.
4. Uncheck the Emission Color check box and check Density on the Influence panel, as shown in . This will give the material density based on the simulation.

Adjusting the material settings


Adding a Voxel Data texture


Voxel texture settings


Setting the Density influence


Smoke simulation is based on a traditional particle system. When you set an object as a Smoke Flow object, a particle system is created automatically. You can manually edit the features of this particle system. Review Chapter 6, “Working with Particles,” for ideas on how to adjust the particle values in interesting ways. In this example, you can leave the defaults, but you should uncheck Emitter on the Render panel so that the flow plane itself is not rendered, as shown in .

Particle Render options


The floor material values I’m using are shown in . The final render is shown in .

A material for the floor


Rendered smoke


At this point, the smoke may appear somewhat uniform and blobby. As a final step, you can check Smoke High Resolution and set Divisions to 2 to activate the smoke wavelet functionality. This will create a considerably more computationally expensive simulation, so you should perform most of your previsualization without using the High Resolution option.

Simulating Flames

Convincing flames can be created by adding flame-colored textures to a smoke simulation and adjusting the light emission values. To create a simple campfire, start once again with a domain cube and a flow plane about the sizes shown in .

1. Set up the domain with the values shown in . I’ve set the Resolution to 64 Divisions rather than the default 32. The higher the better, of course, but because the resolution is volumetric, there can be a heavy toll to pay in speed and resource use for higher resolutions.
2. Check the Dissolve check box and set the Time to about 10. Also check Slow, which causes the smoke to disappear after the time set. This makes the simulation behave like flame, which disappears quickly as it moves away from its source, rather than smoke, which lingers and hangs in the air.
3. Select the Smoke High Resolution option and choose FFT for Noise Method. Again, this is a closer approximation of the noise patterns of flame than the alternative, Wavelet, which creates a curlier, more smoke-like noise in the simulation.
4. On the Flow object’s Flow properties panel, select the Initial Velocity check box to make the simulation take its initial velocity from that of the particle system.

A domain cube and a flow plane


Settings for the smoke domain

5. Turn your attention to the particle system on the Flow object. Under Velocity, set the Normal value to 3 to make the particles leave the object with a velocity in the direction of the plane’s normals. Also, set the Emission Number to around 50,000. Convincing flame requires fairly dense particle systems, or else the particles will be visible individually at the base of the flame (even at 50,000 particles, this is hard to avoid, but it can be concealed in a variety of ways). The particle settings are shown in .
6. Set up the volumetric material as shown in .

Particle settings


Material settings


This is the point where the fire simulation differs most sharply from ordinary smoke simulation. Rather than a single voxel data texture for smoke, you will use two voxel data textures: one for smoke and one for the flame part of the simulation. The smoke texture will give the simulation its density, and it works similarly to the previous example. The smoke texture values are shown in . Note that the influence is on Density only.

Smoke texture


The fire texture values are shown in (repeated in the color insert of the book). Rather than influencing Density, this texture influences Emission and Emission Color. It also influences Reflection negatively. Fire should emit light, it should be fire-colored (obviously), and it should not reflect light that is shown on it, unlike smoke.

To make the fire texture convincingly fire colored, you’ll use a color ramp. In the Color panel, check the Ramp check box. You can add colors to the ramp by clicking Add and move them right and left along the ramp by clicking the vertical lines representing the color. Refer to the color version of in the color insert of the book to see the colors there. From left to right there you’ll see a transparent (alpha zero) bar, an orange bar, a yellow bar, and a pale whitish bar. These colors from right to left will represent the flame from its base to where it fades into the smoke.

The base of fire and smoke simulations, where the particles are first released, is always the least convincing part of the simulation, because the individual particles are visible. It’s always good to conceal this as much as you can. In this example, I conceal this a bit by placing objects intersecting the flow plane in a way that will break up the base of the flame visually. Of course, fires usually are burning something, so adding objects around the base of a flame usually makes sense. In this case, I simply added a cylinder and duplicated and spun it around with an Array modifier object offset with an empty, as shown in .

Fire texture


Some sticks to burn


Smoke simulations respond to force fields. To give the campfire a more interesting smoke pattern, I added a weak vortex force field, as shown in . The positioning and values for the Vortex object are shown in .

Adding a vortex force field


Positioning and force field values for the vortex


A still render of the finished campfire can be seen in (repeated in the color insert of this book). You can find the .blend file among the downloadable files for this book.

The finished campfire


The Bottom Line

Use the Blender fluid simulator. This chapter discussed Domain, Fluid, Inflow, Outflow, Particle, and Obstacle objects. In the Fluid drop-down, there is one more object type, called Control. This object enables you to use mesh objects to attract or repel fluid for special effects.
Master It Experiment with the Control object type, using an animated Attraction Force Strength value. Create a fluid simulation in which fluid rises from a bath to create a spherical shape hovering above the surface of the bath and then splashes back down from the sphere into the surface it originally came from.
Get the shot. When fluid interacts with obstacles, the fluid resolution becomes especially important. As you saw in the bottle example, obstacles must always be bigger than the size of fluid voxels. Other issues can arise when fluids conform to the shapes of their containers, requiring high-resolution simulations to address the problem.
Master It Set up a fluid simulation to flow from an Inflow to an Outflow object, in the process moving through a clear, curved glass pipe. Make sure that the pipe is fully modeled, with inside and outside surfaces, and that it has enough real geometry to make the fluid conform to its actual shape. (Fluid modifiers cannot be placed below Subsurf modifiers in the stack, so fluid can only interact with the real geometry of obstacles.) What issues arise? Where do you see problems that require higher fluid resolution to solve them?
Simulate smoke and fire. You can have a great deal of control over the behavior of a smoke simulation by manually adjusting the settings of the particle system the simulation is based on.
Master It Using what you’ve learned in this chapter combined with what you learned about particles in Chapter 6, set up a convincing explosion with smoke and flame. For an extra challenge, use a second object with a second particle system to create a double blast, with the two explosions offset in time by a few frames.
Назад: Chapter 6: Working with Particles
Дальше: Chapter 8: Bullet Physics and the Blender Game Engine

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